中国的奇迹:发展战略与经济改革林毅夫, 蔡昉, 李周 著 格致出版社, 上海三联书店, 上海人民出版社
新经济史革命:计量学派与新制度学派隋福民 著 广西师范大学出版社美国新经济史革命包括20世纪50-70年代计量学派诞生阶段和70年代开始的新制度学派兴起阶段。本书旨在研究新经济史革命发生的背景、过程以及代表学者罗伯特·福格尔、道格拉斯·诺思的代表作,以剖析这场革命所带来的新研究方法:反事实度量法、间接计量法等,回答这些研究方法在经济史学中处在什么地位以及如何看待这些研究方法。在此基础上,简要探讨新经济史研究方法对中国经济史研究的影响,以及应用于中国经济史研究时要注意的问题。
后资本主义生活:财富的意义, 经济的未来与货币的时间理论[美]乔治.吉尔德 著;蒋豪 译 浙江人民出版社在这个信息时代,财富的本质在于知识的积累,而经济的增长源自学习和创新的过程。本书以信息论为基础,提出了一种全新的经济学理论,揭示了未来经济的发展方向,强调企业家和创新对经济的作用,带来了关于创新、意外和丰富的新视角。
印度经济简史:1947-2022[印]普拉普雷.巴拉克里希南 著,杨沁 译 中国科学技术出版社本书对印度自1947年以来的经济历程进行了反思,旨在评估印度在多大程度上实现了当初印度独立运动的目标。今天的印度经济快速增长,在农业生产、工业多样化以及高端软件领域取得了瞩目的成就,但是印度的人口发展水平并未随之提升,贫困、教育、医疗、不平等等问题依然严峻。比经济增长更重要的是人口发展,只有当所有印度人都能够追求他们个人所珍视的生活时,印度的经济体制才可以说是真正成功的。
[英]西蒙.克拉克, [英]威尔.劳奇;风君 译 中信出版社
阿布拉吉集团(Abraaj Group)是20多年前海湾地区升起的一颗私募明星,它的创始人阿里夫·纳克维在鼎盛时期管理着近140亿美元的资产,成为国际金融舞台上耀眼的存在。然而,正是这位“关键人”在新兴市场投资领域大放异彩时,被指控存在严重的欺诈行为。这一事件给资本市场造成了震荡,成为“史上大的一场私募股权公司破产案”。
货币新纪元:区块链重塑金融生态[加]唐.塔普斯科特, [加]亚历克斯.塔普斯科特 著;王丹 译 东方出版中心本书深入剖析了区块链技术如何重塑金融业,引领经济和社会的全面转型。本书由区块链研究先锋唐·塔普斯科特、亚历克斯·塔普斯科特撰写,揭示了这一技术如何成为信任的数字基石,推动金融服务向更开放、高效和安全的未来发展。书中探讨了区块链在支付、资产数字化、智能合约和政府服务中的应用,并预见了它在促进金融包容性方面的巨大潜力。对于追求洞见的金融专业人士和对技术变革充满好奇的读者,本书提供了宝贵的知识和启发。
利息的故事:利率背后的金融世界[日]田渕直也 著;樊颖 译 机械工业出版社随着美国40年以来的大幅度加息,全球经济的量化宽松时代终于告一段落,全球主要国家的汇率、股票市场都迎来了巨大的冲击,而利率也通过债券直接引发了美国银行业的危机。但是利率究竟是什么,它是怎么构成的,又是如何影响我们经济的方方面面的,很多时候即便是经济或金融专业的研究生也很难一下子厘清其全貌。本书则全面介绍了利率的历史、计算方式、种类、利率与债券的关系、决定利率的因素、利率如何影响宏观经济,以及当下的低利率时代的经纬和它为什么会画上句号。
四轮驱动:中国汽车产业的数智化创新之路[美]方跃, [中]周频, [中]崔洪波 著 机械工业出版社
吴靖 著 中信出版集团在这本书中,作者遵循时间逻辑顺序,构建了一个完整的分析框架,从“回顾过去”“风起云涌”“变革重塑”“未来潮流”四个视角,深入剖析全球制造供应链的来龙去脉。
[美]克里斯托弗.弗兰克,[美]保罗.马尼奥内,[美]奥代德.内策尔 著;车品觉 译 浙江教育出版社这是一本关于如何平衡数据与直觉做出决策的书,3位专家作者在书中提出一套与众不同的快速决策技能,即定量直觉。定量直觉是一种将数据信息和直觉结合起来做出有效和高效决策的思维方式,这种思维方式能够使得决策者在数据、经验和直觉之间取得平衡,使他们可以迅速整理信息、做出判断、深入审视数据,形成敏锐的洞察力。
梁宁 著 新星出版社本书是作者梁宁沉浸行业多年,用二十年经验写就的心血之作。在这本书中,梁宁围绕“真需求”这一概念,讲解了在商业世界里生存的方法:创造价值,取得共识,获得资源,强化竞争力,构建生存的优势。
咨询的奥秘:寻求和提出建议的智慧[美]杰拉尔德.M.温伯格 著;劳佳 译 人民邮电出版社本书远不只是一本顾问手册,它实际上在告诉人们如何才能掌控自己的成长。
国内外咨询、沟通方面的书籍汗牛充栋,温伯格的《咨询的奥秘》一书自首次出版迄今已近四十年,一直长销不衰。在本书一个个诙谐富有寓意的故事背后,是作者在数十年业界经历中对“咨询”这一过程深刻体察后凝炼出的睿智见解。它们早已超越了咨询行业的界限,相信无论你是“问”还是“答”的一方,本书都能带给你一些启迪。领导力教练:世界著名企业教练们的实践心得[美]马歇尔.戈德史密斯, [美]劳伦斯.S.莱昂斯, [美]萨拉.麦克阿瑟 编著;徐中, 戴钊, 胡金枫 译 人民邮电出版社本书包含了教练基础、领导者的形象、行为改变所面临的挑战和阻力、识别和培养高潜力领导者、付诸行动、教练模型及工具六部分内容,反映了教练技术、心理学和领导力等领域的近期新成果和前沿实践。本书还从多个角度回答了戴维·尤里奇教授提出的教练的三个基本问题:教练活动的成果是什么?一个合适的教练对象的条件是什么?一个卓越的教练需要具备哪些能力?本书是了解高管教练前沿理论与很好实践的佳作。领导力大师沃伦·本尼斯称本书为“高管教练领域的很好合集”。
正向领导:打造高绩效团队的底层逻辑[美]金.卡梅隆 著;于楠 译 中国科学技术出版社本书为企业如何评估正能量,如何运用正能量,如何协助企业领导者发挥正能量,以构建高绩效团队,提高业绩等方面提出了实用的建议。它不但可以作为私营和公共部门成功的重要预测性指标,也可以应用到很多更为具体的情境中,将帮助不同类型企业的领导者、面对困境或面临挑战的个人并提供有用的建议以及经验依据。
[英]马尔科姆·麦克唐纳, [英]贝丝·罗杰斯 著;刘洁 译 北京理工大学出版社本书探讨了赢得关键客户、维持关键客户,与开发关键客户时面临的挑战。它可以应用于企业对企业的销售,但其涉及的原理也适用于向那些一掷千金的个人销售复杂产品与服务。关键客户指那些对供应商而言,仅凭借其自身实力就可当作一个市场对待的重要客户。因而,他们掌握着很大的权力。尽管市场份额及收入增长最终都能实现,但服务关键客户的成本却可能侵蚀公司的利润率,除非能实现完全掌握与管理他们。
会计思维:在职场中掌控全局[日]安本隆晴 著;韩诺 译 中国科学技术出版社这是一本由资深审计专业人士亲授的给非专业会计人员的职场跃迁书,带你深入理解会计思维的精髓。区别于传统会计书籍的枯燥乏味,本书以通俗易懂的语言和生动的案例,为你揭示如何在工作和生活中运用会计思维,实现稳赚不赔的人生目标。你将学会如何从最终结果出发,反推工作和经营的全过程,从而做出更为明智的决策,规避潜在的风险。无论你是希望提升职场竞争力的专业人士,还是渴望改善个人财务管理的普通读者,都能从中学到宝贵的知识和实用的技巧。
抢人数字时代如何快速吸纳精准人才[美]芭芭拉.布鲁诺 著;姚述, 谢名一 译 北京联合出版公司在未来相当长的一段时间内,人工智能都还不能完全取代人的工作。面对纷繁复杂的系统和技术的更迭,现代招聘呈现两个极端——只是掌握了技术的皮毛,但本质上还是过去那一套工作方法;招聘过程过于自动化,缺乏高质量大数据。所以目前人机共舞将是常态:既有需要利用技术来赋能招聘的工作,更有需要依赖于“人情味”来完成的工作。这也是本书的主旨——数字时代的优质招聘,需要高科技 高接触来完成。
邱志伟 著 浙江科学技术出版社本书由拥有20多年办赛经验的体育赛事专家邱志伟倾力撰写,深入剖析了商业赛事的策划、管理和运营的全过程,为赛事操盘新手提供一份详尽的办赛指南,同时也为经验丰富的商业赛事工作者提供新的启发和思考。本书不仅分享了作者亲身经历和总结出的国际赛事的成功方法,还结合中国实际情况,提供了落地的实践经验。不仅涵盖了赛事管理的理论知识,还用丰富的故事和案例,为你提供了商业赛事的推广核心、策划步骤、操盘手的主要工作等问题的解决方案,让你在品牌建设、预算制定、团队管理等环节上如虎添翼。
英伟达之道:黄仁勋和他的科技帝国[美]金泰 著;董世敏, 周康林 译 中信出版社这本书以英伟达创始人兼CEO黄仁勋的果敢决策和战略眼光为主线,全景呈现了英伟达30多年的艰难发展历程,首次公开了英伟达从图形芯片设计公司到AI芯片之王的成功秘诀,各个时期的核心产品研发与企业战略布局,以及多次濒临险境的绝地反击。同时,这本书也探讨了在人工智能技术爆发的大环境下,英伟达如何借势而上,维持其引领地位,以及未来的企业发展规划等。这本书真实讲述了黄仁勋在技术革新、市场搏击、企业管理、人才招聘、股权薪酬激励中的独特智慧和方法,以及他的传奇人生和充满东方色彩的思辨理念等。
巴拉吉预言:技术、真相和构建未来的指南[美]埃里克.乔根森 著;周游 译 中信出版社
银发经济学:老龄时代的商业机会[日]大前研一 著;宋刚, 刘子艺 译 机械工业出版社长寿经济(senior economy)概念是近年来兴起的,它不同于老龄化经济,因为随着科技与社会的发展,人类的寿命大大加长,在越来越多的人有机会享受百岁人生的时代,越来越多人的并不认为长寿等于老龄,虽然面对着衰老与退休后的收入减少等问题,但是人们还是需要享受自己的人生,不愿意自己被当做需要照顾垂垂老矣的老人。而这种新的生活方式,则是长寿经济的根本驱动力。本书源于作者对于长寿经济与长寿单身经济的两篇报告,作者作为一名80岁的知名长寿企业顾问,以积极乐观的态度,讲述长寿经济的产业机会,还有长寿者如何通过拥抱新的观念,使用新的商业服务,来享受人生直至生命的尽头。
被AI控制的潜意识:欧盟《人工智能法案》的法律策略[奥地利]诺思坦 著 上海人民出版社
人类新史:一次改写人类命运的尝试[美]大卫.格雷伯, [英]大卫.温格罗 著;张帆, 张雨欣 译 九州出版社
有为:汉武帝的五十四年戴波 著 北京联合出版公司本书以汉武帝刘彻在位的五十四年作为时间引线,构成一部清晰、充实的汉武帝时代编年史。 作者以当时的时间节奏书写当时的历史,将符号化的汉武帝复原为血肉丰盈、灵魂复杂的刘彻,也描摹了急剧变化的时代中的众生相。 经由本书,每个人都会看到不同的汉武帝,看到不同的汉武帝时代。喜欢英雄叙事的,看到了青年英豪;沉湎悲情主义的,看到了落拓老将;抱持大国情怀的,看到了煌煌盛世;惯于悲天悯人的,看到了无名苍生。
村上春树 著 南海出版公司
周恒星 著 浙江科学技术出版社
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From startup to unicorn:an essential guide to build, scale and sustain value for platform and tech startupsby Anil Sethi SpringerThis book is ideal for entrepreneurs who want to take their startup to the next level and sustain its growth. With a focus on inclusive entrepreneurship and sustaining competitive advantage, it is equally relevant for family-run companies that prioritise sustained value over generations. If you want to succeed in today's highly competitive startup landscape, this book is a valuable resource.
The resilient culture:how collective resilience leads to business successby Liane Stephan, Silke Rupprecht, Chris Tamdjidi and Michael Mackay Richards Kogan PageThis is a groundbreaking guide to lasting success through practical and original frameworks for building resilience at work. It draws upon the authors' experiences of working with leading organizations such as HSBC, Ikea and a leading F1 team to demonstrate the impact of resilient cultures.
Featuring insights on resilient habits, team dynamics and workplace wellbeing, The Resilient Culture draws upon decades of corporate and academic expertise to offer the insights you need to reach new heights of business performance.Transformative marketing:combining new age technologies and human insightsby V. Kumar, Philip Kotler Palgrave MacmillanThis book gives an indispensable guide to navigating the shift in customer behavior and discovers how to rally their resources, cultivate capabilities, and forge strategies that harness cutting-edge technologies. In today's tech-centric world, customers crave lightning-fast digital experiences and demand instant solutions. In response, firms are changing the way they do business by accelerating the application of new age technologies, revamping processes, building new organizational structures, and innovating new business models.
The unaccountability machine:why big systems make terrible decisions--and how the world lost its mindby Dan Davies Profile BooksWhen we avoid taking a decision, what happens to it? In The Unaccountability Machine, Dan Davies examines why markets, institutions and even governments systematically generate outcomes that everyone involved claims not to want. He casts new light on the writing of Stafford Beer, a legendary economist who argued in the 1950s that we should regard organisations as artificial intelligences, capable of taking decisions that are distinct from the intentions of their members.
Business writing with AI for dummiesAI, ChatGPT, and the Race that Will Change the Worldby Sheryl Lindsell-Roberts For DummiesThis essential guide helps business writers and other professionals learn the strengths and weaknesses of AI as a writing assistant. You'll discover how AI can help you by chopping through writer's block, drafting an outline, generating headlines and titles, producing meaningful text, maintaining consistency, proofreading and editing, and optimizing content for search engines. Employees in all industries spend enormous amounts of energy writing, editing, and proofreading documents of all kinds.
Business Enterprises
Supremacy:AI, ChatGPT, and the Race that Will Change the Worldby Parmy Olson St. Martin's Press
In Supremacy, Olson, tech writer at Bloomberg, tells the astonishing story of the battle between these two AI firms, their struggles to use their tech for good, and the hazardous direction they could go as they serve two tech Goliaths whose power is unprecedented in history. The story focuses on the continuing rivalry of two key CEOs at the center of it all, who cultivated a religion around their mission to build god-like super intelligent machines: Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI, and Demis Hassabis, the CEO of DeepMind.
From conflict to convergence:coming together to solve tough problemsby Robert Fersh, Mariah Levison Wiley
In From Conflict to Convergence: Coming Together to Solve Tough Problems, two expert collaborative problem solvers deliver an incisive, hands-on guide to de-escalating conflict and constructively engaging with those you disagree with to find better solutions to problems. In this book full of real-life stories and examples, you'll find a collection of tried and tested strategies you can employ immediately as you negotiate and navigate your most seemingly intractable conflicts. You'll learn how finding what the authors call “higher ground” can advance your interests even when facing people and groups you think you have little in common with and how this can set the stage for longer term cooperation.
World travel:an irreverent guideby Anthony Bourdain and Laurie Woolever Ecco, an imprint of HarperCollinsPublishers
A guide to some of the world’s most fascinating places, as seen and experienced by writer, television host, and relentlessly curious traveler Anthony Bourdain.
Anthony Bourdain saw more of the world than nearly anyone. His travels took him from the hidden pockets of his hometown of New York to a tribal longhouse in Borneo, from cosmopolitan Buenos Aires, Paris, and Shanghai to Tanzania’s utter beauty and the stunning desert solitude of Oman’s Empty Quarter—and many places beyond.
Billionaire, nerd, savior, king:Bill Gates and his quest to shape our worldby Anupreeta Das Avid Reader Press, an imprint of Simon & Schuster
Billionaire, Nerd, Savior, King is an important story of money and government, wealth and power, and media and image, and the ways in which the world’s richest people hold us in their thrall. Drawing upon hundreds of interviews with current and former employees of the Gates Foundation, Microsoft, academics, nonprofits, and those with insight into the Gates universe, Das delves into Gates’s relationships with Warren Buffett, Jeffrey Epstein, Melinda French Gates, and others, to uncover the truths behind the public persona.
Computer Science
The atomic human:what makes us unique in the age of AIby Neil D. Lawrence Public Affairs
From a renowned computer scientist, this book seeks the distinctive human quality that will prevail against artificial intelligence. By contrasting our own intelligence with the capabilities of machine intelligence through history, The Atomic Human reveals the technical origins, capabilities, and limitations of AI systems, and how they should be wielded–not just by the experts, but ordinary people.
Atlas of AI:power, politics, and the planetary costs of artificial intelligenceby Kate Crawford Yale University PressDrawing on more than a decade of research, award‑winning scholar Kate Crawford reveals how AI is a technology of extraction: from the minerals drawn from the earth to the labor pulled from low-wage information workers to the data taken from every action and expression.
Crawford reveals how this planetary network is fueling a shift toward undemocratic governance and increased inequity. Rather than taking a narrow focus on code and algorithms, Crawford offers us a material and political perspective on what it takes to make AI and how it centralizes power. This is an urgent account of what is at stake as technology companies use artificial intelligence to reshape the world.
Own your career:break the corporate blueprint and build your own ladderby Michela Allocca Wiley
In Own Your Career: Break the Corporate Blueprint and Build Your Own Ladder, popular financial analyst and entrepreneur Michela Allocca delivers an exciting new discussion of how to break the corporate blueprint and forge your own path to a fulfilling and rewarding career. You'll learn to find happiness and purpose at work, whether you're interested in climbing the corporate ladder or embarking on a different path.
温铁军,何志雄,严晓辉 著 东方出版社
低空经济:中国经济发展新引擎沈映春,赵雨涵 著 中信出版集团股份有限公司2023年中央经济工作会议提出“打造生物制造、商业航天、低空经济等若干战略性新兴产业”;2024年政府工作报告提出“积极打造生物制造、商业航天、低空经济等新增长引擎”。低空经济不仅从科幻照进了现实,更是成为国家战略层面新的经济增长点。
AI经济学:宏观, 产业与治理分析中金研究院,中金公司研究部 著 中信出版集团股份有限公司本书立足经济与金融、国内与国际,对AI相关的经济问题进行了深入研究,从经济视角探讨本轮AI进步的生产力特点及其对生产关系的冲击,围绕宏观含义、产业影响、治理挑战等问题提供一个系统性、前瞻性、趋势性的分析。本书旨在为社会大众、科研院所、企业与金融机构等提供有关AI经济学的增量观察,希望能为我国指定AI产业化金和产业AI化政策框架及其配套宏观政策,提供来自业界的有益参考。
冯兴元,孟冰 著 上海三联书店本书通过研究解读奥地利经济学和弗莱堡学派经济学等来阐明创造财富的逻辑和共同富裕之路。主要内容有三:一是梳理和评价了奥派经济学、弗莱堡学派等的基本概念、理论和方法;二是解读和阐释了奥地利经济学和弗莱堡学派的理论,包括市场过程理论、竞争秩序理论、企业家理论、自发秩序理论和社会市场经济原则等;三是对一些现实经济问题,诸如数字经济、平台滥用市场地位、比特币等数字货币的产生和运作,做出了独特的分析。作者认为个人的心智和行动本身就创造财富,经济繁荣来自观念和言说的力量。另外,本书将斯密和门格尔整合在一个统一的因果链条里,形成了一个新的经济学认知框架。
债务机器:美国的银行政策与个人陷阱(美)埃琳娜·博泰拉 著,吴士宝 译 中国科学技术出版社
傻钱:社交浪潮与散户革命(美)本·麦兹里奇 著;徐云松,冯毅译 中信出版社2021年,一家名为游戏驿站的实体游戏产品零售商股价低迷,以梅尔文资本为首的华尔街巨头将其股份做空140%;与此同时,一群散户集结在社交网站红迪网(Reddit)的WSB论坛上,在“业余投资者”基思·吉尔的号召下大量涌入买进游戏驿站股票。多方势力纷纷下场,一场史诗级轧空应运而生。知名非虚构作家、畅销书作者本·麦兹里奇以一手访谈资料为基础,分别从小人物和大巨头的视角出发,讲述了这个散户大战华尔街的戏剧性事件。以惊心动魄、扣人心弦的散文形式,向读者展示了在金融史上最动荡的一周里,那些吸引着全美人民的出类拔萃的人物、令人眼花缭乱的波动、企业戏剧以及被低估的美国英雄和女英雄们。
超创者:NFT如何为艺术, 商业和娱乐世界带来革新(美) 爱德华·李 著;孙晓雪 译 中译出版社本书提供了一个新的理论来解释非同质化代币(NFT)的迅速崛起及其对艺术、商业、娱乐和社会的影响,并解释它们如何改变我们对所有权的理解。爱德华·李提出了一种新颖且令人信服的理论——“代币主义”,代币主义是一场席卷艺术、文化和科技领域的运动,它借助NFT实现的科技抽象和人为制造的稀缺,创造了一种新型财产的所有权价值。这种财产以虚拟代币为象征,使得所有权变得虚拟化。爱德华·李还展示了NFT如何创造一种新型去中心化知识产权——De-IP。De-IP赋予了创作者对自己艺术创作和生计的控制权。在这本书中,爱德华·李不仅为我们记录了NFT艺术家的创作百态,还凭借其深刻的洞见和生动的笔触描绘了NFT所蕴含的多样与可持续。
重塑价值:央行, 宏观经济与全球治理(加)马克·卡尼 著; 刘斌,郭梓晗,宫方茗 译 机械工业出版社英格兰银行前行长马克·卡尼从经济学理论的根源:“价值”出发,探讨在新自由主义肆虐、全球化陷入危机、气候变暖问题加剧的时代,我们该如何重塑价值观,并解决困扰我们的经济与环境问题。本书回顾了价值理论的历史,进而讨论了价值理论与货币经济以及社会价值观是如何共同演进的。在本书中,我们能看到价值理论是如何影响人们对金钱、世界的看法,并解释了为什么新自由主义的价值观会带来经济与价值认同等一系列危机。本书倡导在全球治理问题上,例如面对宏观经济问题、气候问题、ESG与企业社会责任问题,我们都需要重新塑造我们的价值理论体系,以正确的价值观重塑全球经济规则,并让我们走向更美好的社会。
柔韧领导:数智时代的六大领导力原则(新加坡)李秀娟 著 电子工业出版社
(英)德里克·S.皮尤,戴维·J.希克森 著;骆南峰 译 北京大学出版社《组织研究中的伟大思想》通过组织的结构、环境中的组织、组织的功能、组织的管理、组织中的决策、组织中的人、组织变革与学习、社会中的组织等8个章节,以一种类似于列传体的方式,简明扼要地介绍了80位组织研究学者在组织行为和管理思想等方面做出的重要贡献。对于学者、学生和管理者来说,《组织研究中的伟大思想》将是不可或缺的案头工具书。通过这样一个浓缩型的知识库,读者可以窥探组织研究主要思想成果的面貌,领略组织研究中伟大思想的精髓。
领导梯队:成为创造价值的领导者(美)拉姆·查兰,斯蒂芬·德罗特,吉姆·诺埃尔,肯特·约纳森 著;杨懿梅 译 中信出版社本书以清晰而系统的方式,明确了不同领导者的工作职责,并指导领导者在不同角色中,转变工作理念,合理分配自己的时间,提升相应的领导技能,从而实现人岗匹配、提升绩效、创造价值。将领导力的发展从传统的六个阶段转变为五个关键角色:初级经理人、中级经理人、职能负责人、业务一把手和企业领导者。强调领导者的角色而非职级,使其不仅适用于层级比较多的传统企业,也适用于层级比较少的创业企业和中小企业。
出海:联想全球化20年实战方法论秦朔 主编;刘利平 著 中信出版集团股份有限公司本书在作者团队深度调研的基础上,用第三方视角完整复盘联想集团20年全球化历程与方法,再现企业出海的难点、要点与可行性路径分析,最终凝练出联想的十条企业全球化法则,覆盖战略、治理、产品、供应链、合规、并购、文化、IT整合、市场、ESG各个维度,为出海者构筑参考路标。
工程师之魂:比亚迪三十而立(1994-2024)秦朔,熊玥伽 著 中信出版集团股份有限公司作者通过对比亚迪创始人王传福以及创始高管、现任高管以及员工的跟踪采访,全景式还原比亚迪30年风雨发展历程,涉及企业文化、技术创新与产品研发、新能源市场战略、组织变革、社会责任、品牌建设及对未来发展的展望。
做实:"专精特新" 企业的成长之道王辉 等著 商务印书馆作为一部面向企业管理者的管理实践著作,本书紧紧围绕“专精特新”这一主题,专注中小企业发展的具体途径和方法,提出了“专精特新”企业必须坚守“做实”这一核心理念。六位作者(北京大学光华管理学院“专精特新”研究团队)通过焦点小组访谈、结构化访谈、现场走访、二手数据整理等定性与定量研究方法,从领导行为、战略模式、营销战略、企业创新、运营管理与组织文化等六个方面对对天智航、奇安信、亿华通等八家“专精特新”企业进行了 的“扎根式”研究,凝练出具有中国特色的“博雅塔模型”,为中小企业成长为“专精特新”提供了清晰的路径和发展模式。
创新者的逆袭 3:新质生产力的十八堂案例课郑刚, 陈劲,尹西明 编著 北京大学出版社本书紧密围绕MBA创新与变革管理、技术创新管理、创业管理、战略管理等相关课程教学目标和有关理论知识,精选了18个中国本土代表性企业或现象级项目的原创案例,包括龙芯中科、钉钉、联影医疗、零跑汽车、中集集团、平头哥半导体、LHD新能源、云深处科技、京东方、用友、谷仓学院、双童、浪潮科创等不同行业、不同类型的创新案例。
相信这些案例不仅能为创新与变革管理领域的广大教师开展生动的案例教学提供丰富素材,也有助于激荡EMBA/MBA学员和经济管理学科研究生、创新实践者的新质生产力思维和颠覆性创新思维,启迪智慧和创新思想火花。市值增长:打造卓越价值管理体系林佑刚 著 机械工业出版社本书基于实战角度,为上市公司的管理者提供一套从理念到行动的市值增长战略管理方法。 为了便于读者理解和感受,本书将前五个章节的内容提炼为“形成好思维、成就好公司、打出好价格、达成好交易、展开好行动”五个方面,并提供第六章的案例研究作为参考,帮助读者构建一套系统的实战化市值增长战略管理体系。
持续共赢:商业生态构建方法论戎珂,施新伟 著 中信出版社作者及其团队在多年一线调研及实践的基础上,特别归纳总结出一套“商业生态构建方法论”,从理论分析、方法论解析、案例研究、落地实践及未来展望等多个层次展开,系统解答了什么是商业生态系统,如何培育商业生态系统等问题,并给出相应的理论、方法和实践路径。通过对微观企业、中观行业、宏观经济三个尺度的典型案例的阐释,本书解答了如何应用此套方法论构建商业生态系统。以期能够为企业、行业和国家推动新兴产业发展提供系统化、专业化的实践指导,助力当前及未来数字经济健康、可持续地高质量发展。
(美) 瑞安·莱韦斯克 著;王正林 译 中国科学技术出版社知识经济时代的创业者常常面临选择的困境,无疑,“定位”成为我们最重要的一环。小到个人做自媒体账号,大到合伙开规模化公司,“定位”一旦错误,很可能导致全局的失败。瑞安·莱韦斯克的《定位选择》,以其独特的视角,帮助我们理解如何通过头脑风暴、测试和选择三个阶段,在创业之初能够快速识别和选择正确的市场,从而降低风险,提高成功率。
(美) 比尔·桑德斯 (美) 弗兰克·莫布斯 著;马艳 译 浙江教育出版社《重新认识谈判》颠覆了传统的非输即赢和双赢两种谈判理念,提出了全新的创造性谈判理念。书中详述了讨价还价模式、创造价值模式和关系导向模式的层次关系,探讨了如何将冲突转化为推动力,从而在竞争与合作的复杂环境中扩大双方价值点,实现有效谈判。书中提供了海量的实战案例,并分别针对3种谈判模式提出了5大策略和技巧。不但可以帮你赢得更多利益,还能助你和谈判对象建立长期战略联盟。
陈吉栋 著 人民邮电出版社本书介绍了数据合规的理论及适用场景,作者探讨了数据、数据管理与纠纷解决等多方面的知识,建立了国内比较完备的数据与数据合规理论体系。对如个人信息、数据交易、数据安全公共数据、数据资产与人工智能生成等内容也进行了专门的讨论。
逃不开的科技创新战争从美索不达米亚到人工智能时代(肯尼亚) 卡莱斯·朱马 著;孙红贵,杨泓 译 中国科学技术出版社
《逃不开的科技创新战争》探讨了科技创新在 600年间如何影响和塑造过去、当下以及未来的社会和经济制度。书中以人造黄油、农业机械化、电力、机械制冷、录制音乐、转基因作物和动物等技术创新为例,揭示了新科技如何诞生、扎根并推动制度变革。为读者提供了一个独特的视角来理解人工智能等现代技术争议的根源,将历史教训与当代问题紧密结合,为理解技术对社会的深远影响提供了宝贵的洞见。本书不仅分析了技术进步带来的经济和政治问题,还深入探讨了技术如何影响文化身份和社会秩序,为读者揭示了技术发展背后的复杂社会动力和潜在的道德困境。
财政密码:中央王朝的财政与兴亡郭建龙 著 中信出版集团股份有限公司
失去的三百年 :地理大发现之后中国的开放与封闭郭建龙 著 浙江人民出版社本书所描写的内容,是追溯从地理大发现到1840年这三百多年里,中国的开放与失败,曾经的盛世到后来的衰败而被动挨打,这个历史期间的客观得失与经验教训。全书分三个部分,第一部分试探的百年,时间从1516年到1644年,从隆庆开关到明末清初,大航海时代以来,中国也曾经生机勃勃充满了希望。第二部分是跌宕的百年,时间从1644到1735年,清朝早期的开放如何发展成中期的封闭的。第三部分是锁死在系统中的百年,时间从1735到1840年,这个时期的西方从大航海走向工业革命,而中国却关闭了大门,直到1840年鸦片战争的爆发。
算法简史 :从美索不达米亚到人工智能时代(英) 克里斯·布利克利 著 中信出版社
The entrepreneurial state:debunking public vs private sector mythsby Mariana Mazzucato Penguin Books
Mariana Mazzucato argues comprehensively against the myth of a lumbering, bureaucratic state versus a dynamic, innovative private sector with remarkable original and deep research. In a series of case studies—from nanotechnology to the emerging green tech of today—Mazzucato reveals that the opposite is true: the private sector only finds the courage to invest after an entrepreneurial state has made the high-risk investments. The Entrepreneurial State reveals how every technology that makes the iPhone so “smart” was actually funded by the government—from the Internet and GPS technology, to touch-screen displays and voice-activated Siri.
Globalization:a key idea for business and societyby Veronica Binda, Andrea Colli Routledge Taylor & Francis GroupGlobalization: A Key Idea for Business and Society analyzes today’s process of global integration. Globalization is seen as a complex phenomenon, the drivers of which are of a technological, institutional, cultural and, not least, political nature.
The book includes a historical analysis of the rise, and fall, of the “first globalization” wave which took place between the end of the Napoleonic Wars and the Great War. The conclusion of the book provides a perspective on the current “globalization backlash”, its determinants and possible future alternative scenarios.
Money:a story of humanityby David McWilliams Simon & Schuster
David McWilliams has written a brilliantly original book exploring our relationship with money and how it sustains the existence of civilisation as we know it. In Money , McWilliams aims to do for cash what David Attenborough did for the to unlock its mysteries, its limitations and its awesome power. We journey all across the world, through the present and the past, to survey the ever-evolving dynamics of money in a way that has never been seen before. We’ll go from the birthplace of money in the Middle East to where trade began along the silk road to China; we’ll explore markets from Marrakech to Wall Street . We’ll uncover the dawn of our relationship with money and track its history to more fully understand man’s current relationship with it, and its impact on the world right now. The story of money is the story of modernity.
Beyond banks:technology, regulation, and the future of moneyby Dan Awrey Princeton University PressA diverse and growing range of financial institutions and platforms—from PayPal and Venmo to WeChat, Alipay, and the brave new world of stablecoins—has harnessed new technology to disrupt the system of money and payments as we know it. Beyond Banks explains why this disruption holds out the promise of faster, cheaper, more convenient, and more secure payments, but also how it increasingly risks exposing consumers, businesses, and governments to the problem of bad money.
Dan Awrey presents ways to effectively unbundle banking from money and payments, ensure the credibility of monetary commitments, and promote the stability of this system. Awrey also envisions a more forward-looking role for policymakers in encouraging greater technological experimentation, competition, and innovation in the realm of payments.
