The E-resources purchased by China Europe International Business School Library (“CEIBS Library”) are only available to CEIBS faculty, staff and students (“Users”). The CEIBS Library E-resources include E-databases, E-books, E-journals and so on. In order to protect the intellectual property rights of E-resources, and to guarantee /library-database/copyright-statement-electronic-resourcesthe legal rights of Users, CEIBS library appeals to all Users to abide by the regulations on intellectual property rights of E-resources.

  1. Only Users may access the E-Resources of CEIBS library. The User account should not be transferred to others.
  2. Users may search and download or otherwise retrieve data or content, for the purposes of personal study, research or personal appreciation, or for use in classroom teaching or research. The name of the author and the title of the work should be mentioned. Users should not use data or content for publishing for distribution, broadcasting by wire or wireless means, or commercial activities and other activities beyond fair use, or for commercial purposes.
  3. Users are forbidden to maliciously download CEIBS Library E-resources. The continuous, systematic or centralized downloading or batch downloading by means of network downloading tools will be deemed as malicious downloading. Crawling of data by automated scripts or query tools is strictly prohibited.
  4. Users should not pass on any retrieved information to non-users, or republish E-resources by any means.
  5. CEIBS Library has the right to monitor Users’ usage of CEIBS library E-resources. Users' use of CEIBS Library E-resources shall be deemed as consent for the CEIBS Library to monitor downloads of E-resources by users for the purpose of this use code. CEIBS Library has the right to disable accounts of the malicious user who are engaged in excessive downloading of CEIBS library E-resources.
  6. CEIBS Library reserves the right to warn malicious Users, terminate malicious Users’ accounts and take legal action against malicious Users. Users should bear the responsibility arising from breaching the terms of this use code.

This use code is written in Chinese and English. The Chinese version is regarded as the standard use code. CEIBS Library has the right to interpret and modify this user code.

IT and Library Centre