On the hunt for great companies:an investor's guide to evaluating business quality and durabilityby Simon Kold WileyAn unparalleled practical training tool for investment analysis, On the Hunt for Great Companies helps readers move beyond using rules of thumb for companies or investment hypotheses based on broad-level pattern recognition and instead start using a more thorough approach through sophisticated empirical analysis. Readers will learn how to assess all the essential traits of a good business, including passionate management, staying power, abnormal reinvestment options, low dependency risk, and to identify emerging quality.
Getting started with web3 and NFTs:an introduction to virtual goods and tokenisationby Mr Michael Litman BCS, The Chartered Institute for ITAs the world becomes increasingly digitised, non-fungible tokens (NFTs) offer a novel way to represent, authenticate and own unique digital assets providing new commerce opportunities for brands. Getting Started with web3 and NFTs supports professionals navigating this new field and provides guidance on operating within this space, best practices to follow and how to lead others in doing so too. This book also addresses the challenge of navigating the rapidly evolving landscape of NFTs and their impact on brands, consumers and society at large, while helping to provide new and curious consumers with advice on how best to stay safe.
Leading through:activating the soul, heart, and mind of leadershipby Kim B. Clark, Jonathan R. Clark, and Erin E. Clark Harvard Business Review Press
With rich examples and stories, the authors show how deeply ingrained the legacy model of leadership remains and how destructive it is, causing waste and loss of human potential, stifling innovation, and ultimately resulting in what the authors call "organizational darkness." They go on to articulate a new, positive model, one that consciously seeks to do good and to make things better; that cares for people, helping them to thrive; and that mobilizes people to solve tough problems. These three elements, they argue, are the soul, heart, and mind of leadership, and activating them requires careful attention to both the personal and the organizational dimensions of leadership.
The life cycle of a CEO:the myths and truths of how leaders succeedby Claudius A Hildebrand, Robert J Stark PublicAffairsHildebrand and Stark provide insight into how those who thrive push themselves to evolve and master skills for meeting the challenges their companies face, and how they navigate the inevitable personal and organizational crises of corporate life as performance waxes and wanes. This invaluable roadmap for personal growth yields insight needed for navigating crises such as: criticism by stakeholders; when leaders are at the greatest risk of stagnation and firing; and when aversion to risk is likely to turn into a weakness. It provides the foundation for both rookies and seasoned leaders to gain self-insight and self-confidence and unlock both higher individual and corporate performance.
How leaders learn:master the habits of the world's most successful peopleby David Novak, Lari Bishop Harvard Business Review PressThis compilation of wisdom and practical habits from Novak's life and from some of the most successful leaders in the world—CEOs from many industries, military and political leaders, sports greats, experts, and coaches is your active learning practice manual. Chapter by chapter, Novak and his all-star roster of leaders share how they've climbed to the highest levels in their fields. Through stories of wins and losses, missteps and miracle saves, challenges tackled, and problems solved, Novak shows you all the ways, big and small, that you can become an active learner.
The journey to CEO success:7 practices for high growth leadershipby Patrick Thean, Michael Praeger Advantage BooksPack your bags for the transformational quest of leading a fast-growth organization in The Journey to CEO Success. Distilling more than 20 years of experience coaching visionary leaders, executive mentor Patrick Thean identifies seven essential practices that have enabled Michael Praeger to transform AvidXchange from a startup into the billion-dollar public company it is today. This book blends compelling real-world stories with battle-tested tactics to equip entrepreneurs and CEOs to thrive.
The ESG and sustainability deskbook for business:a guide to policy, regulation, and practiceby Kristyn Noeth ApressThis book is a compendium of the international agreements, regulatory advancements, and current practicum to inform a 360-degree viewpoint of the organizations, frameworks, and stakeholders that shape the evolving landscape.
The book provides insights, discussion, and topical briefings as a side-by-side reader to accompany the rise of ESG and sustainability in business and the markets. You will learn about the origins of sustainability in treaties and policy, the differentiation of ESG, sustainability, and social responsibility, and the emerging trends. Readers will examine the respective roles of the corporation, the financial and investment sector, the international bodies, the business interest groups, the NGOs and the philanthropic community.
Harvard Business Review Press Harvard Business Review PressThe HBR Guide to Leading Through Change provides the practical tips, research, stories, and advice you need to understand, communicate, and implement change effectively, no matter the size or scale of the challenge you’re facing. You'll learn to: Improve your odds of success, Communicate a shared vision, Keep going, even amid lags and setbacks, Deal with naysayers and roadblocks, Build trust and resilience on your team, Make a lasting impact. Packed with how-to essentials from leading experts, the HBR Guides provide smart answers to your most pressing work challenges.
Marketing plans:profitable strategies in the digital ageby Malcolm McDonald, Hugh Wilson, and Dave Chaffey WileyIn the Ninth Edition of the bestselling Marketing Plans, a team of celebrated marketing strategists and educators delivers a fully up-to-date version of the leading marketing planning textbook, integrating the latest digital marketing trends. In the book, you’ll find a proven, start-to-finish approach to planning your firm’s marketing, complete with brand-new content on digital and sustainable marketing.
The authors include best-practice guidance on omnichannel management, integrated marketing communications, key account management, and customer relationship management. They also provide a step-by-step process for developing marketing strategy, including methods to create powerful, differentiated value propositions. You’ll discover how to prioritise marketing efforts on the segments and strategies that deliver the greatest returns, while learning from industry leaders on how to embed world-class marketing within your organisation.
The AI edge:sales strategies for unleashing the power of AI to save time, sell more, and crush the competitionby Jeb Blount, Anthony Iannarino WileyDrawing from cutting-edge research and real-world applications, The AI Edge lays out a step-by-step roadmap to sell more with an AI-powered sales strategy. Written by Jeb Blount and Anthony Iannarino―two of the world’s most prolific sales trainers and authors―this book demystifies AI and demonstrates its potential to give you more time to leverage your human advantage and build deeper relationships and winning solutions that give you a leg up over the competition.
From start to finish, this book covers all the practical, real-world use cases of AI that sales professionals need to get more time to sell more. Readers will learn how to automate boring, repetitive tasks, perform extensive analytics and research, build pipeline, craft powerful and unique messaging to stand out from the crowd, and shorten the sales cycle. Prompt engineering tips and tricks are also included to help you get the best possible results from generative AI right out of the gate.
Purpose-driven pricing:leveraging the power of pricing for profit and societal goodby Jagdish N. Sheth, Saloni Firasta-Vastani RoutledgeIn Purpose-Driven Pricing, the authors masterfully demonstrate how pricing can be a powerful tool for good. The book weaves together theoretical insights and practical wisdom, making this book an indispensable resource for marketers, strategists, NGOs, and entrepreneurs. This book is a must-read for any manager looking to align profit with purpose, offering innovative strategies that resonate deeply in today's socially conscious society.
The learning and development handbook:a learning practitioner's toolkitby Michelle Parry-Slater Kogan PageThis updated edition includes a new framework for L&D consulting with advice on how to embed social and digital learning, artificial intelligence, blending learning and how to design more effective, efficient, engaging and enjoyable learning within your organization for improved employee experience and performance. The book also provides guidance on identifying learning needs in an organization, gathering evidence to engage stakeholders, evaluate and measure the effectiveness of learning and align L&D strategy with the overall business strategy.
The ethical imperative:leading with conscience to shape the future of businessby Andrew C. M. Cooper WileyPacked with engaging stories, practical tools, and insights from a seasoned leader determined to revolutionize corporate culture, this book is an essential resource for business managers, executives, entrepreneurs, and anyone aspiring to infuse their commercial endeavors with ethical principles. The Ethical Imperative is more than a book—it's a movement towards the next phase of corporate evolution.
Social Sciences
Tribal:how the cultural instincts that divide us can help bring us togetherby Michael Morris Thesis
Tribalism is our most misunderstood buzzword. We’ve all heard pundits bemoan its rise, and it’s been blamed for everything from political polarization to workplace discrimination. But as acclaimed cultural psychologist and Columbia professor Michael Morris argues, our tribal instincts are humanity’s secret weapon.
Weaving together deep research, current and historical events, and stories from business and politics, Morris cuts across conventional wisdom to completely reframe how we think about our tribes. Bracing and hopeful, Tribal unlocks the deepest secrets of our psychology and gives us the tools to manage our misunderstood superpower.
Computer Science
Thrive:maximizing well-being in the age of AIby Ravi Bapna, Anindya Ghose The MIT Press
Artificial intelligence (AI) is a powerful general-purpose technology that is reshaping the modern economy, but misperceptions about AI stand in the way of harnessing it for the betterment of humanity. In Thrive, Ravi Bapna and Anindya Ghose counter the backlash by showcasing how AI is positively influencing the aspects of our daily lives that we care about most: our health and wellness, relationships, education, the workplace, and domestic life. In the process the authors help explain the underlying technology and give people the agency they need to shape the debate around how we should regulate AI to maximize its benefits and minimize its risks.
by Harvard Business Review Press Harvard Business Review Press
Writing, Presenting, and Communicating with Confidence is filled with practical advice from HBR experts that can help you answer questions such as: How can I prepare for the most difficult conversations? What can I do to improve my writing? What strategies can I use to overcome my anxiety about public speaking? How can I boost my presence and influence through persuasive communication?
Writing, speaking, and communicating with confidence can be intimidating. This book gives you the tools to stand out and deliver your message more successfully.
复杂经济学 :经济思想的新框架(美)布莱恩 阿瑟 著; 贾拥民 译 浙江科学技术出版社
大逆转 :美国市场经济的深层困境(法)托马斯 菲利庞 著; 蒙长玉, 段小力 译 格致出版社 : 上海人民出版社,为什么美国的手机套餐费用要比欧洲贵得多?在为这个简单问题寻找答案的过程中,经济学家菲利庞基于各种实证数据,踏上了一段充满发现的探究之旅,得出了一个令人惊讶的结论:曾经是自由竞争市场模板的美国,正在放弃健康的市场竞争。
(德)马克斯 韦伯 著; 杨一 译 民主与建设出版社《世界经济通史》是德国经济学家、社会学家马克斯·韦伯的代表作,内容是其在慕尼黑大学所作的一系列讲演的笔记汇编,阐述了他毕生关注的课题——资本主义的兴起。
小麦战争 :谷物如何重塑世界霸权(美)斯科特 雷诺兹 尼尔森 著; 黄芳萍 译 中译出版社要了解各个帝国的兴衰史,我们必须循着河流沿岸、港口之间以及横跨海城的粮食贸易路线进行探寻。历史学家斯科特·雷诺兹·尼尔森在《小麦战争》中揭示了:通过努力控制这些路线,可改变世界强国之间的力量均势。
极速应对 :美国应对2007-2009年全球金融危机背后的逻辑(美)本 伯南克, 蒂莫西 盖特纳, 亨利 保尔森 梁内利 编; 孙天琦, 杨柳, 赵冰喆等 译 中信出版社
价值投资3.0 :数字经济时代如何寻找百倍成长股(芬)安蒂 伊尔曼恩 著; 朱俊磊 译 中信出版社本书聚焦数字时代的价值投资,西塞尔继本杰明·格雷厄姆提出价值投资概念(价值投资1.0)、沃伦·巴菲特进化发展价值投资(价值投资2.0)之后,提出并系统阐释了适应数字经济时代的价值投资新理念与新方法(价值投资3.0)。本书为现代投资者提供了他们亟需的理论指导,是一本基于价值的、新时代的股票市场赚钱指南。
预期收益 :在不确定市场创造非凡回报(芬)安蒂 伊尔曼恩 著; 朱俊磊 译 格致出版社 : 上海人民出版社本书基于实证证据,为读者提供了当市场由顺转逆时进行成功投资的行动指南。作者在书中回顾了当前的投资者实践,并围绕在当前市场条件下提高长期收益的主要方法提供了实证证据,其中包括如何进行有效的投资组合构建、风险管理和成本控制实践。
巴菲特的伯克希尔崛起:从1亿到10亿美金的历程(英)格伦 阿诺德 著; 杨天南 译 机械工业出版社本书讲述了巴菲特从 1 亿美元到 10 亿美元的投资历程。更重要的是,它记录了巴菲特在这一历程中的经验教训,给我们展示了最佳的投资路径。
(美)彼得 德鲁克 编; 毕崇毅 译 机械工业出版社
管理 :做最重要的事, 原书第5版(英)理查德 泰普勒 著; 高宏 译 机械工业出版社有些人觉得管理很容易。他们似乎是天生的领导者,不费吹灰之力就能搞定体制、权术、人,达到各种目的。难道他们有什么独家秘籍?我们是不是也能学到这个秘籍?是的!他们的独家秘籍便是《管理:做最重要的事》。这些法则是一些指导原则,这些法则能教你如何激励你的团队以取得好成绩。这些法则会帮助你说正确的话、做正确的事,并让你自如地应对各种情况。
CEO的五大诱惑 :领导者应警惕的人性弱点(美)帕特里克 兰西奥尼 著; 苏进 译 电子工业出版社对于一个CEO来说,职位本身就意味着某种成功,但是为了保住这样的成功,CEO却开始向一直潜藏在意识深处的诱惑低头了。兰西奥尼正是以一种独特的方式揭示了其中的奥秘:企业中无穷无尽的管理危机,往往并不是表面上的战略失误、营销不利、竞争威胁、技术开发上的不智决策等等所致,而是作为管理核心的CEO犯了一些基本的、但是又往往难以正视的错误。
组织行为学 :先知而后行 行必有所为(新加坡)李秀娟 著 清华大学出版社作者李秀娟博士是中欧国际工商学院管理学教授、米其林领导力和人力资源管理教席教授、副教务长(研究事务)、中欧家族传承研究中心联合主任。
本书涵盖了组织管理领域的十二个方面,包括自我管理的起点、压力管理和情绪管理、沟通的技巧、员工激励、冲突的化解、权力和影响力、有效的领导风格、授力与授权、团队的作用、组织文化、组织学习与组织变革以及践行企业社会责任。内容既着力于经验的梳理,又力求进行理论的架构,还特别强调案例的分析和自我技能的测评,使读者能够有效地加强自我认知,并提升管理技能。理论和技巧并重,使得本书既不像纯理论的书那般艰涩,又不像纯技巧的书那样浅显,读者在了解“为什么”之后,还掌握了 “是什么”和 “怎么样”的问题。
指数型组织 :打造独角兽公司的11个最强属性(加)萨利姆 伊斯梅尔, 迈克尔 马隆, 尤里 范吉斯特 著; 苏健 译 浙江科学技术出版社指数型组织是面向互联网社会和共享经济时代的最新组织范式,它将颠覆传统产权意识和科层制框架,以更灵活、更精简、更具创业精神的组织形式,整合全球的资源并实现急速的增长,这是中国企业进一步屹立全球竞争前列的选择。
(美)保罗 林文德, 马哈德瓦 马特 马尼 著; 普华永道思略特中国 译 浙江教育出版社本书由拥有丰富战略和转型咨询经验的两位普华永道美国合伙人合作撰写而成,他们在长达3年的时间里,对世界知名的12家经历过重大变革且取得成功的国际企业展开研究,确定了企业在超越数字化的世界成功转型的7大战略要务,这些要务将为企业取得持久成功提供强有力的指引。
换道赛车 :新能源汽车的中国道路苗圩 著 人民邮电出版社以技术发展为脉络,梳理了汽车行业的百年发展史。经过详实的信息收集,还原了中国新能源汽车产业20余年的关键事件,全书详细介绍国家相关产业政策的出台过程与落实结果,总结汽车企业竞争力升降的经验教训,探索中国汽车强国建设的基本路径,探讨全球汽车产业未来的发展趋势。
创新的方法 :一家百年企业的创新管理实践(英)约翰 贝赞特 著; 陈劲, 庞宁婧 译 机械工业出版社创新非常重要——能够从想法中创造价值,是生存和发展的关键。任何组织都有可能幸运地实现这一过程,关键在于学习和开发特定的工作方法。海拉集团一百多年来的研究和实践经验,提供了一个知识库,我们可以从中汲取营养,帮助我们开发这种方法。
值得信赖的顾问 :成为客户心中无可替代的人(美)大卫 梅斯特, 查理 格林, 罗伯特 加弗德 著; (澳)吴卫军, (英)李东旭 译 机械工业出版社对于需要为客户提供解决方案的人,只在专业领域内精进是远远不够的——成功的关键在于赢得客户的信任。信任让我们理解客户的真实诉求,为我们赢得“说话的权利”,是客户高满意度和高忠诚度的基石。
H2H营销 :开创人本营销新纪元(美)菲利普 科特勒, (德)弗沃德, 乌韦 斯庞霍尔兹 著; 楼尊, 李眺 译 格致出版社 : 上海人民出版社菲利普·科特勒教授将设计思维、服务主导逻辑和数字化三大概念整合起来,并且提出了新的营销范式——H2H营销(人本营销),在转变决策者思维模式的基础上,重新定义市场营销的角色。技术变革不断发生,顾客和市场营销者也在改变,重新审视市场营销恰逢时机。要想为所有利益相关者创造有意义的和创新的价值主张,需要拥有正确的思维模式、正确的管理方法和动态发展的实施过程。
斯坦福大学沟通课 :学会讲话与写作(美)J.D.施拉姆, 卡拉 莱维 著; 包丽歌 译 清华大学出版社作为企业的领导者,你是否时常会感到苦闷:为什么员工无法有效执行你的部署?为什么合作伙伴不肯认同你的策略?为什么客户总是一副漠不关心的样子?本书可以给你答案。
J.D. 施拉姆教授于2007年在斯坦福大学商学院开设此课程,将其多年的教学经验汇集成为本书,为你提供沟通的理论和有效的策略。 本书包括三个部分:第一部分属于理论基础,介绍AIM模型,帮助领导者分析沟通的受众、意图和信息,明确沟通的方向。此外,还提供补充模型:领导力沟通画布模型,将分析流程化,提高沟通效率。 第二部分结合沟通的目标和环境以及沟通者的身份,将理论与实际相结合,提出具体策略。进一步引导读者根据自身特殊性灵活使用模型。 第三部分中,作者强调了沟通培训的重要性,不仅仅是要学会沟通培训中的内容,还要掌握培训本身的方法,真正做到授人以渔。
大后方 :作为稳定器和蓄水池的中国农村杨华 著 东方出版社
人类心理3000年 :从荷马史诗到人工智能(美)托马斯 哈代 黎黑 著; 张豫 译 人民邮电出版社
分类思维 :不确定情境中合理决策的科学与艺术(希)康斯坦丁诺斯 V. 卡齐科普洛斯, (土)奥祖尔 希姆谢克, (德)马库斯 巴克曼, 格尔德 吉仁泽 著; 黄晟昱 译 世界图书出版有限公司北京分公司现实生活中,我们无法在掌握全部信息后进行从容的分析与决策,总是在时间有限甚至紧迫、信息有限甚至匮乏的情形下做出抉择,各种启发式和惯性思维决定了我们的大多数判断和决策。那么,这些基于启发式和惯性思维的分类和决策是否科学?四位德国马克斯·普朗克人类发展研究所成员给出了肯定的回答。
(法)贝尔纳 斯蒂格勒 著; 裴程 译 译林出版社
(美)欧文 拉铁摩尔, 埃莉诺 拉铁摩尔 著; 李稳稳 译, 袁剑 校 上海人民出版社
失衡的世纪 :1820年以来土耳其的发展(土)谢夫凯特 帕慕克 著; 安晶璐 译 中信出版社这是一本全景式解读土耳其经济发展史的书。
(美)彼得 艾肯, 托德 哈伯 著; 上海市静安区国际数据管理协会 译 人民邮电出版社
白色天空下 :当自然不再自然(美)伊丽莎白 科尔伯特 著; 叶盛 译 上海译文出版社
(英)罗杰 彭罗斯, 艾伯纳 西蒙尼, 南希 卡特莱特, 史蒂芬 霍金 著; 阳曦 译 东方出版中心
The world economy and financial system :a paradigm change offering a sustainable approachby Levent Sümer Palgrave Macmillan
This book introduces a new economic and financial system to replace the flawed current system. The past financial crises, including the Great Depression, the Global Financial Crisis, the COVID-19 pandemic, and the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine, have showed us that the global financial system has problems and that a paradigm change and mindset shift to provide a better world to society is essential.
Markets in chaos :a history of market crises around the worldby Brendan Hughes Business Expert PressThe purpose of this book is not to convince the reader to attempt to anticipate the timing of the next market crash, but rather for the reader to be able to draw parallels (and some contrasts) between the different crises in history. The book reviews case studies related to specific macroeconomic event triggers ranging from COVID-19 to hyperinflation.
Readers will come away with extensive knowledge of different market crisis events spread across countries and timelines. The reader will be well versed on important macroeconomic topics such as the history of currencies. Perhaps most importantly, readers will feel better prepared to handle the next market catastrophe.
When the heavens went on sale :the misfits and geniuses racing to put space within reachby Ashlee Vance Ecco, an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers
A momentous look at the private companies building a revolutionary new economy in space, from the New York Times bestselling author of Elon Musk.
With the most detailed and intimate reporting of Vance's career, When the Heavens Went on Sale reveals the spectacular chaos of the new business of space, and what happens when the idealistic, ambitious minds of Silicon Valley turn their unbridled vision toward the limitless expanse of the stars. This is the most pressing and controversial technology story of our time, a tale of fascinating characters chasing unimaginable stakes as they race to space.
Women in family business :new perspectives, contexts and rolesedited by Mary Barrett, Jolien Huybrechts and Jean S.K. Lee. Edward Elgar PublishingThis forward-thinking book provides an invaluable contribution to the burgeoning field of research on women in family business. Combining academic rigour with first-hand narrative accounts, Women in Family Business explores classic family business concerns while considering how gender, feminism and cultural differences play a part in these organizations.
Adopting a multidisciplinary method of enquiry, the book’s editors bring together expert researchers from across the globe to analyse and assess a variety of family business organizations. Chapters explore the gender equality differences between family and non-family firms, daughters’ succession in Chinese family businesses, the development and functioning of spousal ownership teams and how daughters in Saudi Arabian family firms are conquering gender constraints. Through quantitative data analysis, literature reviews and in-depth case studies, this book provides important insights into women in family businesses in specific contexts and offers inspiring suggestions for future research.
Move fast & fix things :the trusted leader's guide to solving hard problemsby Frances Frei and Anne Morriss Harvard Business Review PressSpeed has gotten a bad name in business, much of it deserved. When Facebook made "Move fast and break things" an informal company motto, it fueled a widely held belief that we can either make progress or take care of people, one or the other. A certain amount of wreckage is the price we have to pay for inventing the future.
Leadership experts Frances Frei and Anne Morriss argue that this belief is deeply flawed—and that it keeps you from building a great company. Helping executives and entrepreneurs solve their toughest problems over the past decade, Frei and Morriss learned that the trade-off between speed and excellence is false. The best change leaders solve hard problems with fierce urgency while making their organizations—employees, customers, and shareholders—even stronger. They move fast and fix things.
Leadership revolution :the future of developing dynamic leadersby Lori Mazan WileyIn Leadership Revolution: The Future of Developing Dynamic Leaders, distinguished executive coach Lori Mazan delivers an exciting new approach to leadership development tailor-made for the 21st century. Drawing on lessons learned from coaching top executives for 25 years and from democratizing executive coaching by founding a cutting-edge scalable leadership coaching firm, you’ll learn how to attract and retain talent by accelerating and individualizing their professional growth and how to re-think leadership in the new remote and hybrid work environment.
The strategy legacy :how to future-proof a business and leave your markby Alex Brueckmann Business Expert PressA ground-breaking book at the intersection of strategy and leadership!
This insightful guide provides a proven process for strategy design combined with The Nine Elements of Organizational Identity framework to align action for success. Whether you're a seasoned executive or a budding entrepreneur, this book is packed with valuable resources, practical illustrations, and humorous cartoons.
How to think strategically :upskilling for impact and powerful strategyby Greg Githens Business Expert PressHow to Think Strategically is the ideal primer for those who want to develop their business acumen and make strategic impact. This book will help you understand what it means to “be strategic” and how to craft strategy that is effective, clever, and powerful. It provides numerous real-world examples of individual strategic thinkers in action. Through these examples, you'll gain useful lessons that can be applied in any organization and in your personal life.
by Harvard Business Review Press Harvard Business Review PressEven the best competitive strategies mean nothing if they aren't executed well. Yet many organizations struggle when they move from defining a strategy to actually applying it. Somehow, all the careful planning falls apart, initiatives fail, and leaders are left wondering how to pick up the pieces.
The HBR Guide to Executing Your Strategy is here to help. This book offers leaders and managers tips and advice for sharing the strategy with your employees, making the shift toward the right objectives, and seeing your strategy come to fruition.
by Harvard Business Review Press Harvard Business Review PressAs part of an executive team, you wear many hats. Not only are you responsible for working with other senior leaders to establish strategic goals and ensure their execution, you're also making tough decisions, shaping organizational culture, and communicating regularly with employees.
If you read nothing else on working effectively as an executive team member, read these 10 articles. We've combed through hundreds of Harvard Business Review articles and selected the most important ones to help you build the skills you need as a senior leader and set your team up for success.
The idea chase :seven principles for breakthrough innovationby Albert H. Segars World Scientific"Breakthrough" innovation is often difficult to achieve. Great ideas hide in places that are not obvious. They often first appear as bits and pieces of fragmented ideas rather than something fully revealed. In addition, the story behind chasing ideas is as elusive as the ideas themselves. Some say that breakthrough innovation is magical, unlearnable, or inborn. It is a wonderful fairy tale of inspiration. However, evidence does not fully support the "inspiration" hypothesis. A successful Idea Chase is a combination of inspiration and disciplined hard work. These important ingredients cannot be separated, they work together to reveal something that is unseen by others. Artists, authors, musicians, as well as leaders of some of the most innovative organizations have mastered this approach. It is a skill that can be described, developed, and managed.
As described in this book, the story of innovation is built on seven key principles and a toolbox of supporting methods: Be Ambitious, Create Chemistry, Define Roles and Responsibilities, Build Trust, Lean on Data, Show Perseverance, and Embrace Sacrifice.
Leading in analytics :the seven critical tasks for executives to master in the age of big databy Joseph A. Cazier WileyA step-by-step guide for business leaders who need to manage successful big data projects.
Drawn from best-practice research in the field of analytics, the Manageable Tasks described in this book are specific to the goal of implementing big data tools at an enterprise level. A dream team of analytics and business experts have contributed their knowledge to show you how to choose the right business problem to address, put together the right team, gather the right data, select the right tools, and execute your strategic plan to produce an actionable result. Become an analytics-savvy executive with this valuable book.
The psychology of organizational change :new insights on the antecedents and consequences on the individual's perspectiveedited by Shaul Oreg, Alexandra Michel and Rune Todnem By. Cambridge University PressThis volume brings together recent insights about the psychology of organizational change. The authors are leading scholars in the study of organizational change, taking on a micro-perspective for understanding the process through which responses to change emerge and impact work-related outcomes. Each chapter approaches the topic from a different perspective, highlighting a different aspect of the phenomenon. It is intended for both academic and practitioners who wish to keep up to date about the mechanisms that explain how recipients of organizational change respond to and cope with change.
Centennials :the 12 habits of great, enduring organisationsby Alex Hill Cornerstone PressProfessor Alex Hill has conducted seven years of groundbreaking research into a clutch of organisations that have outperformed their peers for over 100 years - from NASA to the New Zealand All Blacks, from Eton College and the Royal College of Arts to the Royal Marines and the Royal Shakespeare Company. And what he has found is that these very different organisations all share remarkably similar strategies when it comes to building and maintaining excellence and success - strategies that frequently fly in the face of conventional business wisdom.
Here Professor Hill shares the twelve traits that have set these organisations apart for over a century, from the way they analyse success and failure to their approach to finding the best people and the brightest new ideas. In so doing, he identifies the strategies and habits that you can employ in your company to create a strong and stable core and to ensure the same long-term prosperity. In short, he shows you how to build a promising enterprise into an enduring, great organisation.Irresistible :the seven secrets of the world's most enduring, employee-focused organizationsby Josh Bersin Ideapress PublishingIn this leadership book, renowned industry analyst Josh Bersin introduces a new way to think about organizational design, employee engagement, and employee development. Distilled from decades of research and management theory into seven practical yet profound management principles, Bersin outlines how business leaders can create enduring companies that thrive with improved customer satisfaction, employee retention, and business agility.
For the culture :the power behind what we buy, what we do, and who we want to beby Marcus Collins PublicAffairs, Hachette Book GroupThe architect of some of the most famous ad campaigns of the last decade argues that culture is the most powerful vehicle for influencing behavior, and shows readers how to harness culture to inspire other people to share their vision.
We all try to influence others in our daily lives. Whether you are a manager motivating your team, an employee making a big presentation, an activist staging a protest, or an artist promoting your music, you are in the business of getting people to take action. In For the Culture, Marcus Collins argues true cultural engagement is the most powerful vehicle for influencing behavior. If you want to get people to move, you must first understand the underlying cultural forces that make them tick.
Silence kills :communication tactics to speak with confidence and build your influenceby Scott Harvey Morgan James Publishing
As an FBI-trained hostage negotiator and public information officer for 20 years, Scott Harvey built a career on his ability to communicate his way through any crisis. In Silence Kills, he demonstrates how simple (but not easy) it is to communicate through the daily crises that happen in any organization.
Silence Kills takes motivated individuals back to the basics of communication that will work in ANY situation. Harvey’s professional experience shapes his techniques as he outlines how to develop a communication style that works in any situation—especially times of stress.
George Soros :a life in fulledited by Peter L. W. Osnos Platform Books, Harvard Business Review Press
The name George Soros is recognized around the world. At age 91, Soros still looms large on the global stage, and yet the man himself is surprisingly little understood. Asking people to describe Soros is likely to elicit different and seemingly contradictory answers.
Biographers have attempted to tell the story of George Soros, but no single account of his life can capture his extraordinary, multifaceted character. Now, in this ambitious and revealing new book, Soros's longtime publisher, Peter L. W. Osnos, has assembled an intriguing set of contributors. Some have worked closely with Soros, while others have wrestled with issues and quandaries similar to his in their own endeavors. Their collective expertise shines a new light on Soros's activities and passions and, to the extent possible, the motivation for them and the outcomes that resulted.
Computer Science
Web3 :charting the Internet's next economic and cultural frontierby Alex Tapscott Harper Business, an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers
In Web3, award-winning author and technology investor Alex Tapscott provides a cutting-edge guide to the Internet’s next era. Covering everything from the metaverse and non-fungible tokens to DAOs, decentralized finance, and self-sovereign identity, this indispensable, forward-thinking book describes the building blocks and often hidden technologies that will be foundational to our cultural and economic progress.
I, human :AI, automation, and the quest to reclaim what makes us uniqueby Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic Harvard Business Review PressIt's no secret that AI is changing the way we live, work, love, and entertain ourselves. Dating apps are using AI to pick our potential partners. Retailers are using AI to predict our behavior and desires. Rogue actors are using AI to persuade us with bots and misinformation. Companies are using AI to hire us—or not.
In I, Human psychologist Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic takes readers on an enthralling and eye-opening journey across the AI landscape. Though AI has the potential to change our lives for the better, he argues, AI is also worsening our bad tendencies, making us more distracted, selfish, biased, narcissistic, entitled, predictable, and impatient.
Invention and innovation :a brief history of hype and failureby Vaclav Smil The MIT Press
The world is never finished catching up with Vaclav Smil. In his latest and perhaps most readable book, Invention and Innovation, the prolific author—a favorite of Bill Gates—pens an insightful and fact-filled jaunt through the history of human invention.
Drawing on his vast breadth of scientific and historical knowledge, Smil explains the difference between invention and innovation, and looks not only at inventions that failed to dominate as promised (such as the airship, nuclear fission, and supersonic flight), but also at those that turned disastrous (leaded gasoline, DDT, and chlorofluorocarbons). And finally, most importantly, he offers a “wish list” of inventions that we most urgently need to confront the staggering challenges of the twenty-first century.
The microstress effect :how little things pile up and create big problems--and what to do about itby Rob Cross and Karen Dillon Harvard Business Review Press
There's a force we encounter every day that we aren't aware of—and it threatens to derail otherwise promising careers and lives: microstress.
The good news is that once you understand microstress, you can fight back. Drawing on fresh research, Rob Cross and Karen Dillon explain the science behind the phenomenon. They also share the secrets of a small set of people who've endured their share of microstress but have still managed to cultivate relationships that enable them to thrive both at work and in life. Compelling interviews with these high achievers bring to life best practices that show you how to build resilience against microstress and ultimately how to find purpose—purpose that helps you break free from this quietly invasive force that's stealing your life.
(印度)考希克 巴苏, (美) 大卫 罗森布拉特, 克劳迪娅 塞普尔维达 编; 诸葛雯 译 文汇出版社
刚性泡沫 :中国经济的增长和风险朱宁 著 中信出版集团股份有限公司本书是一部深入剖析中国经济刚性泡沫现象的经典著作。其初版发行于2016年,并在 2018 年荣获中国经济金融研究大奖——孙冶方奖,得到了国内学界和政策界的高度认可和肯定。
刚性泡沫指的是受到政策等非经济因素支撑而产生的经济泡沫,源于政府的隐性担保和刚性兑付。它在一定时期内推动了中国经济的发展,但也埋下了众多隐患。尤其在经济增速放缓的情况下,刚性泡沫会影响经济中长期的高质量发展。这本书的初版对刚性泡沫涉及的诸多方面,例如影子银行、房地产市场、A 股市场、国企问题、政府债务问题等进行了深入分析,并提出了相应的改革思路和措施。
生产的政治 :资本主义和社会主义下的工厂政体(英)麦克 布洛维 著; 周潇, 张跃然 译 上海人民出版社工人阶级是否还能成为马克思预言中的历史变革者?
国际贸易 :第2版许斌 著 北京大学出版社作者许斌博士是中欧国际工商学院经济学和金融学教授,吴敬琏经济学教席教授。
支付的故事 :支付方式如何影响个人和国家的"钱袋子"(英)戈特弗里德 莱伯兰特, 娜塔莎 德特兰 著; 李同良 译 中国科学技术出版社
投资界网站 著 人民邮电出版社在这里,发现中国创投行业发展的周期与规律。每一个改变世界的创新背后,有一个风投的故事。
(英)迈克尔 J. 豪厄尔 著; 冯煦明, 郎昆 译 中信出版社全球流动性描述的是通过全球银行体系与批发货币市场流入的信贷和国际资本的总流动。随着各国中央银行积极推行量化宽松政策,工业企业现金充裕,新兴市场投资者的财富水平不断提高,投资的流动性理论变得前所未有的重要。这些贪婪的跨境流动的国际溢出效应引发了资本战争,并暴露了流动性不那么吸引人的一面,即所谓的“风险”。
王的耳语者 :关于领导力, 生活和改变的沉思录(荷)曼弗雷德 凯茨 德 弗里斯 著; 金延芬 译 东方出版社
超级战略家 :创造竞争优势的终极法则(美)辛西娅 A. 蒙哥马利 著 ; 鲍婕, 论璐璐 译 机械工业出版社哈佛商学院战略组前任组长、战略问题专家辛西娅·蒙哥马利在哈佛商学院开设的专门针对(Entrepreneur)、老板(Owner)和总裁(President)的EOP战略课程已经有6年时间,其间千余名来自全球企业的管理者参加了学习,并切实改善了自身企业的经营状况。
共同利益 :企业, 政府和非营利组织的战略选择(美)菲利普 科特勒 著; 邓伟升 译 格致出版社 : 上海人民出版社从营销学视角探究企业、政府和非营利组织能够为推进共同利益,创造一个全人类共有的、更美好的世界做些什么。
在本书中,菲利普·科特勒描述了当今社会如何处于一种 "持久混乱"的状态,贫穷、饥饿、毒品、低水平的教育和医疗问题显现,利益分配问题备受关注。作者详细介绍了马丁·路德·金、纳尔逊·曼德拉等名人使用的公共行动工具,描述了这些改革者的行动所取得的进步,并规划了 "为最大多数人带来最大利益 "的战略。本书强调了 "共同利益 "的作用,并为读者提供了强化民主价值观和创建追求美好世界愿景的组织的指南。
合规管理 :一个首席合规官的工作手记(美) 潘琼 著 机械工业出版社本书作者曾在多家知名跨国企业负责合规工作,并任中外合资企业首席道德与合规官多年,本书融合了作者自己对合规管理理论知识的理解和实际工作的经验,以及一手的合规工作资料,为读者呈现了一个完整而生动的合规管理体系。本书不仅提供了建立合规机制的理论指导,更是一本实务指南,涵盖了供应链安全合规、贸易合规、海外反腐合规等多个领域的实际操作技巧和经验。作者将自己在合规工作中遇到的挑战及其解决方案进行了深入剖析,让读者能够深入了解合规管理的全貌,亲身感受首席合规官工作的紧张与精彩。
全面注册制上市一本通 :流程, 实操与案例鹏拍 编著 机械工业出版社作者在资本市场工作17年,本书体现了其丰富的实战经验。书中全面介绍注册制实施后上市的全流程,详细分析了各种类型的上市方式,并涵盖15类上市重点问题。对于上市的重点事项,包括上市的条件、流程、法规体系、审核实践,拟上市企业如何聘任合适的中介机构、选择最佳的上市时机、确定有效的上市方案、落实恰当的规范计划,书中都做了详细解答。本书理论结合实际,通过大量案例,立体展现了上市操作的全流程。
林雪萍 著 中信出版集团股份有限公司供应链是当前全球经济热议话题。林雪萍先生接触产业20余年,每年深度走访数十家企业,覆盖了供应链链主与链条上不起眼的环节。既有对供应链的一线认知,也有全景的思考框架。这本书从全球制造业的变化切入,结合国际政治和疫情后的新局势,援引大量供应链企业的案例,分析供应链发生的深刻变化。它深度解读了当今时代格局下,中国在全球供应链竞争中的角色,并对未来发展做出推演与展望。作者在书中创造性地提出了新的观测模型,以此判断企业和国家供应链的韧性和抗打击能力。
太古传 :商业帝国200年(英)罗伯特 毕可思 著; 郑植, 苏喜枝 译; 魏微 审译 浙江人民出版社这是一部记述绵延两百年的商业巨无霸太古集团诞生、发展、鼎立的历史巨著。
(芬)阿努 帕塔宁 著; 江琬琳 译 上海译文出版社
逆袭的技艺 :地方政府与中国经济奇迹叶志鹏 著 经济日报出版社
陈吉栋 主编; 徐伟, 徐珉川, 张玲 副主编 中国法制出版社
陈存仁 著 云南人民出版社
(美) 默里 罗斯巴德 著; 帕特里克 纽曼 整理汇编; 粟志敏, 陈玲, 姚晨辉, 蔡建娜 译 上海社会科学院出版社19世纪80年代到20世纪20年代,美国出现了许多社会、政治和经济的改革实践。这个时期被称为“进步时代”。进步时代是美国历史上最具重要意义的时期之一。当时,美国社会正经历从农业社会向工业社会的急剧变革,美国经济迅速发展,但也产生了大量的经济社会问题。传统历史学家认为,反垄断、环境保护、禁酒、妇女参政权、儿童保护、产品质量控制成为当时进步主义改革者的重要选择。
巴勒斯坦人的故事 :流亡者的悲情, 绝望与抗争(美)穆哈迈德 阿里 哈利德 编者; 陈丽蓉 译 浙江人民出版社自1948年以来,战争和占领迫使无数巴勒斯坦人离开了自己的家园和土地,在异国他乡艰难度日。然而,虽然人生遭遇磨难,民族遭受欺凌,但巴勒斯坦人并没有沉沦和抱怨,而是怀着对世界美好的向往,积极抗争,快乐生活。
吕强 著 中国工人出版社
一位中国记者用1123天飞向30个非洲国家和地区,去认识总统、信徒、士兵和路 人,去探寻废墟、家园、城堡和灯塔,去看见星空、裂谷、沙漠和海洋。他投身锐利的当下,又随时进入磅礴的历史,不断走近苦难与挣扎,又不断发现希望与可爱,并且始终相信:无穷的远方,无数的人们,都和你我有关。
边界的诱惑 :寻找南斯拉夫柏琳 著 上海文艺出版社曾经有一个国家,名叫南斯拉夫。它曾经是世界主义的乌托邦实验场,如今,它的形体已不复存在,却给整个东欧留下幽灵般的遗产。
我们仨 :二十周年纪念本杨绛 著 生活, 读书, 新知三联书店
Web3 :科技新趋势(美)克里斯 达菲 著; 陈锐珊 译 浙江大学出版社
本书介绍了互联网的迭代历史、Web 3的核心特征和关键技术,并从构成要素、技术应用、体验感、价值主张、发展尺度等各个维度详细介绍了元宇宙,是一本详尽的技术概述,可以帮助读者搭建新科技认知的框架。本书还探索了数字空间的未来发展,剖析了最前沿的商业实践案例,展现了元宇宙在游戏、娱乐、时尚、人工智能等领域的精彩应用,并指导企业要如何借此机会扩大市场份额,增加营收,实现“持续效用循环”(persistent utility loop)。这是一本帮助企业重塑成长范式的战略指南。
循环 :AI如何影响人类, 人类如何应对AI(美)雅各布 沃德 著; 毛敏 译 中译出版社什么是循环?本书提到三个循环:第一个循环也是最核心的循环,即世代沿袭的人类本能。人类天生具有偏见,而且更倾向于使用大脑的系统行事,在这个过程中,人类原有的偏见进一步被强化,形成第一个循环。第二个循环是来自现代的力量,如消费类技术、资本主义、营销和政治,它们对核心循环的人类行为进行采样,总结出模式,再将这些模式反作用于人类,最终引发了一系列问题。第三个循环,即本书书名所指的循环,是来自人工智能的影响。AI对人类偏见进行采样,总结出规律,最后把这些规律反作用于人类,形成第三个循环。
超越百岁 :长寿的科学与艺术(美)彼得 阿提亚, 比尔 吉福德 著; 程纪莲 译, 马向涛 审校 中译出版社
edited by Cai Fang, Peter Nolan, and Wang Linggui Routledge Taylor & Francis Group
The second edition of The Routledge Handbook of the Belt and Road encompasses the many recent developments across the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) from 2019 to 2021, while retaining the comprehensive introduction to BRI from the first edition.
The Handbook is a comprehensive review of the theory and practice of the BRI, the contributors to which are leading researchers in their fields. It illuminates the intentions and principles, history and current status, basic knowledge and latest studies, and promotion mechanisms on the whole BRI. The book provides an authoritative and up-to-date overview of the BRI, and thereupon an explanatory interpretation of China’s development strategy and international policy stance.
Economics in America :an immigrant economist explores the land of inequalityby Angus Deaton Princeton University PressWhen economist Angus Deaton immigrated to the United States from Britain in the early 1980s, he was awed by America’s strengths and shocked by the extraordinary gaps he witnessed between people. Economics in America explains in clear terms how the field of economics addresses the most pressing issues of our time—from poverty, retirement, and the minimum wage to the ravages of the nation’s uniquely disastrous health care system—and narrates Deaton’s account of his experiences as a naturalized US citizen and academic economist.
Deaton is witty and pulls no punches. In this incisive, candid, and funny book, he describes the everyday lives of working economists, recounting the triumphs as well as the disasters, and tells the inside story of the Nobel Prize in economics and the journey that led him to Stockholm to receive one. He discusses the ongoing tensions between economics and politics—and the extent to which economics has any content beyond the political prejudices of economists—and reflects on whether economists bear at least some responsibility for the growing despair and rising populism in America.
Poor Charlie's almanack :the essential wit and wisdom of Charles T. Mungeredited by Peter D. Kaufman Stripe Press
From the legendary vice-chairman of Berkshire Hathaway, lessons in investment strategy, philanthropy, and living a rational and ethical life.
“Spend each day trying to be a little wiser than you were when you woke up,” Charles T. Munger advises in Poor Charlie’s Almanack. Originally published in 2005, this compendium of eleven talks delivered by the legendary Berkshire Hathaway vice-chairman between 1986 and 2007 has become a touchstone for a generation of investors and entrepreneurs seeking to absorb the enduring wit and wisdom of one of the great minds of the 20th and 21st centuries.
The fund :Ray Dalio, Bridgewater Associates, and the unraveling of a Wall Street legendby Rob Copeland St. Martin's PressLate last year, when the billionaire founder of Bridgewater Associates, the largest hedge fund on the planet, announced that he was stepping down from the company he started out of his apartment nearly 50 years ago, the news made headlines around the world. Dalio cultivated an aura of international admiration and fame thanks to his company’s eye-popping success, coupled with a mystique he encouraged with frequent media appearances, celebrity hobnobbing, and his bestselling book, Principles.
In The Fund, award-winning New York Times journalist Rob Copeland punctures this carefully-constructed narrative of the benevolent business titan, exposing his much-promoted “principles” as one of the great feats of hubris in modern memory―in practice, they encouraged a toxic culture of paranoia and backstabbing.
Private capital :the complete guide to private markets investingby Stefan W. Hepp John Wiley & Sons LtdIn Private Capital: The Complete Guide to Private Markets Investing, renowned private markets investor and expert Dr. Stefan W. Hepp delivers an insightful and comprehensive exploration of the history, nature, and influence of private market investing. The author offers a robust examination of the key practical and conceptual issues faced by investors as they move forward into the future.
In the book, you'll find fulsome discussions of the rise of private market investment following the conclusion of World War II, as well as why the limited partnership became the dominant investment vehicle for private equity. You'll also discover the importance of the convergence of technology, government, academia, and venture capital that came to define what we now know as Silicon Valley.
Take your company global :the new rules of international expansionby Nataly Kelly Berrett-Koehler Publishers
Companies looking to expand used to think about entering international markets, but today you're global from the moment you create a website. Nataly Kelly, Chief Growth Officer at Rebrandly (a global tech company with customers in more than 100 countries) and former VP International Ops and Strategy at HubSpot, says now the goal should be market intensification—building on the presence you already have.
The book is based on Kelly's experiences with building a global business both at HubSpot and as a consultant, but also contains numerous examples from successful global companies of various sizes, such as Airbnb, Canva, Dashlane, GoStudent, Facebook, LinkedIn, Lottie Dolls, Netflix, Revolut, Teamwork, and Zoom. Including information on building a globally minded corporate culture, this is a complete strategic guide to discovering international growth opportunities.
Leading through disruption :a changemaker's guide to twenty-first century leadershipby Andrew N. Liveris HarperCollins LeadershipIn Leading Through Disruption, Andrew Liveris provides a new leadership paradigm for resilience and agility in a rapidly changing world. This book is a must-read guide for leaders in various sectors who are keen on not only ensuring current success, but protecting the planet’s future for everyone. Liveris, who was recently chosen to lead the Brisbane 2032 Olympic Organizing Committee and is former Chairman and CEO of The Dow Chemical Company, presents a variety of powerful tools that will enable you to tackle any problem quickly and responsively, with an eye to creating a more equitable, sustainable future.
Head & heart :the art of modern leadershipby Kirstin Ferguson Berrett-Koehler PublishersIn this ground-breaking book, award-winning leadership expert and business leader Kirstin Ferguson has written a much-needed practical guide for every modern leader. Whether you are the head of one of the largest companies in the world, supervising a small team, or guiding your family, it will be your ability to integrate your head and heart that will influence your success in leading others and navigating our complex world.
Combining studies from leading thinkers in the field with her own research, and more than three decades of personal experience, Kirstin explains the 8 key attributes of a head and heart leader and provides the tools to measure your own approach. Along the way, she shares her conversations with modern leaders from a broad range of backgrounds whose stories will surprise you, challenge your thinking and inspire you to be the type of leader the world needs.Expand the circle :enlightened leadership for our new world of workby Matt Poepsel New Degree PressHow we work and what we expect from our work have changed dramatically-so why hasn't our leadership?
Author Matt Poepsel believes it's time to usher in the next era of leadership. Expand the Circle will transform how you think about your natural leadership ability, equip you with a suite of actionable tools, and inspire you to realize your full potential. With its unique blend of thought-provoking and entertaining stories, compelling research, and hands-on exercises, Expand the Circle is a lively read and a clear roadmap to enlightened leadership.
Scaling people :tactics for management and company buildingby Claire Hughes Johnson Stripe PressFrom a Stripe and Google executive, a practical guide to company building and scaling the most important resource it has: its people.
Scaling People is a practical and empathetic guide to being an effective leader and manager in a high-growth environment. The tactical information it puts forward—including guidance on crafting foundational documents, strategic and financial planning, hiring and team development, and feedback and performance mechanisms—can be applied to companies of any size, in any industry. Scaling People includes dozens of pages of worksheets, templates, exercises, and example documents to help founders, leaders, and company builders create scalable operating systems and lightweight processes that really work.
The strategist's handbook :tools, templates, and best practices across the strategy processby Timothy Galpin Oxford University PressStrategy, an ancient pursuit, has evolved through the centuries and in today's business environment applies to all organizations, across all sectors and geographies.
The Strategist's Handbook is a collection of the best materials, insights, tools, and templates that comprise the core Strategy course taught in the undergraduate, MBA, Executive MBA, and Post-graduate Diploma programs at the Saïd Business School, University of Oxford. Each of the best practices, pitfalls to avoid, tools and templates presented in this book has been field-tested and refined for over three decades while working with for profit, not-for-profit, and government organizations, across multiple industries around the globe to help them develop and implement their strategies.
Enterprise China :adopting a competitive strategy for business successby Allen J. Morrison and J. Stewart Black John Wiley & Sons, Inc.How to adapt your firm’s competitive strategy to the modern reality of Chinese enterprise.
Enterprise China: Adopting a Competitive Strategy for Business Success delivers a roadmap for business executives competing in and with China. Prepared by a team of renowned management researchers and strategists, the book examines the often-misunderstood interconnectedness of the Chinese state and Chinese businesses, demonstrating that individual firms and companies are often just the tip of the iceberg. The authors explain how the overarching vision, ambition, and strategy of the State impact and guide key commercial enterprises and how this affects Western business interests.
by Harvard Business Review Press Harvard Business Review PressGenerative AI, Web3, neurotech, reusable rockets to power the space economy—new technologies like these are reshaping organizations at the hybrid office, on factory floors, and in the C-suite. What should you and your company be doing now to take advantage of the new opportunities these technologies are creating—and avoid falling victim to disruption?
The Year in Tech 2024: The Insights You Need from Harvard Business Review will help you understand what the latest and most important tech innovations mean for your organization and how you can use them to compete and win in today's turbulent business environment.
The heart of innovation :a field guide for navigating to authentic demandby Matt Chanoff, Merrick Furst, Daniel Sabbah and Mark Wegman Berrett-Koehler PublishersFour innovation experts from the startup world, large enterprises, nonprofits, and academia come together to reveal the secret of uncovering authentic demand to build successful innovations.
Books on innovation mostly focus on how to nurture innovative cultures and brainstorm ideas. The Heart of Innovation is the first popular book to concretely delve into what innovations really are and how to create them. Many attempts at innovation fail because customers turn out to be indifferent. The key to success is to uncover unmet authentic demand; what customers cannot be indifferent to. Through fresh case studies, ranging from how SoulCycle revolutionized the fitness industry, to how IBM built an $8 billion business on the Web, to a single mother ending abuse in a slum in Africa, The Heart of Innovation explores how authentic demand is often hidden or taken for granted.
Consulting governance :implementing guidelines for successful projectsby Robert Bodenstein and Josef Herget SpringerEvery consulting project has its governance, which is not always explicitly agreed with the client. This book describes the fundamentals of governance in consulting projects and explains the concept and the concrete implementation in practice. It describes the individual elements of consulting governance and illustrates the implementation with practical examples, accompanied by frameworks, reference models, roadmaps and checklists that facilitate the transfer into practice. In addition, the opportunities and risks of consulting governance are presented from the perspective of both the consulting client and the service provider, and the future of international developments of governance consulting are highlighted.
Can your customer service do this? :create an anticipatory customer experience that builds loyalty foreverby Micah Solomon McGraw-HillCustomer service done right is one of today's most powerful competitive advantages. In Can Your Customer Service Do This, customer service turnaround wizard and renowned customer service training expert Micah Solomon ― who has worked transforming the customer experience for brands from Auberge Resorts to Audi of America, from Cleveland Clinic to the NFL Players Association ― shares everything he knows, and everything you needto know, about how to create a truly Five-Star customer service experience and use it to build sustainable bottom-line success.
This is the first book to move the reader step-by-step toward customer service perfection and true customer-centricity by creating, refining, and synchronizing employee behaviors, systems, and standards to together create the perfect customer service environment and customer experience for your customers.
Business Enterprises
Crash landing :the inside story of how the world's biggest companies survived an economy on the brinkby Liz Hoffman Crown
In Crash Landing, award-winning business journalist Liz Hoffman shows how the pandemic set the economy on fire—but if you look closely, the tinder was already there. After the global financial crisis in 2008, corporate leaders embraced cheap debt and growth at all costs. Wages flatlined. Millions were pushed into the gig economy. Companies crammed workers into offices, and airlines did the same with planes. Wall Street cheered on this relentless march toward efficiency, overlooking the collateral damage and the risks sowed in the process.
Based on astonishing access inside some of the world’s biggest and most iconic companies, Crash Landing is a kaleidoscopic account of the most remarkable period in modern economic history, revealing—through gripping, fly-on-the-wall reporting—how CEOs battled an economic catastrophe for which there was no playbook.
The Bezos blueprint :communication secrets that power Amazon's successby Carmine Gallo Macmillan Business
Jeff Bezos is a dreamer who turned a bold idea into the world’s most influential company, a brand that likely touches your life every day. As a student of leadership and communication, he learned to elevate the way Amazonians write, collaborate, innovate, pitch, and present. He created a scalable model that grew from a small team in a Seattle garage to one of the world’s largest employers.
The Bezos Blueprint by Carmine Gallo reveals the communication strategies that Jeff Bezos pioneered to fuel Amazon’s astonishing growth. As one of the most innovative and visionary entrepreneurs of our time, Bezos reimagined the way leaders write, speak, and motivate teams and customers.
Milton Friedman :the last conservativeby Jennifer Burns Farrar, Straus and Giroux
The first full biography of America’s most renowned economist.
In Milton Friedman, the first full biography to employ archival sources, the historian Jennifer Burns tells Friedman’s extraordinary story with the nuance it deserves. She provides lucid and lively context for his groundbreaking work on everything from why dentists earn less than doctors, to the vital importance of the money supply, to inflation and the limits of government planning and stimulus. She traces Friedman’s long-standing collaborations with women, including the economist Anna Schwartz; his complex relationships with powerful figures such as the Federal Reserve chairman Arthur Burns and the Treasury secretary George Shultz; and his direct interventions in policymaking at the highest levels. Most of all, Burns explores Friedman’s key role in creating a new economic vision and a modern American conservatism. The result is a revelatory biography of America’s first neoliberal―and perhaps its last great conservative.
Computer Science
Unmasking AI :my mission to protect what is human in a world of machinesby Joy Buolamwini Random House
Unmasking AI goes beyond the headlines about existential risks produced by Big Tech. It is the remarkable story of how Buolamwini uncovered what she calls “the coded gaze”—the evidence of encoded discrimination and exclusion in tech products—and how she galvanized the movement to prevent AI harms by founding the Algorithmic Justice League. Applying an intersectional lens to both the tech industry and the research sector, she shows how racism, sexism, colorism, and ableism can overlap and render broad swaths of humanity “excoded” and therefore vulnerable in a world rapidly adopting AI tools. Computers, she reminds us, are reflections of both the aspirations and the limitations of the people who create them.
Welcome to AI :your personal guide to artificial intelligenceby David L. Shrier Harvard Business Review PressArtificial intelligence is driving workforce disruption on a scale not seen since the Industrial Revolution. In schools and universities AI technology has forced a reevaluation of the way students are taught and assessed. Meanwhile, ChatGPT has become a cultural phenomenon, reaching a hundred million users and attracting a reputed $1 trillion investor interest in its parent company, OpenAI.
Welcome to AI provides a rare view into a frontier area of computer science that will change everything about how you live and work.
On the origin of time :Stephen Hawking's final theoryby Thomas Hertog Bantam Books
Perhaps the biggest question Stephen Hawking tried to answer in his extraordinary life was how the universe could have created conditions so perfectly hospitable to life. In order to solve this mystery, Hawking studied the big bang origin of the universe, but his early work ran into a crisis when the math predicted many big bangs producing a multiverse—countless different universes, most of which would be far too bizarre to harbor life.
Holed up in the theoretical physics department at Cambridge, Stephen Hawking and his friend and collaborator Thomas Hertog worked on this problem for twenty years, developing a new theory of the cosmos that could account for the emergence of life. Peering into the extreme quantum physics of cosmic holograms and venturing far back in time to our deepest roots, they were startled to find a deeper level of evolution in which the physical laws themselves transform and simplify until particles, forces, and even time itself fades away. This discovery led them to a revolutionary idea: The laws of physics are not set in stone but are born and co-evolve as the universe they govern takes shape. As Hawking’s final days drew near, the two collaborators published their theory, which proposed a radical new Darwinian perspective on the origins of our universe.
The long view :why we need to transform how the world sees timeby Richard Fisher Wildfire
A wide-ranging and thought-provoking exploration of the importance of long-term thinking.
Richard Fisher takes us from the boardrooms of Japan - home to some of the world's oldest businesses - to an Australian laboratory where an experiment started a century ago is still going strong. He examines the psychological biases that discourage the long view, and talks to the growing number of people from the worlds of philosophy, technology, science and the arts who are exploring smart ways to overcome them. How can we learn to widen our perception of time and honour our obligations to the lives of those not yet born?
经济巨擘 :思想碰撞与传承(美)托德 布赫霍尔茨, 马丁 费尔德斯坦 著; 风君 译 中国科学技术出版社
(英)安格斯 麦迪森 著; 伍晓鹰, 施发启 译, 伍晓鹰 校订 北京大学出版社本书是在长期经济增长领域享有盛名的学者安格斯·麦迪森的代表作之一。作为计量经济史研究领域的里程碑式著作《世界经济千年史》的姊妹篇,本书是关注如何量化长期增长的学者和研究人员不可或缺的参考手册。书中包含一百多个表格以及丰富的数据,并对数据来源和数据计量方法进行了详细和透明的解释。本书既是对《世界经济千年史》一书中所使用的方法和资料来源的补充、更新和修订,也是其重要的延伸。
资本主义现实主义 :私人情绪与时代症候(英)马克 费舍 著; 王立秋 译 南京大学出版社这是一本“令人不安”的小书。一部以身入局、面向当下的反思性著作。从学生“倦怠无聊的脸上”,费舍发现作为数字切片的年轻一代,在娱乐矩阵中沉迷上瘾;在电影《盗火线》《教父》中,发现后福特主义——组织只以利益联结,丧失了教父时代对地方和社群的依恋……在电视综艺中,他发现了遵循享乐原则的媒体,正如投喂我们的保姆,它只告诉观众“感觉和情绪”,媒体场上充斥着自我中心者……
黄群慧 著 中信出版集团股份有限公司发展新质生产力是推动高质量发展的内在要求和重要着力点,必须继续做好创新这篇大文章,推动新质生产力加快发展。
(美)穆瑞罗斯 巴德 著; 余晖, 杨琳 译 中国人民大学出版社
万亿指数 :指数投资如何发明并永久改变金融业(挪威)罗宾 威格斯沃思 著; 银行螺丝钉 译 中信出版社50多年前,一群华尔街叛逆者,在一潭死水的金融业悄悄集结起来,他们都有一个信念:全世界最优秀的投资者也无法长期战胜市场,指数投资将称霸未来。这群人中,有经济学神童尤金·法马、行业领袖约翰·博格、计算机迷约翰·麦克奎恩、前二战潜艇兵内特·莫斯特等。他们发明了指数基金及ETF,并对全球金融业产生了深远且永久的影响。
AIGC重塑金融 :AI大模型驱动的金融变革与实践林建明 著 机械工业出版社本书从技术、应用、安全和监管等维度全面讲解了金融机构应该如何正确地认知和实践AIGC,以此加速实现数字化和智能化。作者有超过20年的金融科技工作经验,同时有丰富的AI大模型创新和应用经验,在本书中,作者将自己的丰富经验、深入洞察以及国内外的经典案例相结合,为金融行业的AIGC实践指明了方向,提供了方法论。
(丹)傅以斌, (美)丹 加德纳 著; 贾拥民 译 浙江科学技术出版社
(美)约翰 科特 著; 耿帅 译 机械工业出版社本书是迄今为止为数不多的专门研究总经理这一特殊职位的专门著作,也是领导与变革权威约翰·科特的成名之作。科特教授在耗时数载对15位不同类型的总经理进行认真考察的基础上,以自己的一手资料写成了这部著作。本书对于指导人们担当总经理这一职位,取得事业的成功,以及甄选、培养、安置这方面的人才,具有实践和学术的价值。
领导力就是说对十句话 :十周年纪念版刘澜 著 机械工业出版社领导力与学习力专家刘澜将领导力定义为:动员群众解决难题。在这八个字中,如果你把握住了领导力的核心——解决难题,就会发现,领导力并不是企业这样的组织中特有的现象,也不是身居高位的人的特权。如何才能更好地发挥领导力呢?刘澜说,发挥领导力需要做十件事,这十件事也叫作“领导力十律”。为了帮助读者应用这“十律”,刘澜为每一律配上一句口诀,并强调,领导力不仅是“做”出来的,也是“说”出来的。一方面,“说”是“做”的一部分。另一方面,“说”也能推动“做”。
(美)卡拉 哈里斯 著; 蒋洁 译 中国广播影视出版社在这本重要的书中,摩根士丹利全球资本市场董事总经理卡拉·哈里斯探讨了从个人贡献者到领导者的历程。她指出了成功者所必需的基本技能,例如承担风险、创造愿景以及利用伙伴关系等资产的重要性。这本书的核心是你每天必须有意识地做好的8件事:磨炼自己、建立信任、携领他人、指引、多样性、创新、包容和话语权。你需要磨炼和践行这些品质才能成为一个强大的人,成为一位有影响力的领导者。她还审视了成为变革型领导者的关键特征,重点关注了她在领导层中看到的可能阻碍或损害领导者效率的不足。
穿越寒冬 :创业者的融资策略与独角兽思维(美 )史蒂文 霍夫曼 著; 周海云 译 中信出版社在这本书中,作者霍夫曼向我们展示了初创企业走向成功的秘诀。他详述了公司要如何创造宝贵的价值;为什么某些商业模式注定成功,而某些注定与愿景背道而驰;扩大公司的规模需要哪些要素;同时,他提醒创业者在什么时候应该孤注一掷。当人人都在感叹创业不易时,霍夫曼却认为,资本寒冬将让市场重回理性。霍夫曼会带你历数实际做生意需要经历的具体细节,会流下的汗水与泪水。无论是在实操层面还是在精神层面,这本书都有着非常大的指导意义,让创业者早日突出重围,超越极限,孕育出下一个商业独角兽。
简祯富 著 中信出版集团股份有限公司本书以半导体产业链的演进为轴线,以产业上下游公司的发展脉络为实例,以作者30多年对台湾制造业的深入观察和研究为基础,提出了台湾半导体产业的制胜之道——“蓝湖战略”,即在市场规模小的细分领域专注利基产品,通过定制化、科学管理、智能科技和自主研发提高相对竞争力,并成为细分市场中的“隐形冠军”。
(美)凯哈 克里彭多夫 著; 吴家喜 译 机械工业出版社如果等着企业家创新,我们就不会有手机、个人电脑或电子邮件。作者根据150多名内部创新者和领先专家的采访以及对当今成功公司(从腾讯和亚马逊到万事达和星巴克)的洞见,为从内部开启创新提供了一个循序渐进的方法。他描绘了阻碍从内部创新的障碍,并提供了消除这些障碍的工具,详细描述了有远见的领导者如何在组织内部创建自由岛,以激活现有员工的潜力,来打破初创者个人的固执己见。对于那些希望在不放弃工作的情况下改变世界的人来说,本书是一个实用的、鼓舞人心的指南。
从报表看企业 :数字背后的秘密 : 第五版张新民 著 中国人民大学出版社本书从管理的视角出发,以作者独创的“八看”分析框架为路径,从战略、经营资产管理与竞争力、效益和质量、价值、成本决定机制、财务状况质量、风险及前景等方面对企业财务报表进行透视。用理论与方法的创新实现了用中国人自己创立的框架分析中国企业财务报表的跨越。读者可以将本书提出的分析框架用于对现有企业的整体分析,具有极强的实战性。
谈判的方法 :让对手获胜 让自己获益(美)迪帕克 马哈拉 著; 赵红梅 译 九州出版社在本书中,哈佛商学院教授、谈判专家迪帕克·马哈拉展示了如何解决最艰难的谈判问题,在看似不可能的情况下获得成功。书中提出了打破僵局、化解冲突的三大关键法则:架构之力、流程之力、同理心之力。用20多个引人入胜的经典真实案例,讲述最基础但也是最关键的谈判方法,引导读者应对一切艰难的谈判局势,且这些方法对于日常生活中的人际交往也同样具有借鉴意义。
全球新常态 :疫情后商业与供应链的重塑(美)尤西 谢费 著; 毛大庆 译 机械工业出版社麻省理工学院的供应链专家尤西·谢费从供应链风险管理视角来看待危机,描绘了新冠疫情对商业、供应链和社会的影响,揭示了供应链在帮助个人、政府和企业应对危机方面的关键作用,进而探讨了企业如何改进供应链管理方式,加强免疫系统,以在充满不确定性和动荡的商业环境中创造更好的未来。谢费教授指出,在充满危机和不确定性的环境中,商业人士和企业家更需要了解未来的情况。这本书旨在帮助企业重新定义它们的商业模式,并适应快速发展的经济形势。
未来工作 :如何设计满意的工作和生活(英)琳达 格拉顿 著; 贾柳麟 译, 风君 校 中信出版社这是畅销书《百岁人生》《长寿人生》的作者在疫情后的全新观察。她发起“未来工作联盟”,将全球90多家企业凝聚在一起,讨论如何设计未来的工作。在这本书中,她用四个步骤搭建简明框架,指导管理者用更少的成本设计更优的组织,让员工就像坐在眼前一样放心办公。她的目标是帮助工作者灵活高效、平衡工作与生活;这样做的同时,也能使企业降本增效,实现精益管理,拿到满意结果。
逐利而生 :3000年公司演变史(美)威廉 马格努森 译; 张洁, 黄志华 译 社会科学文献出版社从传统制造商到新兴科技巨头,公司一直都是历史舞台上备受关注的角色。有人将其视为进步与繁荣的引擎,有人则认为它们不计后果地追求利润,而让整个社会一起来承担发展的成本。公司的本质到底是什么,它们为何存在?
(美)戴蒙 森托拉 著; 姬佳芸 译 中信出版社
压缩现代性下的韩国 :转型中的家族政治经济学(韩)张庆燮 著; 司炳月, 孙彤彤 译 江苏人民出版社现代韩国社会呈现着时间上与空间上的“压缩”:几十年的爆发式经济增长使韩国缩短了社会转型的时间,而在这一过程中,韩国大城市几乎成为复制西方文化和制度的场所。传统和现代、本土和外部,各种元素在韩国社会激烈碰撞。在这个压缩社会之下,韩国仍在强化以家庭为中心的社会秩序。教育政策、女性劳动、财阀家族……家庭关系和利益影响着社会的结构和制度变化。韩国的家庭主义促成了各种发展目标的实现,但与此同时,也让韩国社会产生根本性的问题。
(美)亨利 基辛格 著; 胡利平, 林华 译 中信出版社
薛仁明 著 中华书局
沏 :茶的奇遇(英)亨利埃塔 洛弗尔 著; 胡敏 译 花山文艺出版社
康熙的红票 :全球化中的清朝孙立天 著 商务印书馆
朱国华 著 上海文艺出版社
我看见的世界 :李飞飞自传(美)李飞飞 著; 赵灿 译 中信出版社
芯片的未来 :制衡世界的技术(日)黑田忠广 著; 陆应亮 译 浙江人民出版社
The future of the factory :how megatrends are changing industrializationby Jostein Hauge Oxford University Press
For centuries, industrialization and factory-based production have been core ingredients in economic growth, development, and innovation. This symbiotic relationship between industrialization and economic prosperity is now changing. Four megatrends are particularly worthy of note: the rise of services, digital automation technologies, globalization of production, and ecological breakdown.
In this book, Jostein Hauge provides a novel analysis of how these megatrends are changing industrialization, and charts new pathways for industrial policy and global governance. He also offers a wide-ranging account of the role of technology, globalization, and ecology in shaping the world economy. The Future of the Factory shows that industrialization remains a cornerstone of economic prosperity, but that power asymmetries in the world economy create uneven opportunities for achieving economic growth, development, and industrialization.
Any happy returns :structural changes and super cycles in marketsby Peter C. Oppenheimer WileyIn Any Happy Returns: Structural Changes and Super Cycles in Markets, celebrated author Peter C. Oppenheimer delivers his much-anticipated follow-up to The Long Good Buy. The book discusses how structural changes in macroeconomic drivers, geopolitics, government policy and social attitudes all combine to drive secular super cycles that help to explain investor returns.
Founder vs investor :the honest truth about venture capital from startup to IPOby Elizabeth Zalman and Jerry Neumann HarperCollins Leadership, an imprint of HarperCollins
How many world-changing startups will fail because the founders and investors never figure out how to work together? Founder Elizabeth Zalman and Investor Jerry Neumann square off in this one-of-a-kind book, exposing how startups are built, broken, and fought over.
Founder vs Investor is the brutal truth, from each side’s perspective, of the pitfalls of this tenuous relationship—where bad blood can turn sure things into shattered dreams. It is the only book written by insiders with the temerity to pull back the curtain on the world of high growth venture-backed startups.
The missing billionaires :a guide to better financial decisionsby Victor Haghani and James White John Wiley & Sons, IncThe Missing Billionaires book offers a simple yet powerful framework for making important lifetime financial decisions in a systematic and rational way.
The book is packed with case studies and anecdotes, including one about Victor’s investment with LTCM as a partner, and a bonus chapter on Liar’s Poker. The authors draw extensively on their own experiences as principals of Elm Wealth, a multi-billion-dollar wealth management practice, and prior to that on their years as arbitrage traders– Victor at Salomon Brothers and LTCM, and James at Nationsbank/CRT and Citadel.
The everything token :how NFTs and Web3 will transform the way we buy, sell, and createby Steve Kaczynski and Scott Duke Kominers Portfolio/PenguinNFTs aren’t just pictures on the internet, or a fad that has come and gone. Rather, they're a new technology for creating digital assets and providing irrefutable proof of ownership. NFTs open up markets that have never before existed, and are already revolutionizing commerce and brand-building at everything from hot startups to Fortune 500 companies.
Kominers and Kaczynski have created a framework that explains what NFTs are, why they’re valuable, and how businesses can leverage them to build highly engaged and intensely loyal communities around their products and brands.
Going on offense :a leader's playbook for perpetual innovationby Behnam Tabrizi Ideapress Publishing
Going on Offense is a powerful resource for anyone looking to transform their organization and their people into a perpetual innovator. Based on a comprehensive seven-year study from Stanford University, Going on Offense provides an insider view into the drivers of success and challenges in 26 organizations—including industry giants like Apple, Tesla, Amazon, Microsoft, and Starbucks—along with actionable advice on replicating their winning approaches. In addition, the book highlights the similarities and differences among their five cultures, which, interestingly, mirror the five icons of industry who are leading or led them: Steve Jobs (Apple), Elon Musk (Tesla), Jeff Bezos (Amazon), Satya Nadella (Microsoft), and Howard Schultz (Starbucks). The findings draw on a survey of more than 6,000 executives, academics, and consumers, and interviews with several dozen current and former employees of most of the 26 firms.
All in :how great leaders build unstoppable teamsby Mike Michalowicz Portfolio/PenguinIt’s never been harder building successful teams. With challenges of work-from-anywhere, flex-schedule and generational divides, business leaders bend over backwards searching for solutions that work. They’ve tried everything from food perks and ping pong tables to endless team-building exercises and training—but nothing sticks.
Now, in his long-awaited book for leaders at all levels, bestselling author Mike Michalowicz reveals his proven formula to build an unstoppable team for any work environment. With All In you will discover how to build a team where everyone flourishes–including you.
The leadership pipeline :developing leaders in the digital ageby Ram Charan, Stephen Drotter, Jim Noel and Kent Jonasen John Wiley & Sons, Inc.In the newly revised third edition of The Leadership Pipeline, a team of veteran leadership practitioners delivers a practical and essential framework for identifying future leaders, assessing their competence, planning their development, nurturing their talents, and analyzing the results of your efforts. The work to be done, the required skills, time application, and the necessary work values for each leadership layer are clearly defined for the digital age. The book explains how to integrate your organization’s leadership development process with a succession plan that provides your company with a ready supply of capable leaders.
The future-ready leader :accelerated learning for business successby Peter Lorange and Karin Mugnaini SpringerIf you're a business leader looking to stay ahead of the curve, this book is an essential guide. It offers a comprehensive overview of the major trends shaping the future of business, drawing on reviews of 70 recent management books and interviews with 21 senior leaders.
What sets this book apart is that it's grounded in the real-world experiences of active business leaders. From political affairs to family businesses and everything in between, each of the eight parts offers expert insights on the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. Whether you're seeking to adapt your strategy to the external environment, lead your organization towards fulfilling its mission, or simply stay ahead of the competition, this book has got you covered.
Credible :the power of expert leadersby Amanda Goodall PublicAffairsAmanda Goodall has spent a decade researching what makes organizations tick, everywhere from the business world to hospitals and healthcare systems, football and basketball teams, and Formula 1 organizations. By debunking the cult of managerialism (the notion that smart people can run anything and the emphasis on leadership personality), Goodall reshapes our understanding of bosses and the traits necessary for organizational success. She identifies the key characteristics of expert leaders and provides a real and grossly underappreciated model for career success: "go deep into a business, work hard, pay attention, and know your stuff." Those who run hospitals and healthcare systems, for example, should be physicians with deep clinical expertise, not financiers or people parachuted in from other industries. Those who run school systems and universities need to understand from experience the stress of balancing teaching, research, and student welfare.
The trusted learning advisor :the tools, techniques and skills you need to make L&D a business priorityby Keith Keating Kogan PageWritten by an author with over 20 years of experience in the industry, this book explains what skills are needed by L&D professionals to become strategic consultative partners to the business by driving value for the organization and unlocking human potential. Full of practical tips, tools, and advice, The Trusted Learning Advisor covers everything from strategies for developing key consultative skills needed to build trust and relationships with stakeholders, which is the foundational concept of a Trusted Learning Advisor, to identifying the L&D maturity level of an organization. There is also practical advice on measuring the value of learning and communicating this impact to the organization and connecting the learning strategy to the business strategy.
Brave together :lead by design, spark creativity, and shape the future with the power of co-creationby Chris Deaver and Ian Clawson McGraw HillHow did Apple overcome a culture of secrecy? How did Pixar out-innovate Disney? Why do companies kill creativity? Does Shark Tank teach us something about the way we pursue success that isn't true?
Brave Together is a deep exploration into how we can live and lead as co-creators, filled with unexpected stories, powerful principles, and a future-oriented framework. The authors have pressure-tested this work with startups and Fortune 500s—including Apple. Coaching leaders how to reimagine their approach to culture, converting creative ideas into billion-dollar solutions with the help of these patterns.
by Harvard Business Review Press Harvard Business Review PressCreativity is the key to innovation, but too many projects and teams are organized in ways that stifle new ideas. You need to ensure that creativity can thrive—and that you are part of the process. Fortunately, anyone can use method-driven approaches to teach and learn creativity. The HBR Guide to Unlocking Creativity will show you how to reach your creative potential, manage creative collaboration, and achieve groundbreaking results.
The great digital transformation :reimagining the future of customer interactionsby Gerard Szatvanyi Forbes BooksCreating a website and digitizing processes may have seemed cutting edge at one time; but technologies have continued to advance, and retailers must keep up. Gerard Szatvanyi, an entrepreneur and founder of OSF Digital, a leading Salesforce partner, knows firsthand what it takes to remain on top (and not become obsolete) in today’s connected retail world. Global brands and companies of all sizes have turned to him, time and again, to help them through their own digital transformation journeys. Thanks to the expertise of Szatvanyi and his team, these retailers have been able to avoid the red. Better yet, they have built systems that support customer interactions and enable an integrated, experience-driven path forward.
The future of community :how to leverage Web3, AI, and emerging technologies to grow your businessby John Kraski and Justin Shenkarow John WIley & Sons, Inc.In The Future of Community: How to Leverage Web3 Technologies to Grow Your Business, a team of web3 visionaries and tech-savvy executives delivers a groundbreaking new take on the seismic impact web3 is having―and will continue to have―on our technological and social landscapes. The authors discuss why web3 really is the “next big thing” to shape our digital and offline futures and how it will transform the world.
You’ll discover a whole host of web3 applications poised to excite and disrupt industries around the world, from fan tokens that reshape how we think about interactions between artists and fans to self-sovereign identities on the blockchain that allow you to take full control over how your personal data is used and collected online.
Negotiation essentials :the tools you need to find common ground and walk away a winnerby Keld Jensen McGraw HillNegotiations can be a perplexing and often-intimidating endeavor. Are there aspects about the process that are hiding beneath the surface, unknown to even experienced negotiators? Or insider tools that would change your game considerably? The answer is yes―and they’re all revealed in this practical guide from a world-renowned negotiation expert.
Negotiation Essentials demystifies this all-important subject, helping you break the process down into easily digestible parts. It covers the most important negotiating concepts, including the critical differences among great, good, and bad negotiators; choosing when, where, and how to negotiate; the art of saying no; understanding body language; how emotions, stress, and personal chemistry affect decision making; and behavioral patterns of the most successful negotiator
by Danilo Zatta WileyIn The Ten Rules of Highly Effective Pricing, renowned pricing strategist Danilo Zatta delivers an insightful and effective roadmap to taking control of your organisation’s monetization strategies and boosting profits.
The author explains the 10 key elements to transform your price management; such as making pricing a CEO priority, instilling a culture of profit, selling value, differentiating prices, setting up the pricing governance, avoiding price wars and other rules to help capture opportunities for extraordinary profit and growth that companies not observing these rules simply miss out on.
Redefining retail :10 guiding principles for a post-digital worldby Philip Kotler and Giuseppe Stigliano WileyIn Redefining Retail: 10 Guiding Principles for a Post-Digital World, renowned international marketers Prof. Philip Kotler and Dr. Giuseppe Stigliano deliver a timely and insightful examination of retail and consumer brand marketing. In the book, you’ll find practical and concrete techniques for redefining your organisation’s internal operations and processes, as well as its business strategy. You’ll rethink the entire value chain as you consider the growing importance of sustainability, diversity and inclusion, working policies, and more.
Simply put :why clear messages win--and how to design themby Ben Guttmann Berrett-Koehler Publishers
The most effective communicators in the world all structure their messages the same way, by designing for simplicity. But the problem is, simple is hard work. Our brains are programmed to complicate. Our world incentivizes more, more, more. It takes deliberate, intentional effort to communicate in a way that seems effortless.
In Simply Put, award-winning marketing entrepreneur Ben Guttmann unveils a five-part framework that allows anybody to communicate with clarity. With this book, you'll be able to design messages that are beneficial, focused, salient, empathetic, and minimal - and that work.
Computer Science
Our planet powered by AI :how we use artificial intelligence to create a sustainable future for humanityby Mark Minevich John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
In Our Planet Powered by AI, renowned AI strategist and pioneer Mark Minevich delivers an exciting and practical discussion of how to implement groundbreaking artificial intelligence technologies at every level of your organization. You’ll learn to create sustainable, effective competitive advantage by introducing previously unheard-of levels of adaptability, resilience, and innovation into your company.
Using real-world case studies from a variety of well-known industry leaders, the author explains the strategic archetypes, technological infrastructures, and cultures of sustainability you’ll need to ensure your firm’s next-level digital transformation takes root.
Impromptu :amplifying our humanity through AIby Reid Hoffman with GPT-4 Dallepedia LLCImpromptu: Amplifying Our Humanity Through AI, written by Reid Hoffman with GPT-4, takes readers on a travelog of the future – exploring how AI, and especially Large Language Models like GPT-4, can elevate humanity across key areas like education, business, and creativity.
Along with solutions and opportunities, GPT-4 will also create its own challenges and uncertainties. Impromptu explores how we might address risk as we continue to develop AI technologies that can boost human progress at a time when the need for rapid solutions at scale has never been greater. Impromptu starts the conversation, and invites us to join that conversation to shape our collaborative journey and achieve our destiny.
Patients matter most :how healthcare is becoming personal againby Dr. Lawrence Roseberg Forbes Books
Dr. Lawrence Rosenberg brings a lifetime of experience as a surgeon, medical school professor, and health system CEO to this exploration of every aspect of the changing landscape. Writing in plain language for consumers as well as medical providers, he connects the dots between parallel developments in technology and in healthcare delivery. The result is a wake-up call for healthcare providers to rethink what they do and how and where they do it. Healthcare is only beginning to catch up with other industries in using technologies such as virtual meetings and artificial intelligence, but already these tools are transforming people’s roles. Policymakers and those who train and employ healthcare providers must adapt. But everyone can benefit by better understanding what is happening, when to embrace new ways, and when to be skeptical or cautious.
How to know a person :the art of seeing others deeply and being deeply seenby David Brooks Random House
All around us are people who feel invisible, unseen, misunderstood. In How to Know a Person, Brooks sets out to help us do better, posing questions that are essential for all of us: If you want to know a person, what kind of attention should you cast on them? What kind of conversations should you have? What parts of a person’s story should you pay attention to?
Driven by his trademark sense of curiosity and his determination to grow as a person, Brooks draws from the fields of psychology and neuroscience and from the worlds of theater, philosophy, history, and education to present a welcoming, hopeful, integrated approach to human connection.
Hidden potential :the science of achieving greater thingsby Adam Grant Viking, an imprint of Penguin Random House LLCHidden Potential offers a new framework for raising aspirations and exceeding expectations. Adam Grant weaves together groundbreaking evidence, surprising insights, and vivid storytelling that takes us from the classroom to the boardroom, the playground to the Olympics, and underground to outer space. He shows that progress depends less on how hard you work than how well you learn. Growth is not about the genius you possess—it’s about the character you develop. Grant explores how to build the character skills and motivational structures to realize our own potential, and how to design systems that create opportunities for those who have been underrated and overlooked.
新质生产力 :中国创新发展的着力点与内在逻辑林毅夫等 著; 王贤青 主编 中信出版集团股份有限公司
张军 等著 格致出版社本书从劳动就业制度(如正规性、合同期限、福利等)和劳动力市场结构(如工会、最低工资、集体协商等)等方面,深入研究了中国的工资决定、工资与生产率的关系、劳动份额的演变等,分析结构转型、劳动保护、技术进步和全球化贸易等对中国劳动力市场、工资和就业的综合影响。
本书的研究旨在为党中央提出的多渠道增加城乡居民收入,持续完善初次分配制度、逐步健全再分配调节机制、更好发挥第三次分配作用等目标的实现,提供学术支撑与政策指导。(德)古斯塔夫 冯 施穆勒 著; (英)威廉 阿什利 英译; 严鹏 译注 东方出版中心《重商主义制度及其历史意义》是杰出德国经济学家古斯塔夫·冯·施穆勒的传世名著。全书分七个部分:经济演化的阶段、乡村、市镇、领地邦国、民族国家、重商主义和民族共同体。作者首先提出了经济具有不同演化阶段的论点,然后按时间顺序论述了欧洲经济在不同演化阶段里的发展历程及其主要特征。
香港金融史 :1841-2017冯邦彦 著 东方出版中心
蒋宁 著 中国科学技术出版社本书全面揭示金融领域大模型的应用与发展趋势,也为我国人工智能在金融领域的深层次应用提供创新启示。
(新加坡)伍治坚 著 中国友谊出版公司作为一名基金管理行业的资深从业者,作者通过真实的投资案例,揭秘行业内幕,拆解投资套路,深入剖析人性弱点、市场的不规则性以及利益冲突带来的影响。结合自己多年的投资经验,精炼出“战胜自己、利益绑定、大道至简、分清运气和技能、克服信息不对称”五大投资经验。旨在帮助投资者减少被忽悠的概率,做出明智的投资决策,提高自己的投资收益。
真北 :新兴领导者成长指南(美)比尔 乔治, 扎克 克莱顿 著; 徐中, 朱彩虹 译, 杨斌 审校 人民邮电出版社
真高管 :如何为高效团队搭建舞台(美)理查德 哈克曼 著; 关苏哲, 庄理昂 译 浙江教育出版社哈佛大学社会和心理学教授理查德·哈克曼在其经典力作《真高管》中,探讨了不同组织环境下领导、管理团队,使团队高效运作的一般准则。结合对乐团、航空公司机组成员、经济分析师团队、制造工厂团队等多元化团队的现场研究,哈克曼一针见血地指出,想要让团队更高效,领导者无需事必躬亲,而应像园丁一样,专注于创设条件来培养团队。这些条件包括真正的团队、富有感召力的团队目标、赋能的团队结构、支持性组织环境和专家指导。
竞争优势 :透视企业护城河, 珍藏版(美)布鲁斯 格林沃尔德, 贾德 卡恩 著; 林安霁, 樊帅 译 机械工业出版社在本书中,美国著名经济学家布鲁斯·格林沃尔德教授与合作者贾德·卡恩博士一同为读者提供了一个全新的、简洁的商业战略分析方法。大部分竞争都是围绕价与量的,关于这方面的分析手段及相应的战略制定方法相对完善;竞争对手之间也是可以合作的,这种合作能够做到互利且合法;在日益全球化的经济环境中,绝大多数情况下,竞争优势仍旧植根于局部范围。哪怕是大型跨国企业,也需要深刻理解并保护其赖以成功的局部竞争优势。
共赢 :商业生态与平台战略(美)马尔科 扬西蒂, 罗伊 莱维恩 著; 刘运国, 谢素娟等 译 中国人民大学出版社基于多年的调查与调研,扬西蒂和莱维恩提出了商业生态系统中的企业可以采用网络核心型战略、支配主宰型战略或利基型战略,并探讨了公司如何在生态网络中最有效地运营。每一家企业都置身于商业网络中,它们休戚相关,只有制定正确的战略,整合生态系统中分散的能力,不断创新,才能实现共赢。
美国波士顿咨询公司亨德森智库 著; (美)马丁 里维斯, (法)弗朗索瓦 坎德隆 编; 孙金云 译 中信出版社本书借鉴了波士顿咨询公司亨德森研究所多年来的研究成果,讨论战略在动态、不可预测的环境中的新角色和新作用。
影响力的底层逻辑 :如何让别人信任你, 喜欢你, 帮助你(英)马克 郭士顿, 约翰 厄尔曼 著; 谢幕娟 译 九州出版社本书的两位作者是全世界深受欢迎的商业教练,成功帮助数十家《财富》五百强内训精英人才。他们合力提出“联结 - 影响力”模型,用简明而发人深省的 4 个步骤,持续增加自身价值,寻找有创意的方式吸引 他人与你一道实现更好的结果。
像亚马逊一样思考 :成为数字时代领导者的50 1/2个方法(美)约翰 罗斯曼 著; 陈召强 译 中信出版社通过本书,你将深入了解杰夫·贝佐斯和亚马逊如何保持极其一致的创新方法,探索新市场并促进发展的故事。你还将了解到驱动亚马逊卓越运营的心态和内部运作方式,如何从零开始探索新数字市场到其在创新方面的独特态度。同时,你还将学到一些颠覆性的创新策略,这些策略使亚马逊在激烈的数字世界竞争中脱颖而出。包括用来改变企业文化、将业务拓展到数字领域并成为让客户信赖的平台的可行性思路。约翰·罗斯曼还提供了关于新技术、电子商务营销、在线文化和物联网颠覆的宝贵见解,这些只有亚马逊的内部消息。如果你想在数字时代竞争并取得胜利,你必须像亚马逊一样思考。
别让管理输给不懂财会知识 :管理者决策工具(英)马特 班伯, 西蒙 帕里 著; 梁小清, 胡妮, 陆音 译 金城出版社本书专为提高商业和管理分析能力设计,帮助管理者利用会计和财务工具实现管理优势。
销售加速公式 :如何实现从0到1亿美元的火箭式增长(美)马克 罗伯格 著; 高成资本 译 机械工业出版社作者马克作为软件公司HubSpot全球销售和服务的高级副总裁,以工程师零销售基础的背景,从零开始构建销售团队并开发客户。7年间,他带领了数百名员工在60多个国家发展了首批1万名客户,使公司实现了1亿美元的营业收入。他以工程师的思维方式构建了一套销售公式,来实现可衡量、可预测的收入增长。他的工程视角挑战了很多传统的销售理念,将感性的销售变成理性的方法,任何人都可以复制他的成功。
大洗牌 :汽车行业的生死变局唐柳杨, 武子晔, 魏文, 肖逸思 著 东方出版中心本书聚焦于产业内2019年一2023年的剧烈变革,立体式还原被裹挟在其中的汽车公司与从业者的命运和悲喜,全景呈现智能电动汽车革命下,本土新势力、本土老品牌、传统巨头的崛起与衰落,还有搅局者带来的挑战。这场没有硝烟的战役结局未定,唯一可以肯定的是,汽车市场的格局将被彻底改写,而最终幸存者手中握有市场的真谛与终极的商业规律。
吴晓波 著 中信出版社全书盘点了茅台发展至今的重大事件,梳理企业成长的历程。基于实地调研与核心人物采访,结合财经作家吴晓波个人视角的细致观察和独到思考,从文化积淀到品牌建设,全景式呈现茅台变革历程,并以茅台为轴,回望中国商业与经济体制改革的历史,探寻中国白酒龙头企业驰名全球的秘密,解读中国本土品牌发展创新的成长逻辑。
(美)西蒙 斯涅克 著; 石若琳 译 九州出版社这本在TikTok上吸引了数百万人的书,也是有史以来最受欢迎的TED演讲者之一撰写的——超过5600万次观看。
本书告诉我们,那些在世界上具有最大影响力的领导者都是以同样的方式思考、行动和沟通的——这与其他人的做法恰恰相反。作者将这一强大的理念称为 「黄金圈」,它提供了一个框架,在此基础上,可以建立组织,领导运动,鼓舞人心。而这一切都始于 "为什么"。(美)约翰 麦克斯韦尔 著, 王进杰 译, 杨壮 审校 中国广播影视出版社约翰·麦克斯韦尔认为,“提问”对于问题的解决、各类沟通、人的成长尤其是领导者能力的培养有着非常重要的作用。
葛剑雄 著 北京日报出版社
打破社交媒体棱镜 :探寻网络政治极化的根源(美)克里斯 贝尔 著; 李坤 译 浙江人民出版社我们在现实世界遭受社会孤立之苦,被我们寄予厚望打破隔离的互联网,如今也日益变成充满隔阂与暴力的场所。我们把社交媒体平台的政策和内容分发算法视为罪魁祸首,考虑彻底退网的可能,但本书作者克里斯·贝尔让我们停下来思考另一种可能。利用经过精妙设计的在线实验和深入访谈,他在本书中证明了走出回声室(信息茧房)会使我们更加极化,而不是减少极化。本书挑战了关于回声室、境外势力和激进算法的常见神话,揭示了社交媒体的功能更像是一面棱镜,它扭曲了我们的身份认同,增强了追求地位的极端派的力量,让温和派几乎隐形;而政治部落主义的解决之道,就在我们自身深处。
王汎森 著 生活, 读书, 新知三联书店
(美)许倬云 著 南海出版公司“我要从世界看中国,再从中国看世界。”
盛世 :西汉 康乾侯杨方 著 中信出版社西汉与康乾是对现代中国影响很深的两个时期,作者以这两段历史发育、壮大和衰落的过程为主线,全景描绘了社会上升时期所特有的帝王英武、人才迭出、生产富足、开疆拓土的盛大气象以及潜在的种种危机。书中既有对人性、历史事件的剖析,也侧重于从人口、经济、环境的角度阐释历史,探究历史深层次的运行机制。
蔡澜 著 浙江人民出版社
拐点 :站在AI颠覆世界的前夜万维钢 著 台海出版社
AI向善 :以人为中心的人工智能(美)本 施耐德曼 著; 张缦绮 译 中国科学技术出版社本书主要介绍了以人为中心的人工智能(HCAI)的理念和方法,旨在为人工智能系统的设计开辟新可能。书中展示了HCAI在包括教育、医疗、娱乐、交通等领域中的应用,强调了如何将人工智能与人类价值相结合,以实现更好的人类发展。本书为构建可靠、安全和值得信赖的应用提供了一个全面的指南。
上海市静安区国际数据管理协会 编著 人民邮电出版社首席数据官(Chief Data Officer,CDO)是数字时代的产物,它在数字化转型的过程中,以及在转型成功后的数字经济中,都会起到关键作用。本书旨在建立一套相对完整的关于首席数据官的知识体系,帮助读者更好地参与数字时代的发展。
by Tao Wang Routledge
In this book, Tao Wang innovatively weaves the multiple strands of China’s economy into a holistic and organic tapestry that gives us unique insights from both a Chinese and an international perspective.
This book is critical reading for business leaders, investors, policymakers, students, and anyone else hoping to understand China’s economy and its future evolution and impact, written by a specialist who has studied the country from both inside and out.
The corporation and the twentieth century :the history of American business enterpriseby Richard N. Langlois Princeton University PressThe twentieth century was the managerial century in the United States. An organizational transformation, from entrepreneurial to managerial capitalism, brought forth what became a dominant narrative: that administrative coordination by trained professional managers is essential to the efficient running of organizations both public and private. And yet if managerialism was the apotheosis of administrative efficiency, why did both its practice and the accompanying narrative lie in ruins by the end of the century? In The Corporation and the Twentieth Century, Richard Langlois offers an alternative version: a comprehensive and nuanced reframing and reassessment of the economic, institutional, and intellectual history of the managerial era.
Token economy :how the Web3 reinvents the Internetby Shermin Voshmgir Token Kitchen
This is the second edition of the book "Token Economy" originally published in June 2019. The basic structure of this second edition is the same as the first edition, with slightly updated content of existing chapters and four additional chapters: "User-Centric Identities," "Privacy Tokens," "Lending Tokens," and How to Design a Token System and more focus on the Web3.
This book attempts to summarize existing knowledge about blockchain networks and other distributed ledgers as the backbone of the Web3, and contextualize the socio-economic implications of the Web3 applications such as smart contracts, tokens, and DAOs to the concepts of money, economics, governance and decentralized finance (DeFi).
Sustainable :moving beyond ESG to impact investingby Terrence Keeley Columbia Business School PublishingIn Sustainable, a finance-industry veteran offers an insider’s look at the promises, prospects, and perils of ESG investing.
Proposing practical, actionable, and in many cases profitable solutions to social and environmental problems, Sustainable offers an incisive vision of the roles business and finance can and should play in building a flourishing society.
Chaos kings :how Wall Street traders make billions in the new age of crisisby Scott Patterson ScribnerSome put their faith in ‘black swans'— unpredictable, catastrophic events that can't be foreseen but send exotic financial instruments screaming in high-profit directions — while others cling to the hope that paying close attention to the data will foreclose any true surprises from happening.
Author Scott Patterson gained exclusive access to Universa strategists and met with savvy seers in a variety of fields, from earthquake prediction to counterterrorism to climatology, to see if it's actually possible to bet on disaster — and win. Riveting, relevant, and revelatory, this is a must-read for anyone curious about how some of today's investors alchemise catastrophe into profit.
Understanding organizations...finally! :structuring in sevensby Henry Mintzberg Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc.
Welcome to Understanding Organizations . . . Finally! For half a century, Mintzberg has been observing organizations, advising them, engaging them, and escaping them. Here he offers a masterful update and revision of his 1983 classic, Structure in Fives.
Lead through anything :harness purpose, vitality, and agility to thrive in the face of unrelenting changeby Dustin Seale and Ed Manfre McGraw HillLead Through Anything focuses on a wide variety of skills, such as aligning people and energy to a common cause, building effective teams and helping them work together more selflessly, establishing positive confidence more often in oneself and others, increasing engagement and retaining top talent, and shaping a positive, impact-driven organizational culture.
The value of values :how leaders can grow their businesses and enhance their careers by doing the right thingby Daniel Aronson The MIT PressWritten by a measurement pioneer and one of the world’s foremost experts on making ethical business count, The Value of Values trains leaders to respond smartly and credibly to today’s challenges, transforming how business can and should be done.
The steadfast leader :control anxiety, make confident decisions, and focus your team using the new science of leadershipby Randy Brazie and Geoffrey VanderPal McGraw HillWith their combined expertise in both business and medicine, Dr. Geoffrey VanderPal and Dr. Randy Brazie frame the latest scientific understanding of the human nervous system, drawing on Polyvagal Theory to show how the brain and the gut (connected by the vagus nerve) make decisions together. Helping to put an end to the tension caused by "either-or," they show how using "both-and" works better in every situation. Packed with eye-opening research, case studies, and relatable examples from the business world, The Steadfast Leader provides practical, cutting-edge neuroscientific concepts to help you stay focused and make better decisions―for yourself, your team, and your organization.
Venture meets mission :aligning people, purpose, and profit to innovate and transform societyby Arun Gupta, Gerard George, and Thomas J. Fewer University PressThe world is facing dramatic geopolitical, environmental, and technological shifts. Venture Meets Mission argues that if Business, Government, and Society come together, rebuild trust, and collaborate, we have a generational opportunity to address societal challenges―climate change, cybersecurity, disease outbreaks, food insecurity, and education. The book explains, with hope and passion, how our existing entrepreneurial ecosystem, with the ideals of democracy, can be the foundation for a new mission-driven capitalism.
Scaling altruism :a proven pathway for accelerating nonprofit growth and impactby Donald Summers WileyIn Scaling Altruism: A Proven Pathway for Accelerating Nonprofit Growth and Impact, veteran social impact advisor and entrepreneur Donald Summers delivers a comprehensive, step-by-step blueprint to transforming small or mid-size nonprofit into an impactful and extraordinary agent of change. The book contains templates, tools, exercises, and crystal-clear implementation guides that readers can apply immediately to begin scaling their social impact organization.
Open talent :leveraging the global workforce to solve your biggest challengesby John Winsor and Jin H. Paik Harvard Business Review PressIn this eye-opening, essential guidebook, John Winsor and Jin Paik, with their work at the Laboratory for Innovation Science at Harvard, show how the massive reset of the pandemic allowed talented workers everywhere to exit their jobs without leaving the workforce.
With rich stories, keen insights, and an abundance of practical advice, Winsor and Paik provide a new framework and operating model for transforming your organization into a talent-orchestrating, problem-solving machine.
Breakthrough supply chains :how companies and nations can thrive and prosper in an uncertain worldby Christopher Gopal, Gene Tyndall, Wolfgang Partsch and Eleftherios Iakovou. McGraw Hill EducationBreakthrough Supply Chains provides a comprehensive view of end-to-end supply chains and dispels the common myths about them. It provides “breakthrough thinking” principles that address critical topics for enterprise and public policy.
Whether you are a business executive, manager, government agency leader, or member of the interested public, Breakthrough Supply Chains reinvents the supply chain with far-reaching effects. This is your go-to guide.
by Harvard Business Review Press Harvard Business Review PressGenerative AI: The Insights You Need from Harvard Business Review will help you understand the potential of these new technologies, pick the right Gen AI projects, and reinvent your business for the new age of AI.
Building a data culture :the usage and flow data culture modelby Gary W. Griffin and David Holcomb ApressIn today's fast-paced digital landscape, organizations face an ever-increasing volume of data that holds immense potential for driving business success. However, many businesses struggle to harness this potential due to a lack of understanding and effective utilization of data within their culture. This book is a comprehensive guide that unveils the transformative power of data and provides actionable insights to cultivate a data-driven organizational culture.
The ultimate guide to storytelling in business :a proven, seven-step approach to deliver business-critical messages with impactby Samir Parikh John Wiley & Sons, Inc.In the book, you’ll learn how to create compelling presentations, write persuasive reports, and convey important messages in meetings with stories that capture the attention of your audiences.
Perfect for managers, directors, executives, as well as early career professionals, The Ultimate Guide to Storytelling in Business is a can’t-miss resource for generating impact and getting your ideas recognized.
by Harvard Business Review Press Harvard Business Review PressThe HBR Guide to Critical Thinking will help you navigate your most challenging issues, from difficult problems to tough decisions to complex scenarios. By carefully observing the situation, gathering information, inviting other perspectives, and analyzing what's in front of you, you can move forward with confidence while building this crucial leadership skill.
Statistical thinking :analyzing data in an uncertain worldby Russell A. Poldrack Princeton University Press
Statistical thinking is increasingly essential to understanding our complex world and making informed decisions based on uncertain data. This incisive undergraduate textbook introduces students to the main ideas of statistics in a way that focuses on deep comprehension rather than rote application or mathematical immersion. The presentation of statistical concepts is thoroughly modern, sharing cutting-edge ideas from the fields of machine learning and data science that help students effectively use statistical methods to ask questions about data. Statistical Thinking provides the tools to describe complex patterns that emerge from data and to make accurate predictions and decisions based on data.
Computer Science
The AI playbook :mastering the rare art of machine learning deploymentby Eric Siegel The MIT Press
In The AI Playbook, bestselling author Eric Siegel presents the gold-standard, six-step practice for ushering machine learning projects from conception to deployment. He illustrates the practice with stories of success and of failure, including revealing case studies from UPS, FICO, and prominent dot-coms. This disciplined approach serves both sides: It empowers business professionals, and it establishes a sorely needed strategic framework for data professionals.
by John K. Thompson Manning PublicationsThe data you generate every day is the lifeblood of many large companies—and they make billions of dollars using it. In Data for All, bestselling author John K. Thompson outlines how this one-sided data economy is about to undergo a dramatic change. Thompson pulls back the curtain to reveal the true nature of data ownership, and how you can turn your data from a revenue stream for companies into a financial asset for your benefit.
Digital empires :the global battle to regulate technologyby Anu Bradford Oxford University Press
Digital societies are at an inflection point. In the midst of these unfolding regulatory battles, governments, tech companies, and digital citizens are making important choices that will shape the future ethos of the digital society. Digital Empires lays bare the choices we face as societies and individuals, explains the forces that shape those choices, and illuminates the immense stakes involved for everyone who uses digital technologies.
Same as ever :a guide to what never changesby Morgan Housel Portfolio/Penguin, an imprint of Penguin Random House LLC
With his usual elan, Morgan Housel presents a master class on optimizing risk, seizing opportunity, and living your best life. Through a sequence of engaging stories and pithy examples, he shows how we can use our newfound grasp of the unchanging to see around corners, not by squinting harder through the uncertain landscape of the future, but by looking backwards, being more broad-sighted, and focusing instead on what is permanently true.
Shanghai manual :a guide for sustainable urban development in the 21 century . 2023 annual reportedited by Shanghai Municipal People's Government Shanghai Science and Technology Press
Since 2011, in order to inherit the spiritual heritage of the Shanghai World Expo, Shanghai has jointly revised the Shanghai Handbook with the United Nations Human Settlements Programme and the National Exhibition Bureau in a "five-year editor in chief, annual report" model. Through the joint efforts of all parties, the Shanghai Handbook has become an updated international document of the United Nations, a working document for implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the New Urban Agenda, and an important platform for cities in various countries to showcase sustainable development achievements and share experiences.
The future of business journalism :why it matters for Wall Street and Main Streetby Chris Roush Georgetown University PressBusiness owners, consumers, and employees have long relied on the news to make financial decisions―what to buy, who to hire, and what products to sell. In the twenty-first century, that news has shifted. Only the big businesses and executives can afford expensive subscriptions, while most consumers and small business owners are left scrambling to find the news they need to succeed and thrive. The Future of Business Journalism explores how the field evolved into this divide and offers solutions on how business journalism can once again provide the stories and content that a broad society needs.
(美)约瑟夫 斯蒂格利茨 著; 黄菊, 杨睿 译 机械工业出版社
资产负债表衰退 :日本在经济学未知领域的探索及其对全球的启示(美 )辜朝明 著 ; 刘元春等 译 上海财经大学出版社经济学家辜朝明在本书中深入探讨了传统经济解决方案在应对大衰退和疫情后经济与社会问题方面的失败。他从资产负债表衰退和全球资本竞争的初始概念入手,解释了大衰退为何持续如此之久,以及为何过去行之有效的良好政策如今却不再奏效。
发展与超越 :中国式现代化的核心问题与战略路径刘元春, 丁晓钦 著 中信出版集团本书从理论基础、核心问题和战略实施三个方面分别阐述了中国式现代化的意义内涵、重点问题和实现路径。作者多年来从事宏观经济和政治经济学研究,运用马克思主义政治经济学基本理论和中国特色社会主义政治经济学最新成果,从理论与实践层面对如何认识中国式现代化、当前中国式现代化进程中存在哪些问题和挑战、如何在党的领导下推进中国式现代化进程进行深入分析。
资本5000年:资本秩序如何塑造人类文明彭兴庭 著 中国友谊出版公司
(美)杰夫 格拉姆 著; 陈祺祺, 路本福 译 中国科学技术出版社本书以跨越百年的视角,按时间坐标轴将本杰明·格雷厄姆、沃伦·巴菲特、罗斯·佩罗、卡尔·伊坎等投资大师从未发表过的原创信件与作者杰夫·格拉姆精湛的学术及专业洞察力相结合,深入剖析了20 世纪不同时代关键的董事会斗争。
(美)凯伦 G. 米尔斯 著 ; 袁伟 译 机械工业出版社在这本书中,美国小企业资深管理者和哈佛商学院高级研究员凯伦·G.米尔斯专注于小企业对资金的需求,以及技术将如何改变小企业贷款市场。米尔斯描绘了金融科技是如何改变并将继续改变小企业贷款的,以及金融创新和明智的监管如何能够恢复一条通向经济复兴的道路。书中探讨了小企业对经济的广泛意义、信贷市场的历史作用、创新周期的动态以及监管的政策影响。
从挑战者到独角兽 :专精特新小巨人的崛起中欧国际工商学院 著 机械工业出版社
妙趣横生博弈论 :事业与人生的成功之道(美)阿维纳什 K. 迪克西特, 巴里 J. 奈尔伯夫 著; 董志强, 王尔山, 李文霞 译 机械工业出版社耶鲁大学教授奈尔伯夫和普林斯顿大学教授迪克西特的这本著作,用许多活生生的例子,向没有经济学基础的读者展示了博弈论策略思维的道理。人生是一个永不停息的决策过程。从事什么样的工作,怎样打理一宗生意,该和谁结婚,怎样将孩子抚养成人,要不要竞争总裁的位置,都是这类决策的例子。你不是在一个真空的世界里做决定。相反,你身边全是和你一样的决策制定者。虽然冲突的成分很多,但是合作的因素也不少。本书将帮助你学会策略性地思考,在人生博弈中扩大赢面。
(美)蕾切尔 帕切科 著; 宋瑶 译 浙江教育出版社成为管理者,意味着要学会处理一大堆事:做出决策、提升绩效、激励团队、制定目标、构建团队文化……但在高速发展的企业中,充足的时间和试错的机会都非常奢侈。沃顿商学院管理学教授帕切科希望帮助管理新手在更加轻松的状态下,快速变得卓有成效,她将自己十多年的实践经验悉数总结到这本书中。
创新的历程 :技术创新的起源、战略和执行(美)梅利莎 A. 席林 著; 陈劲, 刘沐洋 译 机械工业出版社《创新的历程:技术创新的起源、战略和执行》是享誉世界的创新战略方面的著作。它将创新管理作为一个战略管理过程组织起来:从评估形势的竞争动态到战略制定,再到战略实施。第7版已全面修订,新增了奈飞、优步、苹果等公司的最新案例,从而确保框架和工具的严格和全面,数字和案例代表最新的信息。
(美)约翰 S. 哈蒙德, 拉尔夫 L. 基尼, 霍华德 雷法 著; 王正林 译 机械工业出版社本书作者是3位决策领域的资深专家,都拥有超过40年的研究和实战经验,因帮助客户解决困难决策问题而知名。他们将从多年来有关决策的教学和著作中学到的东西,以及亲自参与的上千次涉及个人、家庭、公司、非营利机构和政府重要决策的咨询实践经验,提炼精华,简明地呈现给读者,成就了这本经典实用的决策指导书。
高绩效教练 :原书第5版, 典藏版(英)约翰 惠特敏 著; 徐中, 姜瑞, 佛影 译 机械工业出版社教练技术是顺应了知识经济时代对领导和管理的呼声,集现代心理学、神经科学和领导力研究之大成,应运而生、乘势而上发展起来的一种管理技能。本书以GROW教练模型,即目标(goal)、现状(reality)、选择(option)、意愿(will)作为教练逻辑,引用职场及运动场上的例子,清晰阐述了教练的理念和技巧。本书是教练与领导领域经典之作,被译为30多种语言,畅销全球120个国家。
成为顶尖咨询师 :从销售到交付(英)卡尔弗特 马克汉姆 著; 韩凝, 李倩, 王梦琦 译 北京时代华文书局咨询师卡尔弗特拥有40年的咨询经验,在世界各地培训了数千名咨询顾问,而本书也是作者多年实践咨询经验的结晶,再版至此已是第七版。本书涉及咨询的两个主要过程,即交付咨询项目和销售咨询项目。书中详细介绍了交付咨询项目的五个步骤、营销与销售咨询项目的内容以及具体可操作的分析和收集数据的工具和技术,并介绍了如何向客户做报告、如何积极对客户施加影响、如何培训客户员工、如何经营咨询业务、咨询师的职业发展路径等。
财务数字化 :全球领先企业和CFO的经验(英)米歇尔 哈普特 著; 王兆蕊 译 机械工业出版社本书通过对全球领先企业的众多领导者,特别是CFO进行深入访谈,总结了他们关于财务数字化转型的实践经验。全书从工程师、企业家、经济学家三个视角,讨论财务可以做些什么为建设数字化组织奠定基础,并重点讨论了财务领导者在推动业务增长和绩效方面可以发挥的作用。通过改变战略、运营绩效对话以及建立以增长和学习为导向的绩效文化,财务可以成为推动企业转型的关键杠杆。
(美)迈克 帕顿, 丽莎 冈萨雷斯 著; 张宏宇, 刘寅龙 译 中国科学技术出版社薄弱的流程会造成管理内耗、人员依赖、业务增长放缓甚至停止,隐性成本不断累积。而强大的流程则能帮助企业突破瓶颈,持续增值,吸引更优秀的人才,从容应对产业升级与转型。本书清晰阐释了构建、维护和优化公司核心流程的重要性,对于加速组织进步和提升效率具有根本性作用。
(德)赫尔曼 西蒙, 杨一安 著 广东人民出版社价格专家赫尔曼·西蒙利用定价体系研究通货膨胀的一本新著。书中重点梳理通过定价系统对抗通货膨胀的决定性要素,并结合企业的销售、财务、采购、生产、研发、人力资源乃至企业文化等各个方面提出行之有效的调整措施,为企业在高度不确定环境下立于不败之地提供有价值的管理参考。本书的核心观点具备普适性,联席作者杨一安对中文版内容进行了必要修订,对照中国和国外企业经营的有益实践,补充符合中国市场显示情况的应对措施等,更能体会西蒙教授的管理思想精髓。
(美)丹尼尔 平克 著; 闾佳 译 中国财政经济出版社全球50位最具影响力的商业思想家之一、畅销书《驱动力》《全新思维》作者丹尼尔·平克经典力作《全新销售》重磅来袭。平克在书中以其一贯的商业敏锐性和洞见性,大胆提出:每9个人里就有1人从事销售,但另外8个人同样在销售。在GPT时代,传统销售已走向没落,我们正处在非销售的销售的勇敢新世界。最富成效的卖家,无不是先服务,再销售。
触发 :驱动客户本能购买和追随(美)南希 哈胡特 著; 吕晓潇, 朱智萌 译 中国科学技术出版社本书展示了如何将行为科学原理应用于营销的关键领域,包括营销传播、电子邮件、直邮和广告活动、社交媒体营销和销售漏斗转换策略。还揭示了如何通过科学证明的原则,如自主性偏差、叙事和冯·雷斯托夫效应,提高消费者的参与度,传达排他性和可取性,并促使客户采取行动和保持忠诚度。
谎言与真相 :美国历史上的假新闻与假新闻业(美)安迪 图赫尔 著; 孙成昊, 刘婷 译 中译出版社
(美)安宇敬 著; 陈晓宇 译 浙江教育出版社
梁庚尧 著 东方出版中心
本书起始于新石器时代华北、华南农业村落的兴起,结束于近代中国的社会变迁,以社会组织和结构为核心,探讨了中国历史上的重要议题:农业村落的兴起与土地制度、租佃制度的演变; 封建社会、门第社会、科举社会出现的时代背景,及士人、士族、士绅的社会角色;古代氏族与国家形成的关系和家族 制度的变化;城市性质的演变与工商业的盛衰、复振;人口的变动及其对社会中心转移的影响;汉末道教在传统社会中的根源;佛教社会力量的发展、限制;民间秘密宗教的活跃与其对社会的影响;宗教、家族、政府、士人、商人对推动社会福利与互助的贡献;清末民初,中国社会在西方政治、经济、文化影响下的剧变……
埃及7000年 :人类漫长而灿烂的文明(埃及)杰森 汤普森 著; 刘梦迪 译 浙江人民出版社本书以前所未有的广度,生动地讲述了关于埃及上下数千年的广博历史,带领读者穿越埃及历史的长廊——从神秘的古埃及前王朝来到21世纪的阿拉伯埃及共和国。文笔行云流水,内容严谨可靠。作者首次对埃及历史做全景图式的研究,为大众读者提供了一部引人入胜的、讲述尼罗河流域人类漫长历史进程的单卷记叙巨作,凸显了法老的古老土地与现代阿拉伯国家之间惊人的紧密联系。
(美)德克 斯迈利 著; 汪幼枫, 吴鑫磊 译 浙江教育出版社
量子霸权 :量子计算机革命如何改变世界(美)加来道雄 著; 苏京春 译 中信出版社
(美)瓦伦蒂娜 阿尔托 著; 郭涛, 李静 译 人民邮电出版社本书先概述生成式人工智能所涉及的技术和工具,帮助你了解如何训练模型以生成新数据;接着展示如何用 ChatGPT 提高营销、科研和软件开发等相关工作的生产力和创造力;随后介绍如何通过改进提示设计从与 ChatGPT 的交互中获得最佳效果,以及如何在企业级场景中使用 OpenAI 模型。
通过阅读本书,你可以了解生成式人工智能的相关概念,以及如何通过有效的提示设计最大化ChatGPT的价值,如何基于Python语言构建和部署生成式人工智能系统,如何利用 Azure OpenAI 服务实现企业级应用。
利用Python进行数据分析 :原书第3版(美)韦斯 麦金尼 著; 陈松 译 机械工业出版社本书作者 Wes McKinney 是 Python pandas 项目的创始人。本书对 Python 数据科学工具的介绍既贴近实战又内容新颖,非常适合刚开始学习 Python 的数据分析师或刚开始学习数据科学和科学计算的 Python 程序员阅读。读者可以从 GitHub 获取数据文件和相关资料。第3版针对 Python3.10 和 pandas1.4 进行了更新,并通过实操讲解和实际案例向读者展示了如何高效地解决一系列数据分析问题。读者将在阅读过程中学习新版本的 pandas、NumPy、IPython 和 Jupyter。
(美)埃德温 汤普森 杰恩斯 著; 廖海仁 译 人民邮电出版社
未来医疗 :传感器, 人工智能与即将到来的医学革命(美)贾格 辛 著; 希瑞 译 中信出版社
How economics can save the world :simple ideas to solve our biggest problemsby Erik Angner Penguin Business
With a healthy dose of optimism, and packed with stories of economics in everyday situations, Erik Angner demonstrates the methods he and his fellow economists use to help improve our lives and the society in which we live. He shows us that economics can be a powerful force for good, awakening the possibility of a happier, more just and more sustainable world.
Strategy beyond markets :political economy from the firm's perspectiveby Nicola Giuseppe Persico Cambridge University PressAll businesses operate under a set of rules – laws and regulations – that occasionally require updating. Improving these 'rules of the competitive game' can, sometimes, be vital for a business or industry to survive. Strategy Beyond Markets explains how the rules of the competitive game are changed, and what role the business sector can play in this change. Through the analysis of case studies, a new discipline called Strategy Beyond Markets is presented.
The problem of twelve :when a few financial institutions control everythingby John Coates Columbia Global Reports
A “problem of twelve” arises when a small number of institutions acquire the means to exert outsized influence over the politics and economy of a nation.
The Big Four index funds of Vanguard, State Street, Fidelity, and BlackRock control more than twenty percent of the votes of S&P 500 companies—a concentration of power that’s unprecedented in America. Then there’s the rise of private equity funds such as the Big Four of Apollo, Blackstone, Carlyle and KKR, which has amassed $2.7 trillion of assets, and are eroding the legitimacy and accountability of American capitalism, not by controlling public companies, but by taking them over entirely, and removing them from public discourse and public scrutiny.
This quiet accumulation in the last few decades represents a dramatic transformation in how the American economy operates—a sea change that few of us have noticed and all of us need to consider. Harvard law professor John Coates forcefully calls our attention to what is sure to be one of the major political and economic issues of our time.
NFTs for business :a practical guide to harnessing digital assetsby Ahmed Bouzid, Paolo Narciso and Steve Wood ApressUnderstanding what core problems NFTs solve and how they solve them will enable business leaders to design solutions and to put together the teams that will help them deliver on the promises of NFTs. This book is focused on explaining what NFTs are, what problems they solve, and what what technology makes them possible. It provides the larger technological, economic, and political context within which NFTs are emerging.
Fusion strategy :how real-time data and AI will power the industrial futureby Vijay Govindarajan and Venkat Venkatraman Harvard Business Review Press
Tech giants like Facebook, Amazon, and Google can collect real-time data from billions of users. For companies that design and manufacture physical products, that type of fluid, data-rich information used to be a pipe dream. Now, with the rise of cheap and powerful sensors, supercomputing, and artificial intelligence, things are changing—fast.
In Fusion Strategy, world-renowned innovation guru Vijay Govindarajan and digital strategy expert Venkat Venkatraman offer a first-of-its-kind playbook that will help industrial companies combine what they do best—create physical products—with what digitals do best—use algorithms and AI to parse expansive, interconnected datasets—to make strategic connections that would otherwise be impossible.
by Harvard Business Review Press Harvard Business Review PressIf you read nothing else on artificial intelligence and machine learning, read these 10 articles. We've combed through hundreds of Harvard Business Review articles and selected the most important ones to help you understand the future direction of AI, bring your AI initiatives to scale, and use AI to transform your organization.
Generative AI in practice :100+ amazing ways generative artificial intelligence is changing business and societyby Bernard Marr WileyIn Generative AI in Practice, renowned futurist Bernard Marr offers readers a deep dive into the captivating universe of GenAI. This comprehensive guide introduces you to the basics of this groundbreaking technology and outlines the profound impact that GenAI will have on business and society. Professionals, technophiles, and anyone with an interest in the future will need to understand how GenAI is set to redefine jobs, revolutionize business, and question the foundations everything we do.
Spatial computing :an AI-driven business revolutionby Cathy Hackl and Irena Cronin WileyWritten by Irena Cronin, renowned consultant in the immersive space, and Cathy Hackl, globally recognized tech & gaming executive, futurist, and speaker, Spatial Computing: An AI-Driven Business Revolution reveals exclusive insider knowledge of what's happening today in the convergence of AI and spatial computing. Spatial Computing is an evolving 3D-centric form of computing that uses AI, Computer Vision, and extended reality to blend virtual experiences into the physical world, breaking free from screens into everything you can see, experience, and know.
Digital transformation success :achieving alignment and delivering results with the process inventory frameworkby Michael Schank ApressDiscover the key to digital transformation success in this comprehensive guide. In today's rapidly advancing technological landscape, companies are promised innovative business models, enhanced customer experiences, and productivity improvements through digital initiatives. However, it's disheartening that 70% of these endeavors fail to meet their goals, resulting in lost investments and frustrated stakeholders.
The root cause of these failures often lies in the lack of alignment across organizations. Achieving alignment is crucial, encompassing both vertical alignment – which involves aligning goals from the CEO down to even low-level single contributors – and horizontal alignment – which enables seamless collaboration across functional areas. To address this challenge, the book introduces Process Inventory, a powerful framework that not only establishes a common language but also aligns resources throughout the organization, driving a new level of operating efficiency and agility necessary to thrive in this digital era.
ESG mindset :business resilience and sustainable growthby Matthew Sekol Kogan PageESG Mindset guides business leaders, ESG specialists and CSR strategists through the nuanced and most thoughtful ways to focus on these core business issues. Equipping readers with an enhanced way to think through complex business decisions and interconnected crises, the book provides accessible perspectives and real-world examples from companies around the world that have implemented a meaningful approach to ESG and learned lessons along the way. Readers will learn how to think about pressing ESG challenges from a new perspective and build defensibility in their efforts to future-proof a business and potentially save the world as only they can.
Higher ground :how business can do the right thing in a turbulent worldby Alison Taylor Harvard Business Review PressIn this eye-opening, essential book, NYU Stern ethics professor Alison Taylor argues that amid stakeholder demands and transparency pressures, we can no longer treat ethics as merely a legal and reputational defense mechanism. Leaders at Davos and the Business Roundtable have called for a new corporate responsibility paradigm, but organizations struggle to implement these ideas in an atmosphere of heightened expectations and intense suspicion. Offering vivid stories and examples from years working in anti-corruption and advising companies on ethics, Taylor brings this complex, risky environment alive to provide a blueprint for how leaders can rethink and reshape their practices.
Leader as healer :a new paradigm for 21st-century leadershipby Nicholas Janni LID PUBLISHINGThe book outlines both a theoretical and practical map towards a new form of leadership, one that embodies the ‘skill, heart, and wisdom’ that the current moment demands. The pathway Janni describes is one of integration and restoration, which is designed to reawaken the innate human capacities – physical and emotional, individual and transpersonal – that were previously discarded and forgotten during our perilous journey towards profit-maximization and “infinite” economic growth. It offers a way to grow ourselves as leaders and to heal our organizations.
Survive, reset, thrive :leading breakthrough growth strategy in volatile timesby Rebecca Homkes Kogan Page, LimitedSurvive, Reset, Thrive is a playbook for leaders derived from the author's first-hand experience working with executive teams across industries from software, technology, retail, fashion and construction through to manufacturing. Drawing from over a decade of rich real-world experience, the author illustrates how to navigate the most complex strategic situations with a simple, executable approach. Rebecca Homkes explains how proactively to stabilize your business to withstand and grow through market shocks, reset your strategy to take account of new realities and thrive through uncertainty.
Campfire lessons for leaders :how uncovering our past can propel us forwardby Tony Martignetti RoutledgeThough it might seem counterintuitive, this book demonstrates that to move forward in the right direction, you must understand and integrate your past into your present. Readers will see how they too can step back and consider the "flashpoints" of their past in a way that will serve them as they take the next step of their life, from navigating a significant life change to simply living each day feeling less stuck and more purposeful. Leading coach Tony Martignetti shares the most powerful lessons from over 200 "Virtual Campfire" podcast interviews he’s conducted with driven individuals who decided to live intentionally rather than by default. As no two interviewees have faced the same challenges or pursued the same goals, readers will be inspired by these diverse insights to embark on – and sustain – their own unique transformations.
The six disciplines of strategic thinking :leading your organization into the futureby Michael D. Watkins Harper BusinessMichael D. Watkins, an expert on leadership transitions and organizational success, returns to the page with a new how-to guide for the modern leader. Here, he presents the six disciplines that separate the great from the good. Developed over the course of his storied career, Watkins’ approach to strategic thinking—"a set of mental disciplines leaders use to recognize potential threats and opportunities, establish priorities, and mobilize themselves and their organizations to envision and enact promising paths forward”—is the model followed by some of today’s most successful first-time CEOs and new business leaders.
Winning through platforms :how to succeed when every competitor has oneby Ted Moser, Charlotte Bloom and Omar Akhtar ; foreword by David Aaker Emerald Publishing LimitedWinning Through Platforms decodes growth moves from a decade of platform competition, communicates them through a platform playbook. It’s a treasure trove of 24 proven platform strategies―such as customer coalition design, in-use enrichment, AI branding, and much more. These playbook strategies are delivered through engaging stories of over 50 companies, plus proprietary frameworks and workshop-style questions that lead you to act.
Business model innovation :how it really worksby Staffan Hedén RoutledgeArising from an increased need for systems thinking and technological development, there is a common understanding that a business model should primarily create, develop, and retain value for companies' customers. But increased globalization and resource constraints have led to a difficult balancing act when addressing the challenges of achieving profitable processes and long-term growth. This book provides a new framework, based on six central themes with five related success factors each, to enhance opportunities’ visibility, contribute to improved margins, increase awareness of a company’s unique strengths and weaknesses in overall resources, manage risk, and optimize implementation of a new model throughout an entire organization.
The organization design guide :a pragmatic framework for thoughtful, efficient and successful redesignsby Herman Vantrappen and Frederic Wirtz RoutledgeOrganization redesign exercises consume enormous time, resources and energy, and yet they so often get stuck midway or fail to deliver the aspired benefits. This groundbreaking book offers a comprehensive guide, enabling executives and their teams to have nuanced and in-depth discussions about substantive design choices. Once these choices are clear, the teams can confidently initiate the change process.
Internal communication strategy :design, develop and transform your organizational communicationby Rachel Miller Kogan Page Inc.Written by award-winning communications professional Rachel Miller and featuring key insights from companies such as Marks & Spencer, Hilton, BBC and The Met Office, this book covers not only how to develop and write an internal communication strategy, but also how to practically implement it throughout your organization to create a shared understanding and vision.
The digital coaching revolution :how to support employee development with coaching techby Anna Tavis and Woody Woodward Kogan PageWritten by Anna Tavis and Woody Woodward, The Digital Coaching Revolution includes information to help you scale digital coaching across your workforce, whether your C-suite is already on board or not. The chapters offer insight into how to determine what will help every company's specific needs, what questions to ask a digital coaching provider before signing or renewing a contract and how to use the data to get more out of this service. With case studies from large organizations that have found success in digital coaching including Visa, CVS and Hilton, this book is the resource you need to upgrade your organization's approaches to employee experience, L&D and broader HR initiatives.
Cultural intelligence for marketers :building an inclusive marketing strategyby Anastasia Karklina Gabriel Kogan PageA brand today can build a marketing strategy that not only effectively resonates with audiences but also meaningfully impacts society at large. Learn how to produce inclusive marketing using an approach grounded in critical perspectives on society and the impact brands wield in shaping it. In this book, cultural theorist and strategist Anastasia Karklina Gabriel draws on social analysis, media theory, and semiotics to help marketers improve cultural fluency and future-proof brand strategy by embedding equity and inclusion into every aspect of marketing. Cultural Intelligence for Marketers explains how to create an inclusive marketing strategy using an actionable approach that draws on advanced insights into culture, identity, representation, and the power of media in driving social change.
Xi Jinping :Chinese modernizationby Central Institute of Party History and Literature of the Communist Party of China Central Compilation and Translation Press
The publication and distribution of the book will help readers at home and abroad deeply understand the theoretical system and practical requirements of Chinese path to modernization, and deeply understand the new path of Chinese path to modernization, the new form of human civilization created and the new prospect of modernization that the CPC has united and led the Chinese people to successfully walk out.
Computer Science
by Stephanie Diamond and Jeffrey Allan Wiley
Unlock the full power of generative AI with Writing AI Prompts For Dummies, a comprehensive guide that will teach you how to confidently write effective AI prompts. Whether it's text, images, or even videos and music you're aiming to create, this book provides the foundational knowledge and practical strategies needed to produce impressive results.
Interviewology :the new science of interviewingby Anna Papalia Harper Business
Conventional interviewing advice doesn’t work. That’s what Anna Papalia learned through years of experience as an HR professional, consultant for Fortune 500 companies, and teacher at the Fox School of Business. None of the existing tools work for one simple reason: they don’t get to the heart of what actually makes a great interview—self-awareness. At its core, an interview is a set of questions about you. If you don’t know yourself, you won’t do well.
Packed with wisdom, Interviewology offers clarity and a dynamic, scientifically validated approach that challenges everything you thought you knew about interviewing, providing unique insight into the process, debunking some of the most common myths, and explaining how you can perform better, whether you’re applying for the job or looking for the right candidate.
蹒跚前行 :1870-2010 年全球经济史(美)布拉德福德 德龙 著; 余江, 冯伟珍 译 中信出版社
黄奇帆 著 中信出版集团在50余载的工作历程中,重庆市原市长黄奇帆参与、主导了一系列重组,从中他深刻领悟到重组的真谛与妙趣:其真谛在于资源优化配置、体制机制创新,其妙趣在于“随心所欲不逾矩”“柳暗花明又一村”。本书辑录了黄奇帆在重庆工作期间遇到难题时以“重组求突破”的思维与实践,以期与读者分享重组的感悟。
(印)考希克 巴苏 著; 陆殷莉 译 中信出版社本书是著名经济学家、世界银行前首席经济学家考希克·巴苏的随笔集,讲述了他作为经济学家在日常生活中如何思考和决策。该书汇集了关于学术界、经济、政策、旅行、文学等领域的文风多样的文章。这本书提供了作者与世界交往的独特一瞥:他对当代政策和经济问题的看法,他对世界不同地区的探索,以及他对影响他本人的人、思想和书籍的反思。在不失风趣的同时,让读者借助作者的视角,观察理解很多现实经济现象。
智利计划 :芝加哥小子与新自由主义的兴衰(美)塞巴斯蒂安 爱德华兹 著; 郭金兴 译 中信出版社新自由主义作为一种经济理念,倡导最小政府,反对国家干预经济,主张自由市场和自由贸易。20世纪七八十年代新自由主义兴起,随后又演变成更广为人知的“华盛顿共识”,许多发展中国家都以此为模板进行了一系列改革,智利是其中典型的案例。
伟大的转型 :金融个性化重塑全球银行业(新加坡)以理 著; 王礼 译 中信出版社
金融危机500年 :金色的镣铐彭兴庭 著 中国友谊出版公司通货膨胀、货币贬值、失业、资产泡沫的破裂、银行挤兑……回顾历史,金融危机虽然发端于金融领域,但其所产生的破坏性后果则会波及开来,严重影响每一个人的生活。本书主要以金本位为线索,串联起1500-1970年间历史上重大的金融危机,并把历次危机的起源、过程和影响,纳入世界经济政治格局的大视野中去进行思考和分析。金本位制度虽创造空前财富,却也成为制造动荡萧条的罪魁祸首。
吴寿康 著 机械工业出版社本书是一位有着三十年证券从业经验,有着卖方和买方双重经验,从普通分析师成长为研究所所长的元老级证券分析师对证券分析师工作的思考。
安永ESG课题组 著 机械工业出版社
黄渊普, 彭丽娜, 钱一如 著 机械工业出版社对中国企业而言,出海全球化是大势所趋。在“一带一路”倡议的前十年,以大型国有企业为代表的出海企业,在全球建立起了强大的竞争优势。2024年是“一带一路”倡议第二个十年的开始,数以百万计的中小型企业可以乘此东风走向海外。本书分为战略战术篇和案例实施篇,围绕着中国企业为何要出海、如何出海、出海去哪里来展开,同时以优秀的出海企业案例为索引,总结它们出海过程中的经验和教训,共同探索中国企业新出海之道。
就这样成了老板 :关于创业的真相与启示达另 著 中国友谊出版公司本书作者历时3年,聚焦这个时代白手起家的创业者,完成近百篇普通人的创业笔记,用“过来人”口述实录的方式记录他们的成长历程、创业经过、商业洞察和人生感悟。本书收录了其中的20篇,并对这些真实案例进行分类、归纳和总结,构成了一部接地气的创业启示录。
Lululemon方法 :创始人亲述(加)奇普 威尔逊 著; 赵磊 译 中信出版社本书由lululemon传奇创始人奇普·威尔逊亲述,他在书中详细披露了该品牌从创立到发展的商业扩张路径。奇普坦诚地讲述了自己如何不受过去经验的拘束,按照全新的企业愿景、商业模式、企业文化创立及打造lululemon这家公司的历程。他认为,lululemon的成功是以人的发展为前提,从而实现了小公司的快速发展,获得超额利润。
生意的本质 :商业模式动态升级的底层逻辑(新加坡) 周宏骐 著 机械工业出版社大部分的职业经理人和专业技术背景出身的管理者, 在独立负责经营一个业务时, 起初都会因为难以独当一面而痛苦。这是因为他们虽然学习了各类管理知识, 但缺少经营思维与经营底层技能, 缺乏体系化的基本经商常识。而这本书就为商业精英提供了一整套“经营底层技能”,帮助他们设计出合适的商业模式,并成为一名合格且高效的经营者。
生意经 :企业盈利的底层能力(美)梅纳德 韦伯, 卡莉 阿德勒 著; 高玉芳 译 中信出版社本书的作者梅纳德·韦伯,曾担任《财富》世界500强公司的首席运营官,并帮助易贝实现年收入3000%的增长。针对有关收入、利润、成本、现金流、管理、运营、领导力等反复出现的经营难题,他总结提炼出了应对经营问题的九大准则,毫无保留地呈上解决方案。
超越绩效2.0 :大规模组织变革的成功路线图, 原书第2版(美)斯科特 凯勒, 比尔 沙宁格 著; 施诺 译 机械工业出版社本书基于麦肯锡两位高级合伙人15年间从全球2000家公司收集的500多万条数据,这些数据基于作者40多年来帮助众多企业成功实现大规模变革的第一手经验,以及来自60多个国家的麦肯锡同事们与首席执行官团队密切沟通的共同经验。书中引入了“五个框架”来帮助领导者管理组织变革,通过平衡长期利益和短期利益、绩效水平与健康状况,突破变革的技术难点,进而帮助组织获得一种可以实现持续变革的能力,使其能够在不断变化和充满不确定性的外部环境中保持速度和灵活性,实现基业长青。
管理控制 :运用四大杠杆驱动战略执行(美)罗伯特 西蒙斯 著; 刘俊勇, 安娜 译 中国人民大学出版社过去几十年,人们投入大量精力探索如何制定企业战略,却很少关注如何实施战略和控制战略。本书提出了一种新颖且全面的理论,展示管理者如何利用四大杠杆——信仰控制系统、边界控制系统、诊断控制系统和交互控制系统——来控制战略。信仰控制系统和交互控制系统产生积极和鼓舞人心的力量,边界控制系统和诊断控制系统产生约束并确保服从命令。这四大杠杆产生“阴”“阳”两种对抗作用,便于高层管理者在企业中实现一种动态平衡,从而有效控制战略。
IBM商业价值报告:生成式AIIBM商业价值研究院 著 东方出版社所谓生成式AI,就是基于算法、模型、规则生成文本、图片、声音、视频、代码等内容的技术,我们所熟知的ChatGPT就是一种生成式AI。从 2022 年到 2024 年,生成式 AI 的采用率将增长近两倍。在未来两到三年内,对生成式 AI 的投资预计将增长四倍。我们正迎来生成式AI 的决定性时刻。
在新一轮工业革命中, 如果能够正确投资于这项新兴技术, 并为员工赋予适当的技术来高效并负责任地创造性地使用生成式AI, 企业将实现倍增的业务增长。而错误的投资决策则可能会引发数据隐私问题、法律责任以及一系列伦理问题。哪些要素将帮助CEO加速采用生成式AI? 他们如何安全、负责任地扩大采用规模?本书汇集了从众多来源获取的独到见解, 包括IBM 商业价值研究院(IBV)的主要研究、与CEO进行的直接对话以及与其团队开展的试点用例。
多代社会 :重新思考事业, 家庭和未来规划(西班牙)莫洛 F. 纪廉 著; 张培青, 陈召强 译 中信出版社
作者莫洛·F. 纪廉为沃顿商学院教授、全球趋势的持续观察者,在前作《趋势2030:重塑未来世界的八大趋势》中,他分别对人口变迁和技术转型做了预测。《多代社会》更聚焦于与二者同频共振的家庭转型、社会转型、经济转型和发展转型,为我们打破固化的生活模式、积极看待人口变局提供了应对思路。
演变 :西方政治的新现实包刚升 著 中信出版集团
(美)许倬云 著 九州出版社
教育新语 :人工智能时代教什么, 怎么学(美)萨尔曼 可汗 著; 王琦, 万海鹏 译, 余胜泉 审校 中信出版社
西方将主宰多久 :东方为什么会落后, 西方为什么能崛起(美)伊恩 莫里斯 著; 钱峰 译 中信出版社
(美)列文森 著; 季剑青 译 中华书局本书是美国历史学家约瑟夫·列文森久负盛誉的代表性著作。全书分为三卷,视野广阔,目光如炬,既对儒教/儒家文化在传统中国社会中的作用机制及其与皇权、官僚之间的互动关系进行了深刻的剖析,又聚焦于近现代中国在政治、制度和思想文化等方面的变迁以及儒教在历史进程中的沉浮,洞见迭出,启人深思,以其宏大的架构和所讨论的问题的重要性,成为中国近现代史研究领域无法回避的经典巨著。
李娟 著 新星出版社
突破 :我的科学人生(美)卡塔林 考里科 著; 李敬, 梁贵柏 译 译林出版社
(美)约翰 马尔科夫 著; 方兴东, 孔祥雯 译 浙江科学技术出版社谁是斯图尔特·布兰德?他成就瞩目,拥有无数的标签:美国未来学家、作家、摄影师、环保主义者、反文化运动的先驱、现实和虚拟社区的建设者……
他接受了普利策奖得主、被誉为“硅谷独家大王”的约翰 · 马尔科夫的作传邀请,为本书提供了大量独家素材。作者马尔科夫基于丰富的独家素材和广泛的采访,以其独特的视角深入挖掘了布兰德的生活和思想,讲述了一个引人入胜的故事,告诉我们:这就是斯图尔特·布兰德!
张军平 著; 张毅 绘 湖南科学技术出版社
成为提问工程师 :打造AI时代的超级个体方军, 柯洲, 谭星星 著 人民邮电出版社随着技术发展,各种AI产品层出不穷。人人都使用过AI,但真正做到用AI提升工作和学习效率的人却很少。原因是大多数使用者,不会专业地提问。如果能正确地提问,AI将帮你解放工作,实现效率逆袭。精通向AI提问的能力,AI能帮你成为超级个体。
World Development Report 2024:The Middle-Income Trapby World Bank World Bank Group
Drawing on the development experience and advances in economic analysis since the 1950s, World Development Report 2024 identifies pathways for developing economies to avoid the “middle-income trap.” It points to the need for not one but two transitions for those at the middle-income level: the first from investment to infusion and the second from infusion to innovation. Governments in lower-middle-income countries must drop the habit of repeating the same investment-driven strategies and work instead to infuse modern technologies and successful business processes from around the world into their economies.
Making it in America :the almost impossible quest to manufacture in the U.S.A. (and how it got that way)by Rachel Slade Pantheon BooksMaking It in America offers a fascinating new take on free-trade economics and manufacturing history. Woven through the Waxmans’ journey is the essential story of textiles and their critical role in shaping capitalism. It was the demand for cheap cloth that sparked the industrial revolution. It was the brutal conditions in New England's textile mills that first drove workers to organize. Making It in America is a deeply personal account of how individual choices shape a nation. Each touchpoint casts a rare, compassionate look at what came before, where we are now, and where we’re going—through the people, places, and ecologies that produce the fabric of our lives.
Responsible investment :an insider's account of what's working, what's not and where nextby Will Martindale Palgrave Macmillan
Responsible investment is going through a period of rapid change, from voluntary to mandatory, with regulators working to tackle greenwashing, investors responding to client and savers' demands, a proliferation of new sustainability themes and increased focus on real-world impact.
Responsible investment is also ‘growing up’. And part of growing up is acknowledging limits and complexities, and making difficult decisions. Responsible investment has got this far by sticking to the script and not talking about the awkward bits in public. But this is no longer an option, and so it’s not surprising that it draws its critics.
by Russell Wild WileyInvesting in ETFs has all the basics you need to make calculated and profitable choices when investing in exchange-traded funds. ETFs make it possible for investors to quickly and easily gain exposure to wide swaths of the market. There are funds that are linked to popular market indices like the S&P 500, there are quirky thematic funds that allow you to invest in stuff like video game technology or breakfast commodities, and there’s everything in between. This updated guide helps you sift through it all, covering the pros and cons of ETF investing and walking you through new and time-tested ETF strategies.
The venture mindset :how to make smarter bets and achieve extraordinary growthby Ilya Strebulaev and Alex Dang Portfolio/Penguin
The Venture Mindset is a playbook on how to adapt to a rapidly changing world, make smarter bets, launch new ventures, and transform traditional organizations into hubs for innovation, from a top Stanford professor and a technology executive.
Packed with entertaining stories and scientific precision, The Venture Mindset is a must-read for anyone who wants to be better equipped for the era of uncertainty when industry, company, and career can be disrupted overnight. The Venture Mindset will teach you more than how to simply survive. It'll teach you how to win big.The innovator's solution :creating and sustaining successful growthby Clayton M. Christensen and Michael E. Raynor Harvard Business Review PressThe New York Times bestseller and seminal work on disruption—for every company seeking new growth.
In The Innovator's Solution, Clayton Christensen and Michael Raynor expand on the idea of disruption, explaining how companies can and should become disruptors themselves. Now with a foreword by innovation expert Scott Anthony, this classic work shows just how timely and relevant these ideas continue to be in today's hyper-accelerated business environment and will help anyone trying to transform their business right now.
The transformational leader :how the world's best leaders build teams, inspire action, and achieve successby Matt Mayberry WileyAs we face a global leadership crisis, the decade of real-world experience and research from best-selling author and renowned thought leader Matt Mayberry in The Transformational Leader has never been more timely. Mayberry shares his experience working with hundreds of corporate leadership teams, transforming underperforming teams into top performers, and coaching executives to become the leaders their organizations need through transformational leadership's four core attributes: idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individualized consideration.
The unlocked leader :dare to free your own voice, lead with empathy, and shine your light in the worldby Hortense le Gentil and Caroline Lambert WileyThe most effective leaders are “human leaders:” leading with empathy, vulnerability, and authenticity. But many still adhere to the outdated myth that leaders must be “superhero leaders: infallible, unflappable, and fearless." Tragically, their innate ability to inspire remains locked within, blunting their impact.
In The Unlocked Leader veteran executive leadership coach Hortense le Gentil combines real life stories, rigorous research, and practical tools to explain how superhero leaders can become effective human leaders.
Glue :transforming leadership in a hybrid worldby John Dore Routledge Taylor & Francis GroupThe adoption of remote, hybrid and flexible working is the new normal. But like the old normal, no one seems very happy. The solution requires a different type of leadership – one that unites, transforms and elevates performance. Leadership that creates glue.
Using stories from firms such as Alibaba, Apple, Barclays, Sky, Husqvarna Group, HSBC, Space X, Zopa and Richer Sounds, the book shows how leaders can shape the effectiveness of teams, reimagine the workplace, and reinvigorate their business through the talents, ideas and energy of their firm’s best people.
21st century business icons :the leaders who are changing our worldby Sally Percy Kogan PageStretching from California to Tokyo and covering sectors such as tech, retail, banking and social media, this book uncovers the secrets behind success on a global scale. Discover how Whitney Wolfe Herd reinvented the dating industry and how Jimmy Donaldson built a YouTube business empire. 21st Century Business Icons is a fascinating exploration of the entrepreneurs, influencers and pioneers who have redefined the 21st century.
by Paul Falcone Harpercollins LeadershipThe world of work continues to grow more complex with hybrid work, a shortage of talent, and a mandate for more inclusive environments where employees can do their very best work every day with peace of mind. These changes have created many exciting opportunities but also carry big risks for HR managers on the front lines in organizations in transition.
Bestselling author and Human Resources expert Paul Falcone breaks down the landscape for new managers to quickly get up to speed covering recruitment, employee relations, compensation and benefits, “HR Defense” legal and compliance strategies to keep your organization safe, as well as “HR Offense” strategies to help drive organizational strategy and performance.
Finance essentials for managers :the tools you need to succeed as a nonfinancial professionalby Chris Haroun McGraw HillFrom reading an income statement to analyzing valuation methodologies, understanding the basics of finance is an essential part of your professional knowledge tool kit―even if it's not your primary role in the company.
Filled with practical advice, useful tools, assessments, and more, Finance Essentials for Managers ensures that you will walk away feeling fully prepared to put your sharpened skills into action right away―even if you've never received formal training in finance before.
Corporate finance :the basicsby Terence C. M. Tse Routledge, Taylor & Francis GroupCorporate Finance: The Basics is a concise introduction to the inner workings of finance at the company level. It aims to take the fear out of corporate finance and add the fun in, presenting the subject in a way that is simple to grasp and easy to digest. Its aim is to explain – and demystify – the essential ideas of corporate finance, avoiding the heavy use of maths and formulae.
The dynamics of business behavior :an evidence-based approach to managing organizational changeby Beirem Ben Barrah and Philip Jordanov WileyIn The Dynamics of Business Behavior: An Evidence-Based Approach to Managing Organizational Change, cognitive neuropsychologist Philip Jordanov and entrepreneur Beirem Ben Barrah deliver an eye-opening new treatment of how to create organizational change with an evidence-based approach. The book includes interviews with more than 40 industry professionals across 15 sectors from companies like Johnson & Johnson and the three biggest Dutch banks discussing change approaches, challenges, and interventions to help bridge the gap between theory and practice.
Chief sustainability officers at work :how CSOs build successful sustainability and ESG strategiesby Chrissa Pagitsas ApressRead over 20 exclusive, in-depth interviews with chief sustainability officers (CSOs) of Fortune 500 companies such as Amazon, Coca-Cola, and Procter & Gamble and globally recognized brands such as IKEA and Netflix. These CSOs reveal how they deliver positive environmental and social impact through their companies’ core products and services and generate revenue growth while tackling unique leadership, change management, regulatory and stakeholder challenges.
Beyond shareholder primacy :remaking capitalism for a sustainable futureby Stuart L. Hart Stanford Business Books, an imprint of Stanford University PressOur current Milton Friedman–style "shareholder primacy capitalism," as taught in business schools and embraced around the world, has become dangerous for society, the climate, and the planet. Moreover, Stuart L. Hart argues, it's economically unnecessary. But there are surprising reasons for hope―from the history of capitalism itself. Beyond Shareholder Primacy argues that capitalism has reformed itself twice before and is poised for a third major reformation. Retelling the origin story of capitalism from the fifteenth century to the present, Hart argues that a radically sustainable, just capitalism is possible, and even likely, in our lifetime.
The innovative seller :keeping pace in an AI and customer-centric worldby Jake Dunlap WileyIn The Innovative Seller: Keeping Pace In An AI and Customer-Centric World, veteran sales leader and trainer Jake Dunlap delivers an expert playbook for sales that offers out-of-the-box and creative answers for the problems and questions that salespeople face every day. Fun and motivational, the book walks you through effective strategies for dealing with common challenges, like LinkedIn prospecting, sales transparency, cold calling, and others.
Business Enterprises
Battle for the bird :Jack Dorsey, Elon Musk, and the $44 billion fight for Twitter's soulby Kurt Wagner Atria Books
Bloomberg journalist Kurt Wagner takes you inside Twitter’s everchanging headquarters, charting its rise from flippant 140-character posts to one of the world’s most consequential tech companies. From Jack Dorsey’s triumphant return as CEO in 2015 to the rise and fall of @RealDonaldTrump to the contentious $44 billion sale to Elon Musk, Battle for the Bird exposes the messy reality and relentless challenges that come with building a global social network.
American flannel :how a band of entrepreneurs are bringing the art and business of making clothes back homeby Steven Kurutz Riverhead BooksFor decades, clothing manufacture was a pillar of U.S. industry. But beginning in the 1980s, Americans went from wearing 70 percent domestic-made apparel to almost none. Even the very symbol of American freedom and style—blue jeans—got outsourced. With offshoring, the nation lost not only millions of jobs but also crucial expertise and artistry.
Eye-opening and inspiring, American Flannel is the story of how a band of visionaries and makers are building a new supply chain on the skeleton of the old and wedding old-fashioned craftsmanship to cutting-edge technology and design to revive an essential American dream.
Brave new words :how AI will revolutionize education (and why that's a good thing)by Salman Khan Viking, an imprint of Penguin Random House LLC
Whether we like it or not, the AI revolution is coming to education. In Brave New Words, Salman Khan, the visionary behind Khan Academy, explores how artificial intelligence and GPT technology will transform learning, and offers a road map for teachers, parents, and students to navigate this exciting (and sometimes intimidating) new world.
Private equity :a memoirby Carrie Sun Penguin Press
A gripping memoir of one woman’s self-discovery inside a top Wall Street firm, and an urgent indictment of privilege, extreme wealth, and work culture.
Playing the game at the highest levels, amid the ultimate winners in our winner-take-all economy, Carrie soon finds her identity swallowed whole by work. With her physical and mental health deteriorating, she begins to rethink what it actually means to waste one’s life. A searing examination of our relationship to work, Carrie’s story illuminates the struggle for balance in a world of extremes: efficiency and excess, status and aspiration, power and fortune. Private Equity is a universal tale of self-invention from a dazzling new voice, daring to ask what we’re willing to sacrifice to get to the top—and what it might take to break free and leave it all behind.
Computer Science
Co-intelligence :living and working with AIby Ethan Mollick Portfolio/Penguin
From Wharton professor and author of the popular One Useful Thing Substack newsletter Ethan Mollick comes the definitive playbook for working, learning, and living in the new age of AI.
In Co-Intelligence, Mollick urges us to engage with AI as co-worker, co-teacher, and coach. He assesses its profound impact on business and education, using dozens of real-time examples of AI in action. Co-Intelligence shows what it means to think and work together with smart machines, and why it's imperative that we master that skill.
The secret life of data :navigating hype and uncertainty in the age of algorithmic surveillanceby Aram Sinnreich and Jesse Gilbert The MIT PressIn The Secret Life of Data, Aram Sinnreich and Jesse Gilbert explore the many unpredictable, and often surprising, ways in which data surveillance, AI, and the constant presence of algorithms impact our culture and society in the age of global networks. The authors build on this basic premise: no matter what form data takes, and what purpose we think it’s being used for, data will always have a secret life. How this data will be used, by other people in other times and places, has profound implications for every aspect of our lives—from our intimate relationships to our professional lives to our political systems.
The magic of thinking big:The True Secret of Successby David J. Schwartz TarcherPerigee, an imprint of Penguin Random House LLC
Whether your goal is to earn more, lead better, or simply find more confidence and satisfaction in life, this inspiring and actionable guide will show you the way. Motivational expert Dr. David J. Schwartz presents a carefully designed program for getting the most out of your job, your relationships and family life, and your community. He demonstrates that you don’t need to be born into great wealth and intellectual acumen to attain great success and happiness—but you do need to learn and understand the habit of thinking and behaving in ways that will get you there.
蔡昉 著 社会科学文献出版社
长期危机 :重塑全球经济之路(英)戈登 布朗, (美)穆罕默德 埃尔 - 埃里安, 迈克尔 斯宾塞, 里德 利多 著; 余江, 傅雨樵, 蒋琢 译 中信出版社当前,全球发展进入一个全新的阶段,增长下滑、通胀加速、不平等恶化、保护主义抬头、极端气候危机频发等各种挑战纷至沓来。世界似乎陷入了长期危机。本书认为,是既有的经济增长模式、经济管理手段与全球合作秩序越来越无法适应快速技术革新和国际环境变化的趋势,导致了各种矛盾和冲突激化,直至当前糟糕的局面。
妙趣横生行为经济 :战胜商业与生活中的非理性(日)相良奈美香 著; 宋刚, 周璇 译 机械工业出版社在20世纪后半叶至今,有三位经济学家因为行为经济学的研究而获得了诺贝尔经济学奖。此后,行为经济学开始逐渐在商业界获得巨大的影响力,很多世界著名公司都在争夺行为经济学人才,成立行为经济学团队。但行为经济学是一个非常年轻的学科,又是经济学与心理学的交叉学科,研究者大多数是以具体的经济、社会现象出发,构建起一套行为经济知识点的网络。这对于职场人士与商务领域的工作者来说,并不是非常友好。本书作者作为资深行为经济学专家,以及15年的资深行为经济学顾问,尝试对行为经济的体系、方法论进行了系统梳理,让读者可以一目了然得一窥行为经济大厦,并串联起各个知识点,并可以结合实操。
(美)阿斯沃斯 达摩达兰 著; 李昆 译 中信出版社
亿万 :围剿华尔街大白鲨, 珍藏版(美)茜拉 科尔哈特卡 著; 李必龙, 冯浜, 张旭 译 机械工业出版社史蒂夫·科恩改变了华尔街。他和对冲基金业的同道先锋,既不铺铁路,也不建工厂,更不发明新技术。相反,他们只是通过投机,利用胜多败少的市场押注,就狂赚数十亿美元--他们不仅因此取得了惊人的个人财富,还在社会上获得了可怕的影响力。当一支由联邦特工、联邦检察官和证交会执法律师组成的意志坚定的团队,把赛克资本作为主要目标,进行了艰难而漫长的七年调查之后,这个天才的形象被彻底粉碎了。赛克资本被检察官称为"市场骗子的集大成者";它的文化是鼓励不择手段地追求"优势",甚至是"黑色优势"--内幕信息。赛克资本最终受到指控并被迫承认自己犯有证券欺诈罪,并与一个庞大的内幕交易案相关联。但科恩本人却从未受到指控!
(美)斯宾塞 贾卡布 著; 刘伟 译 中译出版社2021年1月,一场围绕游戏驿站(GameStop)的多空大战轰动全球,一时间散户干翻华尔街的情节在各大媒体上演。本书通过时间节点的方式论述了GameStop如何在股票市场大获全胜,如何通过社交网络平台与华尔街机构进行竞争。这本书不只是描述了2021年最传奇的“游戏驿站轧空事件”,它在某种程度上也促使华尔街变得更好,同时分析了Z世代股民的全新面貌。
货币简史 :从贝壳金银到数字货币徐瑾 著 上海人民出版社在本书中,青年学者徐瑾用5大模块、30个维度,从货币的基本理论出发,阐释了货币的本质。书中不仅回顾了货币从金银到纸币再到数字支付的历史变迁,还特别关注了银行系统和中央银行的角色,探讨了货币超发、通货膨胀以及货币政策对经济的影响,揭示了金融稳定与危机之间的微妙平衡。同时,还对现代货币制度进行了深入分析,包括东西方货币体系的发展差异、区域货币如欧元的挑战、美元的全球霸权地位,以及国际货币体系的挑战和改革等。在探索货币未来的同时,也关注了无现金社会的到来、比特币等数字货币的兴起,以及央行数字货币和区块链技术可能带来的变革。
(日 )小松原正浩, 住川武人, 山科拓也 著; 杨剑, 张震, 李哲轩 译 浙江教育出版社
关键跃升 :新任管理者成事的底层逻辑刘润 著 机械工业出版社作者基于20余年的管理经验,精炼出一套助力管理者跃升的“底层逻辑”,包括“心法”与“剑法”两部分。前者涵盖了责任跃升、沟通跃升、关系跃升与自我跃升,后者阐述了管理者应扮演的四种角色:鼓手、教练、政委、指挥。这套逻辑将会打破许多新任管理者甚至高级管理者的“俗知俗见”,引领他们走向更高效、更人性化的管理之道。
特许公司600年 :从冒险公司到东印度公司(英)乔治 考斯顿, 奥古斯 亨利 基恩 著; 赵真华, 冯国华 译 浙江人民出版社本书是一部讲述大英帝国从辉煌走向衰落的历史书。主要内容为特许公司的起源,英国特许公司的发展历史,与英国的关系,及海外公司是如何掏空英国本土,最终令英帝国衰落的历史。
迫降 :商业巨头应对经济危机的内幕故事(美)利兹 霍夫曼 著; 吴文 译 中信出版社从华尔街金融家、中西部制造商、硅谷旅游新贵及其试图颠覆的传统公司,到濒临倒闭、乞求政府拯救的航空业,利兹·霍夫曼还原了商业巨头的掌舵者们面对动荡市场的恐惧、勇气、果决、犹疑、担当和人情味,揭露了在全球疫情的催化下商业与金融领域暴露出的业已存在的深层问题,并探究这场大流行病对未来工作、企业领导力和资本主义本身的影响,同时发出掷地有声的叩问:这场危机会催生出一股新的复原力量,还是会塑造出另一个终将被遗忘的悲惨时代?
战略论证 :企业如何寻找可持续的竞争优势(美)杰斯珀 B.索伦森, 格伦 R. 卡罗尔 著; (澳)吴卫军, 郭蓉 译 机械工业出版社战略制定是公司经营的两大母题之一,一间公司要做到“一心开二门”,左手战略,右手组织,可见战略制定对公司的重要性。但如何制定战略,以及如何让战略落地,以保持企业可持续的竞争优势,却是一直以来困扰各大公司的难题。
外向型团队 :推动创新和组织成功的关键, 原书第2版(美)黛博拉 安科纳, 亨里克 布莱斯曼 著; 李琳, 颜淑英 译 机械工业出版社在当今快速变化的商业环境中,传统的团队合作模式已无法适应时代要求,团队边界越来越模糊,技术的影响力与日俱增,以固定边界、关注内部和任务明确为特征的稳定型团队世界开始步入衰退,以弹性变化的成员结构、流动性边界以及促进快速学习能力并对外部世界变化做出反应的外向型团队模式成为大势所趋。
领先增长 :用营销思维践行领导力(美)安东尼 伊安纳里诺 著; 李小霞 译 中国科学技术出版社在本书中,资深B2B销售专业人士和教练安东尼·伊安纳里诺为您的销售团队提供了一份促进收入增长的专家指南。你将探索组织领导力的基本原理,包括愿景、转型、战略、沟通和决策。您还将定义新的增长框架,包括构成您的战略的人员、计划、管道和效率。
写给领导者的故事课 :从构建故事到改变组织文化(美)杰伊 B. 巴尼, (巴西)马诺埃尔 阿莫里姆, 卡洛斯 胡里奥 著; 班海东 译 机械工业出版社富有远见的领导者如何推动组织文化变革的实现?
张坚 著 浙江教育出版社思科中国区原副总裁,中国惠普政府事业部原总经理张坚重磅力作,手把手教你创造大客户销售奇迹。
商业升维 :技术变革与文化升级的影响(美)亚当 理查德 罗廷豪斯 著; 徐茵 译 中国科学技术出版社在本书中,作者讲述了自己的一个新研究理论成果,即技术的发展是快速、永久、必然的,这种发展原理推动了社会文化与商业的发展。作者详细分析了技术发展会带来哪些跨领域影响,并用自己和科技企业、媒体、世界博览会、科研投资相关的例子,讲解了这一研究中的技术发展规律是如何出现与保持的,并以何种方式跨界影响了文化与商业。本书的目标读者为关心技术、文化、商业发展的大众读者及商科学者,有较强的知识性,既能为大众普及社会新知,又是很好的科研参考资料。
供应链大发现 :神奇的传送带, 人工智能与未来工作(美)尤西 谢费 著; 郭杰群 译 华东师范大学出版社本书由全球供应链院校排名第一的麻省理工学院的谢费教授写就,结合大流行以来全球供应链的变化进行分析,并展望AI时代未来工作的可能性。书中揭示了现代供应链的复杂与奥秘,并结合丰富案例,呈现了未来供应链所面临的诸多挑战,以及可能的应对之道。谢费教授特别讨论了人工智能在供应链领域的应用,并分析了这对未来工作的影响,以及未来人才应具备的素养。
(美)丹尼尔 马科维茨 著; 白瑞霞 译 中信出版社
大庆 :为了石油的建设侯丽 著; 张欢 译 生活,读书, 新知三联书店一本城市史研究的别致之作,是关于大庆油田这座模范“城市”如何成为时代工业地标的故事。国外关于城市的书籍非常多,但中国学者自己写的一座城市的前世今生,而且和中国式现代化进程如此密切的著作,却不多见。本书着重探讨社会主义中国早期建设、城市化和工业化战略、土地和资源利用,以及城乡分化等问题。书中采用双线叙事,一方面透过大庆城市的设计与建设,折射出新中国前三十年历史环境变化及政治路线选择;另一方面通过女规划师晓华的个人经历,讲述她在大庆的工作、生活与大历史中的个体抉择。双线交织,互为补充。书中记录的自20世纪50年代中期以来中央计划经济体制的持续改革,以及城市建设在国家和地方一级的协商方式,殊为难得。同时也涉及粮食和能源的故事,这是决定新中国生死存亡的两大关键因素。
法兰西的选票 :真实经验中的西方政治观察郑若麟 著 上海人民出版社
陈晋 著 生活 读书 新知三联书店该书不是从邓小平理论体系和生平业绩的角度展开论述,而是在对习近平高度概括的邓小平六种精神风范深刻领悟的基础上,对邓小平的人民情怀、精神境界、博大胸襟、睿智敏锐、坚韧果敢、朴素无华等“主体特点”,作了更加深入的挖掘,从十二个视角梳理归纳出了邓小平独有的革命经历、举重若轻的行事风格、言简意赅的语言风格、实事求是的一贯风格、善抓机遇的决断风格等鲜明的特质,给予了令人信服的解读和评述。这种解读不是孤立地颂扬邓小平,而是把邓小平与毛泽东联系起来,与伟大的中国革命建设改革紧密联系起来,与风云变幻的时代紧密联系起来,让读者在深入了解邓小平的同时,也感受到了在与两位历史伟人一路同行,与伟大的时代脉搏一起跳动,不觉中受到了思想启迪和境界升华。
三国前夜 :士大夫政治与东汉皇权的崩解张向荣 著 上海人民出版社
(英)阿尔弗雷德 丘奇 著; 刘守旭 译 浙江人民出版社曾经璀璨无比的迦太基帝国为何会在繁荣700多年后覆灭,它的兴亡对后世有着怎样的重要启示?为了回答这些问题,英国近代历史学家阿尔弗雷德·丘奇认真梳理大量史料,从昔日地中海霸主的历史碎片中一路探索,完成了这部叙述迦太基历史的著作。他呕心沥血多年,皓首穷经,细致地勾勒出迦太基旧有的样貌,详细地叙述了迦太基从建立、崛起到覆亡的全过程,探讨了迦太基的文化及腓尼基人的民族特性,更塑造了迦太基名将汉尼拔勇猛善战的形象,让本书成为一部广大读者研究和学习迦太基历史的权威作品。
(韩)韩江 著; 胡椒筒 译
四海为家 :阿马蒂亚 森回忆录(印)阿马蒂亚 森 著; 刘建, 张海燕 译 中国人民大学出版社
(日)吉田拳 著; 陈怡萍 译 中国友谊出版公司
(美)乔治 F. 卢格尔 著; 王慧娟, 刘雪丽, 袁全波 译 机械工业出版社本书从AI的视角探讨如何认识和理解我们的世界。第一部分介绍计算基础和人工智能的哲学背景,涵盖人工智能的起源、作为迭代优化的编程以及支持人工智能应用构建的表示法和高级语言工具。第二部分介绍支持人工智能研究和发展的四种范式中的三种——基于符号的、联结主义的和遗传的/涌现的,分别给出初始项目及应用,并讨论了这些范式的优势和局限性。第三部分在贝叶斯的背景下,将理性主义、经验主义和实用主义的哲学传统结合起来,最后以作者提出的主动的、务实的、模型修正的现实主义认识论立场作为结尾。
智人之上 :从石器时代到AI时代的信息网络简史(以)尤瓦尔 赫拉利 著; 林俊宏 译 中信出版社
The East Asian electronics sector :the roles of exchange rates, technology transfer, and global value chainsby Willem Thorbecke Cambridge University Press
The lion's share of smartphones, computers, televisions, semiconductor devices, and other electronics goods is made in East Asia. Final electronics goods are assembled in China, and sophisticated parts and components (P&C) such as semiconductor chips, image sensors, and ceramic filters in upstream Asian economies such as Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan. How did Asia become the center of electronics manufacturing? How did learning take place that allowed Asian workers to produce cutting-edge products? Are there lessons for countries like the US that seek to reshore manufacturing of semiconductors, flat-panel displays, and related products? This Element addresses these issues.
The puzzle of sustainable investment :what smart investors should knowby Lukasz Pomorski Wiley
In The Puzzle of Sustainable Investment: What Smart Investors Should Know, veteran Environmental-Social-Governance (ESG) investor and educator Lukasz Pomorski delivers a balanced, informed, and insightful new take on sustainable investing. The author takes you through every relevant aspect of the frameworks, design choices, and data that sustainable investors use to build successful portfolios, as well as how sustainability choices might affect a financial portfolio, including cases where sustainability objectives are at odds with financial returns. You'll also learn how sustainable investing and the financial portfolios it leads to may affect the broader economy.
Inside the black box :a simple guide to systematic investingby Rishi K Narang John Wiley & Sons, Inc.In the newly revised third edition of Inside the Black Box: A Simple Guide to Systematic Investing, veteran practitioner and investor Rishi K Narang delivers another insightful discussion of how quantitative and algorithmic trading strategies work in non-mathematical terms. As with prior editions, this third edition is full of timeless concepts and timely updates. Supplemented by compelling anecdotes and real-world stories, the book explains the most relevant developments in the discipline since the publication of the second edition in 2013.
Empire of debt :we came, we saw, we borrowedby Addison Wiggin and William Bonner John Wiley & Sons, Inc.Building on the uncannily accurate predictions in previous editions, this latest edition of The Empire of Debt: We Came, We Saw, We Borrowed, written by New York Times bestselling authors Addison Wiggin and Bill Bonner, explores the economic, political, and financial events between 2008-09 and 2023, placing them in historical context and explaining what's likely to happen for the remaining years of the 2020s.
The book imparts practical advice on how to protect wealth in the face of ongoing and rapidly intensifying crises, as well as suggestions on how these trends can be played to put investors' own money to work.
Reinvent :navigating business transformation in a hyperdigital eraby Faisal Hoque Fast Company Press
No matter your goals, REINVENT offers a comprehensive roadmap for navigating this complex terrain. Drawing from decades of expertise and global insights, Faisal Hoque—an accomplished entrepreneur, senior executive, and thought leader—introduces the LIFTS framework, an innovative methodology designed to guide forward-looking business leaders with actionable strategies for success.
Divided into three insightful sections, this book explores the why, how, and what of organizational transformation. From understanding the imperative for change in the digital era to practical steps for preparation and execution, each section is packed with actionable strategies and real-world examples.
Start. Scale. Exit. Repeat. :Serial entrepreneurs' secrets revealed!by Colin C. Campbell Forbes BooksGet inside the minds of 30+ experts, authors, and seasoned entrepreneurs and learn from their hard-earned lessons. Discover the winning patterns of successful businesses and apply them to your own startup. Build a competitive edge and protect your business with a proven formula to scale up, add zeros to your revenue and profits, and crush the competition. Avoid common pitfalls and master the art of hacking your way to growth. Maximize your wealth by securing the right funding, navigating potential buyers, and cashing in big on an exit. With expert advice, you'll learn how to Start, Scale, Exit, and Repeat multiple companies.
Million dollar weekend :the surprisingly simple way to launch a 7-figure business in 48 hoursby Noah Kagan and Tahl Raz Portfolio/PenguinThe founder and CEO of AppSumo.com, Noah Kagan, knows how to launch a seven-figure business in a single weekend—and he’s done it seven times. Million Dollar Weekend will show you how. Now is the best time in history for entrepreneurship. More than ever, the world needs new businesses and it’s cheaper than ever to create them.
The business case for AI :a leader's guide to AI strategies, best practices & real-world applicationsby Kavita Ganesan Opinosis Analytics PublishingAI is much more than a sexy marketing gimmick. At its core, it’s a powerful business tool that can make operations and decision-making more efficient, employees more productive, and customers delighte.
In this practical guide for business leaders, Kavita Ganesan takes the mystery out of implementing AI, showing you how to launch AI initiatives that get results. With real-world AI examples to spark your own ideas, you’ll learn how to identify high-impact AI opportunities, prepare for AI transitions, and measure your AI performance.
The new CEO :lessons from CEOs on how to start well and perform quickly (minus the common mistakes)by Ty Wiggins WileyIn The New CEO, Dr. Ty Wiggins, an experienced leadership advisor specializing in CEO transitions, explains how to land well as a new CEO, accelerate your impact, and unlock the most affirming experience of your career.
Drawing on compelling storytelling and groundbreaking research of hundreds of CEOs around the world, the book offers an incisive guide on what to say and do as a new CEO, including how to define your priorities, build your team, fast-track critical changes, work with the board, and set (or reset) the organization's culture.
Smart management :how simple heuristics help leaders make good decisions in an uncertain worldby Jochen Reb, Shenghua Luan and Gerd Gigerenzer The MIT PressMaking decisions is one of the key tasks of managers, leaders, and professionals. In Smart Management, Jochen Reb, Shenghua Luan, and Gerd Gigerenzer demonstrate how business leaders can utilize heuristics—simple decision-making strategies adapted to the task at hand. In a world that has become increasingly volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous (VUCA), the authors make the case against complex analytical methods that quickly reach their limits. This against-the-grain approach leads to decisions that are not only faster but also more accurate, transparent, and easier to learn about, communicate, and teach. Smart Management offers an evidence-based yet practical discussion of how business leaders can use smart heuristics to make good decisions in a VUCA world.
The champion leader :harnessing the power of emotional intelligence to build high-performing teamsby Christopher D. Connors John Wiley & SonsIn The Champion Leader: Harnessing the Power of Emotional Intelligence to Build High-Performing Teams, bestselling author Christopher D. Connors delivers an invaluable, inspiring discussion of how to adapt to the rapidly changing rules of engagement in the modern workplace. You’ll find out why so many employees feel disconnected from their leaders in today’s remote and hybrid working environments and how to address that disconnect.
Cultures of growth :how the new science of mindset can transform individuals, teams, and organizationsby Mary C. Murphy Simon & SchusterAward-winning social psychologist Mary Murphy offers a groundbreaking reconsideration of individual and team success—showing how to create and sustain a growth mindset in any organization’s culture.
In Cultures of Growth, Mary Murphy shows that mindset transcends individuals. A growth mindset culture can transform any group, team, or classroom to reach breakthroughs while also helping each person achieve their potential.
The breakthrough manifesto :10 principles to spark transformative innovationby Kim Christfort and Suzanne Vickberg John Wiley & Sons, Inc.In The Breakthrough Manifesto, a renowned business innovation leader teams up with a social-personality psychologist to offer that something else―a collection of 10 visionary principles to obliterate barriers to change and ignite a whole new level of creative problem-solving. Drawing upon decades of experience working with the world’s best-known organizations and their teams, the authors provide practical advice that goes beyond “business as usual” for successfully tackling intractable challenges.
Untrapping product teams :simplify the complexity of creating digital productsby David Pereira, Ash Maurya and Jim Highsmith Addison-WesleyUntrapping Product Teams guides you to simplify what gets unintentionally complicated and equips you to overcome dangerous traps while steadily driving customer and business value. This isn't just another book about product management. It's a thought-provoking guide filled with simplicity, encouraging you to act today for a better tomorrow.
The negotiation edge :complete, collaborate, compromiseby Michael Saksa Business Expert PressThe Negotiation Edge is a two-part book that will make you a better negotiator.
The first half is a negotiating tutorial complete with checklists and worksheets. It details on how-to engage, prepare, select a leader, build a support team, identify roles, set communication guidelines, instruct meeting behavior, read the other side, and determine the best strategies (compete | collaborate | compromise) using a three-act negotiating structure.
The second half of the book is the author’s twenty-five best and worst negotiating experiences with his insightful lessons learned with Walmart, Amazon, Target, NFL, NBA, NHL, PBS, National Geographic, BBC, Netflix, Warner Bros., Disney, Universal, Fox, Paramount, Sony, Lionsgate, Tiger Woods, Oprah Winfrey, and Martha Stewart.
by Monique Zytnik Business Expert PressInternal Communication in the Age of Artificial Intelligence reveals a modern, multilayered approach to internal communication. It’s a practical guide for business leaders and communicators, filled with global case studies, behind-the-scenes insights, and stories from industry experts. You’ll learn what basics must be done brilliantly, how to engage with communities, and why a new immersive communication mindset is needed to prepare you for the future.
Speak up or stay stuck :get your voice heard when fast and forced change happens in the workplaceby Pam Marmon Lioncrest PublishingChange is not the enemy. It's inevitable and it could be the key to your success. In Speak Up or Stay Stuck, forward-thinking change management expert Pam Marmon unpacks a practical framework for implementing organizational change while ensuring your voice is heard.
In this refreshing, radical approach to organizational change, you'll discover how to communicate with senior leaders while effectively advocating for yourself and your team. Reclaim control and ownership of your work, grow your organizational change resilience, and find new ways to thrive when fast and forced change hits your workplace.
Coach builder :how to turn your expertise into a profitable coaching careerby Donald Miller HarperCollins Leadership, an imprint of HarperCollinsDonald Miller has been consulting and coaching for over two decades. He’s consulted some of the world’s top brands including TOMS Shoes, TREK Bicycles and Tempur Sealy. In 2020, he founded his own coaching program, where he’s helped hundreds of coaches start and grow their business. As a coach of coaches, he knows exactly what it takes to build a successful consulting career – and now he’s sharing the secrets of success with you.
The lean tech manifesto :learn the secrets of tech leaders to grasp the full benefits of agile at scaleby Fabrice Bernhard and Benoît Charles-Lavauzelle McGraw HillThis groundbreaking guide from Fabrice Bernhard and Benoît Charles-Lavauzelle—the leaders of the international technology consultancy Theodo—shows how to combine Lean Thinking with the speed and scale of technology to create more value with less wasted resources.
The Lean Tech Manifesto is the Agile Manifesto that scales. It is a guide to creating and maintaining an Agile culture in a tech organization of multiple teams, to deliver more value to the customer, faster, cheaper, while continuing to innovate. It leverages the decades of experience of Lean Thinking, a key source of inspiration for the Agile movement as well as for tech pioneers like Steve Jobs and Jeff Bezos, who were taught Lean Thinking early in their journey.
Data-driven personalization :how to use consumer insights to generate customer loyaltyby Zontee Hou Kogan PageTo break through the noise, marketers today need to be hyper-relevant to their customers. To do that takes data and a deep understanding of your audience. Data-Driven Personalization breaks down the best ways to reach new customers and better engage your best customers. By combining principles of persuasion, behavioral economics and industry research, this book provides readers with an actionable blueprint for how to implement a customer-centric approach to marketing that will drive results.
The worlds I see :curiosity, exploration, and discovery at the dawn of AIby Fei-Fei Li Moment of Lift Books
Known to the world as the creator of ImageNet, a key catalyst of modern artificial intelligence, Dr. Li has spent more than two decades at the forefront of the field. The Worlds I See is a story of science in the first person, documenting one of the century’s defining moments from the inside. It provides a riveting story of a scientist at work and a thrillingly clear explanation of what artificial intelligence actually is―and how it came to be. Emotionally raw and intellectually uncompromising, this book is a testament not only to the passion required for even the most technical scholarship but also to the curiosity forever at its heart.
Computer Science
Generative artificial intelligence :what everyone needs to knowby Jerry Kaplan Oxford University Press
Have we finally discovered the holy grail of AI - machines that match or exceed human intelligence? Which industries and professions will thrive, and which will wither? What risks and dangers will it pose? How can we ensure that these systems respect our ethical principles? Will the benefits be broadly distributed or accrue to a lucky few? How will GAI alter our political systems and international conflicts? Are we merely a stepping stone to a new form of non-biological life, or are we just getting better at building useful gadgets?
Generative Artificial Intelligence: What Everyone Needs to Know® equips readers with the knowledge to answer these pressing questions.Our next reality :how the AI-powered metaverse will reshape the worldby Alvin Wang Graylin, Louis Rosenberg and Neal Stephenson Nicholas Brealey PublishingIn Our Next Reality, two industry veterans provide a data-driven debate on whether the new world we're creating will be a technological utopia or an AI-powered dystopia and give guidance on how to aim for the best future we can. With a Foreword by renowned author Neal Stephenson and section contributions from industry thought-leaders such as Peter H. Diamandis, Tom Furness, Phillip Rosedale, Tony Parisi, Avi Bar Zeev and Walter Parkes, this book answers over a dozen of the most pressing questions we face as spatial computing and AI accelerates the digitization of our world. Find out why our actions in the next decade could determine the trajectory of our species for countless millennia.
Power and progress :our thousand-year struggle over technology and prosperityby Daron Acemoglu and Simon Johnson PublicAffairs
Power and Progress demonstrates the path of technology was once—and may again—be brought under control. Cutting-edge technological advances can become empowering and democratizing tools, but not if all major decisions remain in the hands of a few hubristic tech leaders.
With their bold reinterpretation of economics and history, Daron Acemoglu and Simon Johnson fundamentally change how we see the world, providing the vision needed to redirect innovation so it again benefits most people.
by Harvard Business Review Harvard Business Review Press
"Where do you see yourself in five years?" This question can make even the most ambitious of us feel a little nauseous. Starting out in the working world is hard enough, but thinking long-term about our careers—and whether we even want a capital-C "Career"—can be daunting. Luckily, there are steps we can take to build careers that fit our individual interests, needs, and skills.
This book will help you define the career that fits you, so you can align your passions and values with your daily work.
(美)阿门A.阿尔钦, 威廉R.艾伦 著,(美)杰里L.乔丹 编;李井奎 译,薛兆丰 校 格致出版社:上海人民出版社
厉以宁 著 中国大百科全书出版社本书包括厉以宁自20世纪80年代在北京大学讲授西方经济学理论和西方经济学史相关课程时,阅读西方经济学著作后所写的读书笔记,以及为一些经济学著作所撰写的序言等。内容涉及宏观经济学和微观经济学领域内西方众多经济学派的产生与发展过程,凯恩斯、熊彼特、萨缪尔森等代表人物对世界经济学产生重大影响的主要理论观点,劳动力市场的相关分析,就业与通货膨胀间的相互关系,以及西方经济学说对中国经济体制改革所产生的影响等。
(美)霍华德 亚鲁斯 著; 赵善江 译 中国友谊出版社经济学并不是一门需要学习者具备高深的专业知识或使用专业工具才能通晓的学科,而是一门旨在理解人机互动,以及其如何对我们周遭的世界产生影响的社会科学。本书聚焦经济体系、人、企业、经济周期、政府这五个使经济世界得以运转的动力,以一种直截了当、敦本务实且轻松愉悦的方式揭开经济学的神秘面纱。通过认真地观察世界并运用经济学知识,我们便能够获取了解现实生活的真知灼见。
查理·芒格的智慧:投资的格栅理论(美)罗伯特 G. 哈格斯特朗 著 ; 郑磊 译 机械工业出版社
(美)伯顿 G. 马尔基尔 著 ; 张伟 译 机械工业出版社作为一部畅销世界已40多年的经典之作,本书的特色就是与时俱进,新增了很多有价值的新材料,以探讨交易型放式指数基金和一些投资机会,包括新兴市场尤其是中国的投资机会,并以全新一章讨论了“聪明的β”这一新投资策略存在的陷阱和前景。马尔基尔既是杰出的专业投资者,又是造诣精深的经济学家。在本书中,他将投资理论与实践结合在一起,由坚实基础理论和空中楼阁理论引出基本面分析和技术分析,同时讲述了金融史上著名的投资泡沫和投机狂潮,文字优雅、流畅,写作既学术又通俗,既深入浅出又令人信服,一步步引导读者满怀信心地跨越市场。
金融科技革命:数字时代金融服务创新(英)德维 莫汉 著 ; 黄震, 张夏明 译 中国科学技术出版社本书深入探讨了金融科技对银行业的挑战,详细解释了挑战者银行的兴起原因,并讨论了金融科技公司、大型科技企业与传统银行之间不同的商业模式。作者结合自身实践经验和深入研究,提供了一个循序渐进的实践方法,帮助金融科技企业与终端用户实现双赢合作。
中欧案例中心 编著 东方出版中心
哈佛商业评论领导力手册:如何影响、激励和带领组织持续向前(美)罗恩 阿什肯纳斯, 布鲁克 曼维尔 著; 陈媛, 张翔, 彭卓 译 电子工业出版社本书回顾了过去30年的领导力洞察,并从中挑选出了对21世纪的领导力发展至关重要的,以及在任何行业取得成功都需要的、永恒的领导力内容。美国商业杂志称“这本书提供了几十年特别好的一些领导力建议”。阅读本书,你可以获得:克莱顿·克里斯坦森和迈克尔·波特对成熟的领导力框架的简明解释;对高级领导者案例的深入研究,如世界银行的吉姆·沃尔芬森、PBS的葆拉·科戈尔、福特基金会的达伦·沃克和汤森路透的吉姆·史密斯;循序渐进的指导,帮助你理解并开始实施6个核心的领导实践,包括建立统一的愿景,制定战略,招募优秀人才,专注于结果,为未来而创新,领导自己。
有效的经营者:典藏版宋志平 著 机械工业出版社经营和管理既密不可分,又各有侧重,经营是做正确的事,而管理是正确地做事。不是管理不重要,而是经营更重要,当下的企业领导者首先要成为有效的经营者,尽量把管理工作下移给部下,把自己的工作重心从管理转向经营,重视正确选择、有效创新、资本运营、价值创造、共享机制这五项修炼。本书主要围绕正确选择、有效创新、资本运营、价值创造、共享机制五大主题展开,最后从做企业的四大常理、四大核心、四支队伍、四大风险等视角阐述了经营的底层逻辑。
人才基因:典藏版朱岩梅 著 浙江科学技术出版社作者结合自己30多年从事人才培养工作的经验和心得,提出了“大树人才模型”,将人的成长比作树木的生长,从树的各个组成部分――枝叶、花果、树干、树根,以及树形――引申出人才成长的五个基本要素:能力素质、目标承诺、人格特质、终身成长和独特唯一。这些要素相互交织,共同构成了一个全面而立体的人才发展框架。本书不仅是一本关于个人成长的指南,更是一本关于如何识别、培养和激励人才的宝典。
创业者手册:典藏版(美)史蒂夫 布兰克, 鲍勃 多夫 著 ; 知一产业智库 译 机械工业出版社所有创业者都坚信自己的道路与众不同,他们在踏上创业之路时从不设计路线图,认为其他模式或模板并不适合自己。同样是初创企业,有些能够取得成功而有些只能沦落到廉价清库的下场。看起来这似乎是运气使然,然而事实并非如此。英雄成功的故事都是一样的,换句话说,时尚必然存在一条通往成功的真实且可重复的道路。本书是一本指导你逐步实现初创企业步入正轨、有效运营的全面、详尽的手册。它能帮助企业创始人熟悉客户开发流程,让他们走出办公室,接触真实的客户,最终开发出客户乐于购买的产品。
完美咨询:咨询顾问必备实践指南(美)彼得 布洛克 著;梅红 译 人民邮电出版社40多年来,本书一直是咨询从业者与他人建立信任、构建有意义的合作关系以扩大影响力的实践指南。书中讨论了咨询中永不过时的基本原则与最新的工具和技巧,带领我们逐步完成咨询的五个阶段,并指明了如何“完美”地开展咨询工作。此“完美”并不是指承诺一种尽善尽美的结果,而是指当我们遵循一些原则、结构和流程,去“完成”我们作为顾问在每一个阶段应完成的重要之事,这个咨询就是“完美”的,无论其最终结果如何。
决策是如何产生的:典藏版(美)詹姆斯 马奇 著; 王元歌, 章爱民 译 机械工业出版社作为大师中的大师,詹姆斯·马奇在斯坦福大学讲授的决策论广受欢迎。决策是人类的核心活动,它对个体、群体、组织和社会生活至关重要。本书并非对决策的初级介绍,而是对决策的产生过程行深剖析,运用社会学和行为学的理论研究各种不同情境下的决策,从而使现实世界做出决策的人既能从参与者的角度,又能从旁观者的角度来理解这一过程。
终局思维:战略决策的新逻辑刘学 著 中国人民大学出版社企业通常基于当前环境和条件进行战略分析,但在如今快速变化的时代,按照以往的做法所形成的战略决策可能很快就会与现实脱节。本书提出了一种全新的分析方法,帮助企业从洞察产业终局的角度进行战略分析与决策。本书还系统深入地分析了传统汽车制造业面对智能汽车产业的颠覆性挑战,如何通过应用这一新方法来洞察智能汽车产业的终局,从而提前做出战略选择和决策。书中以智能手机产业作为最佳参照产业,对智能汽车产业未来的格局做了系统推断,洞见了未来智能汽车产业的技术结构和产品结构,为中国传统车企以及相关供应链企业、科技公司的战略定位与选择提供了参考,为中国智能汽车相关企业把握全球汽车制造业格局大调整的机遇给出了方向性的指引。
教练型领导:有效带人、激发潜能的教练原理与实务(美)斯科特 奥斯曼, 杰奎琳 莱恩, 马歇尔 古德史密斯 著 ; 陶尚芸 译 机械工业出版社一个好领导就是一名好教练。教练型领导就是从提升自己到成就他人的管理工具 。成为教练型领导不仅能够维持稳定的团队,带领团队实现合理的业绩增长,而且能够最大限度地提高工作效率。成为教练型领导会进一步促进自己更好地领导团队和支持他人。为此,作者基于自己数十年的教练经验,系统阐述了教练的理念和技巧,分析了教练型领导的原型,非常适合各行各业的教练、主管、经理人和专业人士阅读,是人力培训和组织文化提升的重要参考指南。
帮助客户成功:世界500强企业使用的解决方案销售实用教程(美)马汉 卡尔萨, 兰迪 伊利格 著 ; 彭相珍 译 中国青年出版社本书是销售领域的经典畅销书。富兰克林柯维“顾问式销售”经典课程——帮助客户成功®正是基于此书,已在40多个国家,以9种不同的语言教授。该方法论被全球销售人员使用,帮助他们实现长期的销售成功。本书的核心即“帮助客户成功”思维方式、工具箱和技能组合。它将帮助销售人员真正理解客户的真实需求,与客户建立高度信任,提供精准满足客户需求的解决方案,并达成双赢结果。这样的销售方式不仅能让你当下达成业绩目标,更能带来未来更多的销售额。
学会更聪明地提问:如何提出催化创新的好问题(英)山姆 诺尔斯 著 ; 翟洪霞 译 新华出版社提问是一门实用的艺术,但是,很少有人能够精通这门艺术。作者山姆·诺尔斯在本书中解释了我们应如何提出以激发更为有用的答案为目标的问题。无论是对于企业和大学,还是对于慈善组织和政府机构,这都是一条能够提升效率、快速创新和组织成功的捷径。本书旨在激发读者的好奇心,帮助他们建立有价值的框架,以使他们提出的每个问题都能发挥作用。
汪泓 主编; 史健勇, 吴忠, 张健明, 罗娟, 王媛媛 副主编 社会科学文献出版社
我们, 机器人 ?:人工智能监管及其法律局限(澳)陈西文 著 ; 游传满, 费秀艳 译 北京大学出版社
从自动驾驶、高频交易到算法决策,我们的生活、工作和娱乐方式越来越依赖于人工智能系统,这些系统在运行时的人为干预越来越少。这些快速、自主和不透明的机器提供了巨大的好处,但是也带来了巨大的风险。 本书探讨了应当如何监管人工智能,特别是需要创设哪些新的规则和机构,包括人工智能的自我监管机制,才可以有效地发挥法律规范的监管效能。从比较法的角度,本书分析了欧盟、美国和新加坡等法域的法律规范理念和实践,为如何管控风险、划定红线和维护公共权力的合法性提供了经验借鉴。
傅佩荣 著 东方出版社
杨鹏 著 湖南文艺出版社本书作者为新东方教育科技集团高级副总裁、教学名师,研读《道德经》三十余年。本书是作者花了近十年时间,在新东方管培生内部指导讲义基础上写成。他在书中不仅将儒释道的传统文化做了打通,还运用西方社会经济学进行解读,更融入了自身十几年系统运用《道德经》管理企业的经验。全书的一大特点是通俗易懂。作者除了对《道德经》八十一章逐章进行翻译释疑以外,还增加了生僻字注音、生词解释;更在解读的主体部分加入了史实典故、管理案例,从学习与管理实践的角度读通《道德经》。知行合一,学以致用,应用经典文化指导学习、生活、管理,帮助读者开悟智慧之源,走向自信人生。
(美)陈世敏,赵丽缦,张弛等 编著 东方出版中心
中欧国际工商学院:1994-2024汪泓 著 上海交通大学出版社在“认真、 创新、追求卓越”的校训指引下,中欧国际工商学院坚持“中国深度、全球广度”的战略定位,在飞速发展的30年间,通过知识创造与知识传播推动了中国企业的管理进步,为中国经济全球化做出了积极贡献,为中国与欧洲和世界的经济文化交流合作搭建了坚实的桥梁。“三十而励 卓越无界”,愿本书成为中欧国际工商学院30年辉煌发展历程的一个见证,亦为中欧国际工商学院未来凯歌前行提供宝贵的经验借鉴。希望全体师生员工和校友与关注中欧国际工商学院发展的各界人士携手共进,继续保持创新和创业的激情与信念,以敢于开拓、追求卓越的精神创造新的辉煌与奇迹。
叙利亚:权利交汇下的破碎之地(法)马修 雷伊 著 ; 李建勇 译 浙江人民出版社
瀚海行脚:西域考古60年手记王炳华 著 生活, 读书, 新知三联书店本书收录了西域考古学家王炳华先生在六十载新疆考古与研究中创作的十五篇考古手记,记录和叙述了他从开创伊犁河流域考古开始,到发现孔雀河青铜时代墓葬、主持并参与楼兰、尼雅、克里雅、丹丹乌里克、小河等一系列重大考古发现过程中的所见、所思与所感,也呈现了他一生投身考古事业不断求索的时间脉络。
徐静波 著 上海人民出版社
马岩松 著 生活, 读书, 新知三联书店
燕山刀客 著 湖南文艺出版社
这是一部通俗版的王阳明传记。王阳明少年丧母、年纪轻轻就患上绝症、仕途屡屡受挫,但终究未能阻止他大放异彩,跻身圣人行列。立德、立言、立功,中国古代文人梦寐以求的“三不朽”,在他身上得到了完美的体现。 在这本王阳明的通俗传记里,我们可以看到,这位传奇人物如何不断砥砺自我,在生活和思想中探索与精进,成就了让后人膜拜不已的煊赫业绩。我们也可以沿着心学的形成发展进程,领会知行合一理论的真谛,汲取前人的思想精华来指导自己,成就更好的人生。
一本书读懂大模型:技术创新, 商业应用与产业变革中国电信天翼智库大模型研究团队 机械工业出版社
(日)寺部雅能, 大关真之 著 ; 张小猛 译 机械工业出版社本书共5章。其中,第1章主要围绕量子计算机的发展情况进行了全面论述。第2章主要对量子计算机的基本原理、工作方式和其实际应用进行说明。第3章主要介绍在汽车行业及其他制造业中,量子计算机未来将引起怎样的变化,并根据实证实验的事例进行说明。第4章给出了细分领域的多家企业人士采访实录,从他们所处领域的角度出发,展望了量子计算机将怎样重构未来世界。第5章以“产研结合”的视角,展望了在量子计算机这样的新领域中将如何进行革新。
by Andrew Leigh Black Inc.
This small book tells a big story. From ancient times to the modern world, The Shortest History of Economics unearths the hidden economic forces behind war, innovation and social transformation. It traces how capitalism and the market system emerged, and introduces the key ideas and people who shaped the discipline of economics.
by Ruchir Sharma Simon & SchusterWhat went wrong with capitalism? Ruchir Sharma’s account is not like any you will have heard before. He says progressives are right, in part, when they mock modern capitalism as “socialism for the rich.” For a century, governments have expanded in just about every measurable dimension, from spending to regulation and the scale of financial rescues when the economy wobbles. The result is expensive state guarantees for everyone—bailouts for the rich, entitlements for the middle class, welfare for the poor.
Sustainable investing:an ESG starter kit for everyday investorsby Kylelane Purcell Business Expert Press
This book is perfect for individuals looking to make their first investments in “ESG” funds, which consider the Environmental, Social, and Governance aspects of the companies they invest in, as well as their financials. It contains useful and practical guidance on how to understand your choices in the rapidly expanding world of sustainable investing, and it offers concrete steps to invest in funds and companies that reflect your values.
The predictive edge:outsmart the market using generative AI and ChatGPT in financial forecastingby Alejandro Lopez-Lira WileyIn The Predictive Edge, renowned AI and finance researcher Dr. Alejandro Lopez-Lira delivers an engaging and insightful new take on how to use large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT to find new investment opportunities and make better trading decisions. In the book, you’ll learn how to interpret the outputs of LLMs to craft sounder trading strategies and incorporate market sentiment into your analyses of individual securities.
From hoodies to suits:innovating digital assets for traditional financeby Annelise Osborne John Wiley & Sons, Inc.In From Hoodies to Suits, leading finance innovator Annelise Osborne bridges the gap between the “hoodies” who invented the technology behind digital assets and the “suits” who run traditional financial markets, in an entertaining and insightful guide for implementing digital assets in an institutional environment. You’ll discover the possibilities unlocked by new technological advancements, including alternative investments, new marketplaces, interoperability between counterparties, and even improved forms of diversification.
China-focused cases:selected winners of the CEIBS global case contest IIedited by CEIBS Case Center 东方出版中心
This book showcases a selection of award-winning cases from the Global Contest for the Best China-Focused Cases. The contests held between 2018 and 2022 recognized 63 exceptional cases, 13 of which are in this publication. These cases originate from Chinese and International business schools, highlighting global interest in China's business and management dynamics.
Deals:the economic structure of business transactionsby Michael Klausner Harvard University PressDeals captures the range of real-life transactional complexities with case studies covering Microsoft’s acquisition of LinkedIn, Scarlett Johansson’s contract dispute with Disney over the release of Black Widow, litigation surrounding LVMH’s pandemic-disrupted acquisition of Tiffany, the feud between George Norcross and Lewis Katz over ownership of the Philadelphia Inquirer, NBC/Viacom’s negotiation with Paramount over the final three seasons of Frasier, and many more. In clear, concise terms, Klausner and Subramanian establish the basic framework of negotiation and the economic concepts that must be addressed in order to maximize value. They show how to tackle challenges, such as information asymmetry between buyer and seller, moral hazard, and opportunistic behavior.
Re-understanding entrepreneurship:what it is and why it mattersby Weiying Zhang Cambridge University PressHow do entrepreneurs make decisions in the real world? Why are entrepreneurs absent from mainstream economics? What functions do entrepreneurs play in the market? What type of institutional environment is needed for entrepreneurship to play a role? Neoclassical economics is a market theory without entrepreneurship. This misconception distorts our understanding of how the real market works, leading to a theory of market failure that forms the common foundation of various government interventions. The market is not only an allocative process but, more importantly, a discovery and creative process. To understand the real market, Weiying Zhang argues that economics must shift from a price-centric to an entrepreneur-centric paradigm. Blending theory and narrative, Zhang intersects history with the present supporting his theory with relevant case studies.
Global leadership practices:competencies for navigating in a complex worldby Bettina Gehrke Edward Elgar PublishingThis forward-thinking book explores global leadership and the complexities inherent in its practice. Conceptual knowledge, learning tools and reflective exercises stimulate the reader to delve into self-development and to recognize how to develop competencies that lead to global collaboration. The book also illustrates specific practices that address the challenges of diversity, equity and inclusion and provides reflections on the role of global leaders in guiding and advancing sustainability transformation.
The winding road to excellence:leadership lessons learned from life's potholesby G.T. Toby Stansell Forbes BooksAs CEO of Cargo LLC and the former CEO and President of companies ranging from Finance to Apparel and High - Tech to Manufacturing, Stansell knows what it takes to lead in a manner that assists people in achieving their best. In this readable and relatable collection of savvy business advice on developing a corporate culture where people genuinely want to perform at their best and keep the interests of the business top of mind, Toby Stansell develops a series of pithy, memorable “Mantras for Excellence.”
The CEO's digital survival guide:a practical handbook to navigating the futureby Nathan Whittacre Advantage BooksIn The CEO’s Digital Survival Guide, Nathan Whittacre gives access to the fundamentals of basic operations, features, and the limitations of different computer networks available today. Nathan has years of experience creating systems and processes to help CEOs run their businesses. He gives an easy-to-follow overview of what every CEO needs to know in order to be able to systematically understand, analyze and implement the right system for their organization to protect their infrastructure against external and internal threats. He explains best practices and discusses the most current technologies that are available.
The AI conundrum:harnessing the power of AI for your organization-profitably and safelyby Caleb Briggs The MIT PressArtificial intelligence, or AI, can recognize a pattern from any set of data it is given, which is what makes it such an extraordinarily powerful tool. But because not all patterns are authentic or reliable, AI’s pattern-finding superpower can lead to spurious patterns—and to disastrous results for business and government entities that rely on them. Hence the conundrum at the heart of AI: its greatest strength can also be its greatest weakness. Targeting the businessperson who needs to know how to use AI profitably and responsibly, Caleb Briggs and Rex Briggs offer in this book a foundational understanding of AI that is easy to grasp yet thorough enough to be used effectively.
The problem with change:and the essential nature of human performanceby Ashley Goodall Little, Brown SparkFor decades, “disruption” and “change” have been seen as essential to business growth and success. In this provocative and incisive book, leadership expert Ashley Goodall argues that what has become a sacred dogma is both wrong and harmful. Drawing on two decades spent leading HR organizations at Deloitte and Cisco, Ashley Goodall reveals why change is not the same as improvement, and how, by prioritizing team cohesion (instead of reshuffling teams at will), by using real words (rather than corporate-speak), by sharing secrets (not mission statements), by fixing only the things that are truly broken (instead of moving fast and breaking everything in sight, and more, leaders at every level can create the stability that people need to thrive.
Fire your hiring habits:building an environment that attracts top talent in today's workforceby Dr. John W. Mitchell Forbes BooksRecruitment methods now include LinkedIn, algorithms, and attracting top talent through the types of flexibility, benefits, and environment the modern workforce demands. From rethinking certifications and degrees to work-from-home options and many other innovations, John W. Mitchell, Ed.D. will challenge you to Fire Your Hiring Habits! As a thought leader in the electronics industry, John brings a global perspective and openness to the ever-changing ways (and places) we work. Using real-life examples and presenting challenging problems, Mitchell offers solutions-focused answers to finding and retaining today’s top talent.
Forging bonds in a global workforce:build rapport, camaraderie, and optimal performance no matter the time zoneby Andy Molinsky McGraw HillPerfunctory efforts to show investment in a business relationship―detailed in so many books about global work and cultural intelligence―doesn’t cut it anymore. Business professionals working across national and cultural boundaries need to form authentic relationships that drive rapport, camaraderie, and optimal team performance―and Forging Bonds in a Global Workforce provides the most thorough and practical approach to date on this issue. Renowned academics in the field of intercultural relationship-building, Andy Molinsky and Melissa Hahn deliver an easy-to-understand approach to help you supercharge your global relationship-building skills.
How the world ran out of everything:inside the global supply chainby Peter S. Goodman Mariner BooksIn How the World Ran Out of Everything, award-winning journalist Peter S. Goodman reveals the fascinating innerworkings of our supply chain and the factors that have led to its constant, dangerous vulnerability. His reporting takes readers deep into the elaborate system, showcasing the triumphs and struggles of the human players who operate it—from factories in Asia and an almond grower in Northern California, to a group of striking railroad workers in Texas, to a truck driver who Goodman accompanies across hundreds of miles of the Great Plains. Through their stories, Goodman weaves a powerful argument for reforming a supply chain to become truly reliable and resilient, demanding a radical redrawing of the bargain between labor and shareholders, and deeper attention paid to how we get the things we need.
The invisible game:the secrets and the science of winning minds and winning dealsby Kai-Markus Mueller WileyIn The Invisible Game, neuroscientist Kai-Markus Mueller and sales professional Gabriele Rehbock deliver a hands-on guide to the hidden dynamics that influence the outcomes of most business deals. In plain English, the book unpacks recently discovered insights from psychology, behavioral economics, and neuroscience, and explains how to apply them to your advantage in real-life business situations. The authors show you how to influence buying decisions and how to successfully respond to challenging business situations in order to put you in control of the levers that drive sales success.
Data storytelling in marketing:how to tell persuasive stories through databy Caroline Florence Kogan PageUnderstanding how to use data to build and tell stories is an increasingly important part of the modern-day marketers' toolkit. Stories centered on robust evidence and credible data can withstand challenges, provide meaning, offer insight and engage audiences. This book is designed to plug the data storytelling skills gap and enable marketing professionals to cut through the data overload, join the data dots and create engaging narratives and content.
Business Enterprises
Extremely hardcore:inside Elon Musk's Twitterby Zoë Schiffer Portfolio/Penguin
Distilling hundreds of hours of interviews with more than sixty employees, thousands of pages of internal documents, Slack messages, presentations, as well as court filings and congressional testimony, Extremely Hardcore is the true story of how Musk reshaped the world’s online public square into his own personal megaphone. This is the story of Twitter, but it’s also a chronicle of the post-pandemic labor movement, a war between executives and a workforce newly awakened to their rights and needs.
The point:how to win with clarity-fueled communicationsby Steve Woodruff James Morgan Publishing
Clarity-fueled communications is the practice of using the fewest words to make the biggest impact. The Point unveils how the overloaded human brain wants information packaged, and how to craft brain-friendly messages that break through the noise. From email to sales pitches, from workshops to resumes, Steven Woodruff’s Clarity Fuel Formula is the universal recipe for communications success. The Point includes four simple actions and eight compelling shortcuts that can be used by anyone to get to the point and get others on the same page.
Breaking through:my life in scienceby Katalin Karikó Crown
Katalin Karikó has had an unlikely journey. The daughter of a butcher in postwar communist Hungary, Karikó grew up in an adobe home that lacked running water, and her family grew their own vegetables. She saw the wonders of nature all around her and was determined to become a scientist. That determination eventually brought her to the United States, where she arrived as a postdoctoral fellow in 1985 with $1,200 sewn into her toddler’s teddy bear and a dream to remake medicine.
Karikó’s three-decade-long investigation into mRNA would lead to a staggering achievement: vaccines that protected millions of people from the most dire consequences of COVID-19. These vaccines are just the beginning of mRNA’s potential. Today, the medical community eagerly awaits more mRNA vaccines—for the flu, HIV, and other emerging infectious diseases.
Computer Science
The AI mirror:how to reclaim our humanity in the age of machine thinkingby Shannon Vallor Oxford University Press
To meet today's grave challenges to our species and our planet, we will need something new from AI, and from ourselves. Shannon Vallor makes a wide-ranging, prophetic, and philosophical case for what AI could be: a way to reclaim our human potential for moral and intellectual growth, rather than lose ourselves in mirrors of the past. Rejecting prophecies of doom, she encourages us to pursue technology that helps us recover our sense of the possible, and with it the confidence and courage to repair a broken world. Vallor calls us to rethink what AI is and can be, and what we want to be with it.
Biopharma in China:innovation, trends and dealmakingby Sven Agten Palgrave Macmillan
This book provides an insider’s overview of the emerging Chinese biopharma sector, its dynamics and trends, first bust and boom cycle, long-term perspectives, and how as a foreign company or investor to tap into this. China has gone from a country with no innovation in drug discovery, to a country which starts to out-license its biopharma technology to the rest of the world. The Chinese biopharma sector is only a decade old, but it already has become a new driver of growth and value. The book takes a closer look at what drives Chinese innovation in the biopharma sector, how to deal with this innovation, and what opportunities and challenges this provides for foreign companies.
Everest, Inc.:the renegades and rogues who built an industry at the top of the worldby Will Cockrell Gallery Books, an imprint of Simon & Schuster, LLC
Unlike any book to date, Everest, Inc. is the definitive account of how a few daring entrepreneurs paired raw courage and naked ambition to get paying clients safely up and down Everest. Until the late eighties, such a thing was considered impossible. Within a few years, Everest guiding was a burgeoning industry. Today, ninety percent of the people on the mountain are clients or employees of guided expeditions. Studded with quotes from original interviews with more than a hundred Western and Sherpa climbers, clients, writers, and filmmakers—including Jimmy Chin and Conrad Anker—Everest, Inc. foregrounds the colorful voices of the people who have made the mountain what it is today.
Powered by me:from burned out to fully charged at work and in lifeby Neha Sangwan McGraw Hill
In this book, Dr. Sangwan explains in simple terms the overwhelming experience of burnout, and offers an awareness prescription that helps you determine on which of the five levels—physical, mental, emotional, social, or spiritual—burnout is occurring for you. Once you identify your biggest energy drains, she equips you with powerful tools that enable you to replenish your energy and take practical steps toward healing. Along the way, you'll expand your awareness, elevate your mindset, communicate with clarity, and align your decision-making with what matters most.
下一个不确定的时代:如何应对风险更高的未来(加)斯蒂芬 波洛兹 著 ; 法意 译 中信出版社
繁荣与衰退:中国市场经济:1000-1500年刘光临 著; 李春圆 译 社会科学文献出版社四十多年以来,中国在市场繁荣和经济增长方面屡创佳绩,成为世界上最大的市场经济体之一,而宋代中国在一千年前也获得了类似的地位。刘光临在这部大胆而精彩的著作中,利用非常珍贵的11 世纪市场和人口数据,首次使用定量方法来探讨中国早期市场经济。宋代市场经济的繁荣与明初管制体系导致的衰退形成了鲜明对比,这种根本性的变化不仅使市场规模缩小,也导致普通民众的生活水平急剧下降。
失落的日本制造:繁荣、衰弱、自救与未来(日)小林延行 著; 王鹤 译 红旗出版社本书作者通过分享自己的制造公司在遭遇泡沫经济、次贷危机、日本“3·11”大地震等打击时沉浮自救的经历,以亲历者的视角,对比日本知名企业、竞争对手、其他国家制造业现状,分析日本制造业失败的缘由,指出日本制造业在未来应该走的希望之路,为日本中小微企业尤其是制造企业提出极具实操性的建议。
宏观经济学:第三版(美)达龙 阿西莫格鲁, 戴维 莱布森, 约翰 A. 李斯特 著 ; 崔传刚 译, 余昌华 审校 中信出版社由2024年诺奖经济学奖得主之一达龙·阿西莫格鲁及戴维·莱布森和约翰·A.李斯特三位顶尖经济学教授联袂打造,以创新理念和实践导向,为读者提供接近经济学的全新体验。作者们以深厚的学术背景和对经济学的热爱,将复杂的经济理论转化为易于理解且贴近生活的知识。本书以优化、均衡和实证主义为核心,通过大量当代生活实例展示了经济学原理在日常生活中的应用。它摒弃了传统的数学公式,采用真实数据和案例,使读者能够直观地理解经济学概念,建立批判性思维和决策能力。
姜建清, 汪泓 主编 中国金融出版社
- 金融开放创新与风险监管:上海国际金融中心能级提升专题研究 / 刘功润,龙玉等著.
- 可持续金融 : 从发展愿景到市场行动 / 裘菊,陈玺著.
- 利率波动下的资产管理:全球趋势与创新实践 / 孙丹,田伟杰著.
- 欧洲区域经济研究报告:2023-2024 (欧盟卷) / 陈玺,裘菊,蒋雪云等著.
- 资本市场高质量发展:中国股市退市问题探究 / 于卫国著.
下一个风口:新质生产力驱动下的科创投资逻辑邱伟 著 中国人民大学出版社本书通过案例分析并结合作者自身的经验和领悟,较为系统地总结了国家大力倡导的人工智能、半导体、新能源、数字经济、创新生物药等科创行业的投资逻辑,是一本帮助读者提升对科创细分行业认知水平以及对未来趋势进行判断与思考能力的通俗读物。
超越J曲线:PE/VC投资组合管理(德)托马斯 迈耶, (比)皮埃尔 伊夫 马托内特 著 ; 孙兴亮 译 机械工业出版社本书以从业者的视角,尝试为读者展示一个精心规划的私募股权基金投资计划的整体图景。作者采用一个严谨的框架结构,完整阐述了私募股权基金市场、私募股权基金结构、并购资本基金与风险资本基金的区别、投资程序、风险框架等,详细讨论了一份高收益投资计划的组成部分及其密切关系。建立私募股权基金投资计划是一项复杂的任务,伴随着一系列技术和组织层面的挑战。作者聚焦于投资的原则,而不是描述具体的环境,核心不在于提出什么理想的计划,而是讨论各种方法的利弊与权衡取舍。
价值投资:从格雷厄姆到巴菲特(美)布鲁斯 C. 格林沃尔德, 贾德 卡恩, 艾琳 贝利西莫, 马克 A. 库珀, 塔诺 桑托斯 著 ; 林安霁, 樊帅 译 中国人民大学出版社作为格雷厄姆和多德价值投资理念的传承者,布鲁斯·C.格林沃尔德教授在哥伦比亚大学商学院开设的价值投资课程久负盛名。本书为课程教材,也是格雷厄姆《证券分析》的当代传承之作。
中欧国际工商学院 著 上海交通大学出版社
2019年起,中欧教授中的骨干力量倾力推出“中欧前沿观点丛书”,至今已出版到第三辑。丛书前两辑面世后,因其对中国经济社会和管理问题客观、专业的观察视角和深度解读而受到了读者的广泛关注和欢迎。今年又有9本新著作添入丛书书单,致敬中欧30周年。这些著作由7位中欧教授编著,定位“关注中国经济成长 寻求商业智慧启示”,内容涵盖了营销管理、服务管理、ESG、人力资源、领导力、金融财务等多个管理领域学科主题,总字数达到了100多万。丛书的出版,使得中欧教授们的智慧与知识突破学术与课堂的限制,传播给更多关注中国经济成长、寻求商业智慧启示的读者朋友们。
- 高水平服务业由大向强的发展战略 / 汪泓著.
- 养老保险的发展与未来 / 汪泓著.
- 企业文化三问 : 为何要做? 要如何做? 该做什么? / 李秀娟著.
- 成为卓越的变革领导者/ 忻榕著.
- 灵敏应变 : 高度不确定环境下的管理 / 蔡舒恒著.
- 义利合一 : 中国企业的ESG实践 / 蔡舒恒著.
- 不情愿的领导者 / 赵浩著.
- 财富管理 : 从认识基金开始 / 芮萌著.
苏锡嘉 著 上海人民出版社本书作者苏锡嘉是中欧国际工商学院会计学荣誉退休教授,因其细腻的观察、独特的视角、犀利而风趣的表达、富有哲理性启发性的思考,多年来一直深受中欧同学欢迎。
(以)尤里 莱文 著; 桂曙光, 桂玉勤 译 浙江科学技术出版社尤里·莱文打造了两个估值超过10亿美元的公司。在本书中,他向你展示了他是如何做到的。作为世界领先的导航应用Waze的联合创始人,莱文致力于传播创业思维,帮助科技领域的其他创始人、经理能够建立自己的高价值公司。书中传达了做有价值的事,虽不容易,但有方法的价值观。围绕着打造一家成功的企业所需的一些关键要素,总结了一套有效做事的原则和方法。希望有所成就、能够向前一步的人,或者只是想要做目己的人,都可以从中得到启发。
(美)尼尔 霍因 著 ; 张溪梦 译 浙江科学技术出版社在数字化营销时代,“点击 + 让人们购买 = 成功”的模式已失效,靠“一锤子买卖”越来收回获客成本。世界知名数据营销大师、谷歌客户分析全球负责人尼尔·霍因大胆断言:未来10年,营销的成功取决于能否与客户建立长期关系。企业要想生存,就要与客户建立长期关系,让他们一买再买。霍因在谷歌工作的10余年间,与知名广告商们进行了2500多次合作,为这些企业赢得了数百万客户,将客户转化率提升了400%以上,创造的增量收入超过20亿美元。在本书中,霍因深入分析了亚马逊、奈飞、Lululemon、航空公司、丽思-卡尔顿酒店等企业凭借数据分析获得高额利润的秘诀:找到20%的高价值用户,获得80%的利润。
真正的利润:从来没有一家公司因为盈利而破产(德)赫尔曼 西蒙 著;吴振阳, 祝亚雄 等译 机械工业出版社“隐形冠军之父”、全球管理大师赫尔曼·西蒙教授凭借多年的学术研究和实践经验,全面解析了利润作为企业最终目标的重要性。书中详细探讨了利润的定义、特征及其在市场经济中的作用,深入分析了不同国家和地区以及行业的利润状况,并针对性地提出了提高利润的系统性解决方案。通过对价格、销量和成本三大利润驱动因素的深入剖析,西蒙教授为企业实现利润zui da化提供了实用的策略和工具。
斯图尔特 沃纳, 赛义姆 侯赛因 著 ; 韩洪灵, 刘强 译 中国人民大学出版社本书第一版自2017年问世以来,在全球范围内受到企业管理人员以及非财务专业人士的青睐与追捧。该书涵盖财务会计与财务管理的基本概念与内容,用简练的语言介绍抽象的财务基础概念。每章提供生动有趣的小专栏:“一分钟小结”“敲黑板”“涨知识”“小课堂”“想一想”“看报表”等,吸引读者阅读和思考。将现实公司案例与报表数据贯穿全书,每章的“实务关注点”小专栏有助于读者了解不同行业、不同公司、不同部门的实践和需要关注的要点。各章相对独立,涵盖一个特定的领域,读者不需要从头到尾读完就能对财务有一定的理解。
郑登津 著 人民邮电出版社本书结合中国资本市场的前沿政策和实务案例,对公司治理进行了较全面的理论论述和案例分析。首先,本书介绍了公司治理的内涵和主要问题,并对内部治理机制和外部治理机制进行了重点分析。其次,在新时代的背景下,公司治理也发生了变化,所以本书进一步分析了公司治理的新问题、新矛盾及创新治理机制。最后,本书对财务信息如何助力公司治理决策进行了详细的分析。
融资与企业动态:理论机制与中国实践冯玲 著 人民出版社本书从我国经济主体进出市场的动态演进和企业融资方式多元化发展的视角,结合改革开放以来我国经济积极融入国际大循环的经验,探讨了融资约束如何影响我国企业进出市场决策,以及我国企业进出市场动态如何与融资决策相互交织等问题。本书研究表明,企业融资多样性和企业生产、进出市场决策、贸易决策之间相互掣肘、相互激励,会深刻地影响我国金融政策、创新创业政策和贸易政策的制定与实施效果,对我国加快建设现代金融,服务经济高质量发展,推动更高水平开放型经济新体制建设至关重要。
科学的生意:生物技术公司如何赚到钱(美)加里 P. 皮萨诺 著 ; 袁源 译 人民邮电出版社本书由哈佛商学院教授加里.P. 皮萨诺撰写,深入探讨了生物技术公司如何实现盈利。书中分析了生物技术行业的发展历史、商业模式以及面临的挑战,特别是在风险管理、整合知识和持续学习方面。本书认为,要充分发挥生物技术的潜力,需要创新的组织结构和商业模式,以及适应科学进步的制度支持。书中结合案例研究和实证数据,为生物技术和制药行业的管理者、投资者和政策制定者提供了宝贵的洞见。
我在硅谷管芯片:芯片设计公司运营之道俞志宏 编著 清华大学出版社本书详细介绍先进芯片设计公司在拥有知识产权后委托产业链合作伙伴生产的前提下,公司运营和管理的诸多细节。总结了芯片设计公司从零起步的实际运营操作,具体包括公司组织架构设计,确认目标市场,管理供应链,具体产品的立项、研发、测试,公司的质量管理,IT系统管理,大规模生产和产品营销等内容。
蛋壳乾坤:一家中国企业的全球突围 : 1923-1949张跃, 周建波 著 社会科学文献出版社本书讲述了茂昌蛋品公司在20世纪动荡岁月中崛起的历史,兼及郑源兴从宁波农家少年成长为跨国公司企业家的人生经历。在中国企业面临贸易保护主义抬头、技术“卡脖子”等难题的今天,本书围绕企业家精神所提供的一系列经济史侧写,或可带来一些灵感与启发。
浪潮将至:技术、权利与未来的冲击(英)穆斯塔法 苏莱曼,迈克尔 巴斯卡尔 著; 贾海波 译 中信出版社
大国的命运:从政治危机到国家现代化包刚升 著 浙江人民出版社
易中天 著 浙江文艺出版社
信风万里:17世纪耶稣会中国年信研究刘耿 著, 董少新 主编 浙江人民出版社
黄德海 著 上海文艺出版社
(英)莱亚 乌皮 著;吴文权 译 上海三联书店1979年出生的莱亚·乌皮在阿尔巴尼亚长大,一个拥有独特历史又鲜为外人知的东欧国家。那些年,那里的人们怀揣着乌托邦理想,外人几乎无法访问,而生活于其中的人几乎无法离开。它是一个物质匮乏、买东西需要排队的地方,一个充满秘密和不可说的地方。对莱亚而言,那里是家,邻里之间互助,长辈期待孩子们能创造一个更好的世界。那里有她的共同体和希望。
宁高宁 著 中信出版集团股份有限公司
折腾不止:西贝创始人贾国龙的成败与蓝图李翔 著 中信出版社本书是李翔对西贝创始人贾国龙的访谈实录。西贝是中餐餐饮连锁品牌的翘楚,中餐标准化和不断创新是这家公司和创始人的特点。从2022年疫情刚结束到2023年,李翔对贾国龙进行了三次访谈,阐述了西贝如何平稳地渡过特殊时期、贾国龙多年来对第二曲线的探索和实践以及贾国龙在质疑中折腾、在折腾中质疑的创业和奋斗经历。本书记录了20世纪60年代的典型创业者在中国三十年的变革中不断奋斗的故事,能让创业在了解市场动态、决策企业方向中探索机会,能让中国管理者在组织管理、绩效优化等问题上获得启发,也能大众读者获得持续奋斗的勇气和激励。
(英)保罗 戴维斯 著 ; 王培 译 中信出版集团
Shocks, crises, and false alarms:how to assess true macroeconomic riskBy Philipp Carlsson-Szlezak Harvard Business Review Press
In this perspective-shifting book, BCG Chief Economist Philipp Carlsson-Szlezak and Senior Economist Paul Swartz provide a fresh and accessible way to assess macroeconomic risk. Casting doubt on conventional model-based thinking, they demonstrate a more powerful approach to building sound macroeconomic judgment. Using incisive analysis built upon frameworks, historical context, and structural narratives—what they call "economic eclecticism"—the book empowers readers with the durable skills to assess continuously evolving risks in the real economy, the financial system, and the geopolitical arena. Moreover, the authors' more nuanced approach reveals that the all-too-common narratives of economic collapse and decline are often false alarms themselves, while the fundamental strengths of our current "era of tightness" become visible.
Making sense of chaos:a better economics for a better worldBy J. Doyne Farmer Yale University PressUsing big data and ever more powerful computers, we are now able for the first time to apply complex systems science to economic activity, building realistic models of the global economy. The resulting simulations and the emergent behavior we observe form the cornerstone of the science of complexity economics, allowing us to test ideas and make significantly better economic predictions—to better address the hard problems facing the world.
Euroshock:how the largest debt restructuring in history helped save Greece and preserve the EurozoneBy Charles H. Dallara Rodin Books, Inc.The inside story of the unprecedented restructuring of Greece’s debt in 2012—the largest restructuring in history—and how the Eurozone was stabilized and Greece was saved from exit from the Euro and economic calamity. In the fall of 2009, the world economy was beginning to recover from the global financial crisis that had shaken global markets and had led to a sharp recession. At the same time, Europe was entering a new phase of economic stress. By the spring of 2011, the European economy had exploded into a full-blown crisis with Greece at the center. The euro, a currency just over a decade old, was under severe pressure and there was growing speculation about Greece leaving the Eurozone and thereby fracturing the common currency, leading potentially to an unraveling of the euro. Against this backdrop, urgent negotiations were launched to pull Greece and Europe back from the brink of disaster. This is the inside story of those negotiations.
Money in the twenty-first century:cheap, mobile, and digitalBy Prof. Richard Holden University of California Press
Money is increasingly cheap, digital, and mobile. In Money in the Twenty-First Century, economist Richard Holden examines the virtues and risks of low interest rates, mobile money, and cryptocurrencies, and explains how these three elemental forces will continue to play out—in our wallets, on the blockchain, and throughout major economies—in the decades to come.
Money and promises:seven deals that changed the worldBy Paolo Zannoni Columbia Business School PublishingIn Money and Promises, the distinguished banker, executive, and historian Paolo Zannoni examines the complex relationship between states and banks that has changed the world. Drawing on in-depth archival research, he explores seven case studies: the republic of Pisa, seventeenth-century Venice, the early years of the Bank of England, imperial Spain, the Kingdom of Naples, the nascent United States during the American Revolution, and Bolshevik Russia in 1917 through 1923. Zannoni also tells the story of how the Continental Congress established the first public bank in North America, exploring the roles of Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, and Alexander Hamilton. Spanning many countries, political systems, and historical eras, this book shows that at the heart of these institutions is an intricate exchange of debts and promises that shaped the modern world as we know it.
Web3 in financial services:how blockchain, digital assets and crypto are disrupting traditional financeBy Rita Martins Kogan Page LimitedWeb3 in Financial Services explains what Web3 means for finance, outlining its key use cases and exploring the unique business opportunities and challenges it presents. It clarifies key developments such as custody, stablecoins, CDBCs and tokenized deposits, payments, asset tokenization, DeFi and digital identity. Investigating how organizations are testing and adopting these emergent technologies, the book is supported by cutting-edge, real-life examples from incumbents and challengers alike, including Fidelity Digital Assets, J.P. Morgan ONYX, Coinbase, Anchorage Digital, Circle, Ripple and Aave. The book reviews what's at stake for major ecosystem players such as banks, investors and regulators and appraises the changes still needed to enable more mainstream adoption of Web3.
The journey of leadership:how CEOs learn to lead from the inside outBy Dana Maor Portolio
When the pressure is on, many of the world’s top CEOs turn to McKinsey & Company to reinvent themselves and their organizations. The Journey of Leadership brings the experience of one of the world’s most influential consulting firms right to your fingertips.
This book is the first-ever explanation of McKinsey’s step-by-step approach to transforming leaders both professionally and personally, including revealing lessons from its legendary CEO leadership program, The Bower Forum, which has counseled more than five hundred global CEOs over the past decade. It is a journey that helps leaders hone the psychological, emotional, and, ultimately, human attributes that result in success in today’s most demanding top job.
Strategy and leadership as service:how the access economy meets the c-suiteBy Sara Daw RoutledgeStrategy and Leadership as Service isn’t just a nice idea; it is a practical, alternative vision of the future of work for senior executives that is starting to gain significant interest and is being adopted by businesses globally. Disrupting and challenging the traditional full-time employment model, the Strategy and Leadership as Service framework provides businesses with access to the complete range of functional, emotional, and collective intelligence at the C-suite level by moving their positions from the “pay-roll” to an “access-role.”
The new nimble:leading in the age of changeBy Jay Sullivan WileyIn The New Nimble: Leading in the Age of Change, accomplished author, professor, and consultant Jay Sullivan delivers a clear, tangible, and actionable guide to implementing flexibility and creativity in your enterprise. Through interviews with senior leaders from a wide array of industries and disciplines, the author shows you the trends and behaviors that allowed successful organizations to navigate the changing realities and complexities that have defined recent years, including the COVID-19 crisis, the increasing awareness of racial injustice in society, and the January 6th insurrection. This book demonstrates how organizations can internalize and institutionalize lessons from recent paradigm shifts in thinking and learn how to apply those lessons to their everyday operations and to prepare for the next major challenge.
The year in tech 2025:the insights you need from Harvard Business ReviewBy Harvard Business Review Harvard Business Review PressGenerative AI, biometrics, spatial computing, electric vehicles—new technologies like these are reshaping organizations at the hybrid office, on factory floors, and in the C-suite. What should you and your company be doing now to take advantage of the new opportunities these technologies are creating—and avoid falling victim to disruption?
The Year in Tech 2025: The Insights You Need from Harvard Business Review will help you understand what the latest and most important tech innovations mean for your organization and how you can use them to compete and win in today’s turbulent business environment.
ESG:the insights you need from Harvard Business ReviewBy Harvard Business Review Harvard Business Review PressEmbracing ESG—environmental, social, and governance goals—isn't just the right thing to do. It's good business. Companies that don't address their material long-term risks may save a few dollars today, but they're putting themselves, their stakeholders, and their investors in jeopardy.
ESG: The Insights You Need from Harvard Business Review will help you move past the noise and political debates to execute an ESG strategy that best fits your business. You'll discover how to link ESG targets to financial performance, when and how to respond to social issues, and where governance needs to adapt to meet a changing world.
The Harvard Business Review sales management handbook:how to lead high-performing sales teamsBy Prabhakant Sinha Harvard Business Review PressWith actionable insights and examples from many industries worldwide, the HBR Sales Management Handbook provides the resources you need to build value for your company, your customers, and your sales teams. The book covers the fundamentals every sales manager needs to know and explores today's most challenging issues around digital: bringing value to informed and self-sufficient customers while managing the business; hiring, developing, and retaining the best talent; managing sales in the remote, multichannel world; using AI and analytics to support critical decisions; navigating change with continuous improvement; and building the next generation of sales information hubs.
Results, not reports:building exceptional organizations by integrating process, performance, and peopleBy Peter Follows Forbes BooksWith Results, Not Reports, Peter Follows, CEO of Carpedia International, provides business leaders with a framework for lasting improvements in performance and profitability. Carpedia has a remarkable success rate in large-scale improvement programs, helping clients achieve their improvement goals over 90 percent of the time. In this book, Peter explains how to achieve sustainable improvement through the dynamic management of process, performance, and people, emphasizing that all three components have an interdependent relationship and that the key is to address them concurrently.
Wiring the winning organization:liberating our collective greatness through slowification, simplification, and amplificationBy Gene Kim IT Revolution, Independent Publisher Since 2013In their eagerly awaited book, Kim and Spear bring to light a new theory of high-achieving organizations. They examine how companies solve the most important problems better, faster, and easier than their competitors by quickly and regularly closing the gap between aspirations and real-world success. This book teaches companies that are struggling to perform how to achieve the continual greatness seen in the best of the best.
This groundbreaking theory of organizational advantage details three components: simplification, slowification, and amplification. These create coherence across large, complex organizations, empowering them to architect enviable success in the market.
Bankable business plans:a successful entrepreneur's guide to starting and growing any businessBy Edward G. Rogoff Prospecta PressThe secrets behind creating compelling and successful business plans that are sure to attract financial backers and help business owners stay on track are revealed step-by-step in this invaluable guide. Containing clear, detailed explanations of the guidelines that banks, venture capital firms, and the Small Business Administration (SBA) use to grant loans and other financial support to businesses, this crucial resource equips potential business owners with a wealth of knowledge on lending procedures.
(Re)Value:Raise Your Prices and Build Your LegacyBy Adam Wallace Business Expert PressPricing power is a simple concept, yet so many successful people overlook it, leaving money on the table. It's not about charging more; it's about discovering the only type of value your customers will pay more for. Not all value is equal. Want to 2X your earnings? If you operate with a 15-percent profit margin, you could grow your business by 100 percent, managing twice the resources and doubling your complexity. Or you could simply increase your pricing power by 15 percent. While few know how, the companies, leaders, and productive individuals embracing the lessons of Re-Valuing do it every day.
Powerful phrases for dealing with workplace conflict:what to say next to de-stress the workday, build collaboration, and calm difficult customersBy Karin Hurt Harpercollins LeadershipPowerful Phrases for Dealing with Workplace Conflict is an essential resource for all employees (and their managers) who are looking for help on how to navigate frequent workplace conflicts, including with their boss and other difficult people, so they can rebuild trust, collaboration, and ultimately enjoy more influence at work.
Write your business plan:your step-by-step guide to building a thriving businessBy The Staff of Entrepreneur Media Entrepreneur PressWrite Your Business Plan is the essential guide that leads you through the most critical startup step next to committing to your business vision—writing your business plan. Whether you’re just starting out or already running a business, to successfully build a company, you need a plan. One that lays out your product, your strategy, your market, your team, and your opportunity. It is the blueprint for your business. The experts at Entrepreneur and Eric Butow will show you how to create it.
Business Enterprises
The disruptors:how 15 successful businesses defied the normBy Sally Percy Kogan Page
In The Disruptors, leading business journalist Sally Percy investigates the stories behind some of the world's most innovative businesses, who took unconventional and trailblazing approaches to overcome the competition and achieve success. Spotify, Nintendo, TikTok and A24. These are all businesses that have taken disruptive pathways to success and have redefined their industries. The Disruptors dives into the strategies behind these stories, offering valuable insights into innovative and daring entrepreneurship.
Difficult conversations don't have to be difficult:a simple, smart way to make your relationships and team betterBy Jon Gordon John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
In Difficult Conversations Don’t Have to be Difficult: A Simple, Smart Way to Make Your Relationships and Team Better, bestselling author Jon Gordon and veteran human resources professional and executive coach Amy P. Kelly deliver an engaging and inspiring new take on how to make tough workplace conversations an asset in building a stronger team and organization.
The book, written as a business fable, follows Ruth, the CEO of a successful multinational company who has been instructed by her board to prepare her company for sale. Along the way, she must lead an underperforming and dysfunctional team to set aside their differences and work together toward a common goal. This includes growing herself while elevating her team’s performance.
By Kyle Jensen The MIT Press
Entrepreneurship is now everywhere on college campuses: from classes and contests to accelerators and incubators spread across diverse departments and programs. These activities cultivate tomorrow’s Facebooks and Googles but can also put profit in conflict with pedagogy. Should faculty keep information about student start-ups confidential? Should universities, or educators personally, invest in student start-ups? Should educators adjudicate disputes between student founders? In The Ethics of Entrepreneurship Education, Kyle Jensen addresses these questions and many others.
This book fills a significant hole in the literature and helps readers think through the everyday ethical problems that arise in campus entrepreneurship. Jensen draws on economics literature, normative ethics, the wisdom of antiquity, and stories from his own wide-ranging experience to guide the discussion, while mixing in a good deal of wit and levity.
Computer Science
Generative AI:navigating the course to the artificial general intelligence futureBy Martin Musiol John Wiley & Sons
In Generative AI: Navigating the Course to the Artificial General Intelligence Future, Martin Musiol delivers an incisive and one-of-a-kind discussion of the current capabilities, future potential, and inner workings of generative artificial intelligence. In the book, you'll explore the short but eventful history of generative artificial intelligence, what it's achieved so far, and how it's likely to evolve in the future. You'll also get a peek at how emerging technologies are converging to create exciting new possibilities in the GenAI space.
The heart and the chip:our bright future with robotsBy Daniela Rus W.W. Norton & CompanyIn The Heart and the Chip, roboticist Daniela Rus and science writer Gregory Mone provide an overview of the interconnected fields of robotics, artificial intelligence, and machine learning, and reframe the way we think about intelligent machines while weighing the moral and ethical consequences of their role in society. Robots aren’t going to steal our jobs: they’re going to make us more capable, productive, and precise.
Nexus:a brief history of information networks from the Stone Age to AIBy Yuval Noah Harari Random House
Nexus looks through the long lens of human history to consider how the flow of information has shaped us, and our world. Taking us from the Stone Age, through the canonization of the Bible, early modern witch-hunts, Stalinism, Nazism, and the resurgence of populism today, Yuval Noah Harari asks us to consider the complex relationship between information and truth, bureaucracy and mythology, wisdom and power. He explores how different societies and political systems throughout history have wielded information to achieve their goals, for good and ill. And he addresses the urgent choices we face as non-human intelligence threatens our very existence.
The future-proof career:strategies for thriving at every stageBy Isabel Berwick Pavilion
An accessible and approachable guide to work and careers from a trusted and authoritative source. The Future-Proof Career looks at the new way of working in a post-pandemic world and shows you how to make work work for you, no matter what stage of your career you’re at.
Whether you’re the boss, the deputy or on your way up, the way we’re working in a post-pandemic world is forever changed and it’s important to make your work work for you. This is a book about how to do work differently, written by the host of the award-winning Financial Times ‘Working It’ podcast. Packed with expert analysis and ahead-of-the-curve workplace trends, this book looks at the big ideas shaping the world of work today and the old habits we need to lose, examining these pressing topics in depth and bringing in expert opinion and personal experience, with key takeaways summarised at the end of each chapter.